Autor: B.M. Bower

Cabin Fever

B.M. Bower

A classic tale of the Old West by B.M. Bower. This one is one of her earliest (1918). This was an interesting story about a man who quarrels with his young wife and goes out into the world to try to forget her. Cabin Fever gets Bud Moore into a peck of trouble now and then. Bud is a bit too trustful of strangers and before he knows it, he has injected himself into a situation that could prove to be disastrous. Bud then heads for the hills and meets up with another stranger. Then, one day, Bud finds a child who has been stolen by an Indian squaw and takes him in. How will the childs presence change the two hardened men? The surprise ending is a nice touch, by the author.


Casey Ryan

B.M. Bower

American author Bertha Muzzy Sinclair (18711940) was known by her pen name B. M. Bower. She wrote novels and screenplays, mainly about the American Wild West. This is one of her novels. Casey Ryan loves speed but his passion led to his unemployment. He, known as the most reckless stage driver ever to carry the mail, was bitten by the speed bug and deserted his stage coach for a Ford; but not even a Ford could stand Caseys handling and he eventually found himself bereft of machine, job, and bankroll. To rebuild his fallen fortunes Casey must search out a legendary gold mine, the secret of Injun Jim. Thats when Casey discovered his other passion: hunting for a missing treasure.


Chip of the Flying U

B.M. Bower

Chip of the Flying U, published in 1906, was B.M. Bowers first and best-known novel. The story is about a cattle ranch, run by a group of happy and hilarious young men, and owned by a crusty older man. Chip is a colorful young man who works as a cow puncher in Montana. He is the typical woman-shy cowboy, but he is also a gifted artist. Well, one day, his boss announces that his (the bosss) sister is done with her doctor training and coming out to the ranch. And guess who gets to pick her up? Thereafter the Little Doctor begins to make the ranch feel like a different place entirely, especially in Chips own heart. The result as a quality ranch romance.


Cow Country

B.M. Bower

This is a solid, basic cowboy story from B. M. Bower, an early work of hers on the standard ranching setting she writes many more times. This is one of her stories. This follows the life of a boy from very early youth until he finds his own way and establishes his name. Through hazards, difficulties and dangers, Bob sets out to discover life for himself. With awfully wild terrain and red-Indians around him, he has to find his way. More than the threats posed by nature are those that are created by other humans. A tale of swashbuckling adventures! B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance often with surprise endings.


Dark Horse

B.M. Bower

Around 1900 Bower started to write about the wild west and she was one of a few women writers that wrote like a man and fooled most of her readers at the time. Not afraid to write about the violent times she is one of the best western writers ever, that this book is one of her finest of her character creations. Medicine was a hero among the cowhands of the Flying U after he saved the stranger on horseback who had been struck by lightning. However, their mysterious guest seemed to have amnesia and couldnt remember who he was, so they called him Nameless. A fantastic sequel to Chip of the Flying U, Dark Horse is not to be missed by fans of Bowers wonderful work.


Flying U Ranch

B.M. Bower

Trailblazing female Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower wrote a series of pulse-pounding novels about the grizzled vaqueros and cowpokes who populated the Flying U Ranch. This book is about a ranch called Flying U Ranch. Thousands of sheep invaded the coulee. The Ranch brings back a happy family of cowboys introduced in Chip of the Flying U that also took place at the Flying U ranch. Fleshed out with meticulous details about the period and plenty of action, Flying U Ranch is a must-read for fans of the genre. Like all of Bowers tales, this one was a great mix of humor, authentic cowboy action, and enough drama to add a taste of spice.


Fools Goal

B.M. Bower

B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance often with surprise endings. They are historical reminiscences of pioneers among the sage and bush, clearing the way for a new America. This is one of her stories. A man travels from Montana to San Jose to show a girl how the wide West breeds wider morals. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Whether youre a first-time reader or a long-time fan, Fools Goal will surely please fans of classic Westerns.


Good Indian

B.M. Bower

Good Indian is a foster son of a western ranch owner. Considered as the eldest son, Good Indian plays a pivot role when the family ranch is attacked by scheming, gold prospectors. He is taken by the beauty of one fragile girl who cannot understand the western customs. His partner and supporter, Georgie Howard, quells her love for him, when they both go through the legal battle of the family ranch. Bower gives the reader an excellent portrayal of a man loved by more than one woman. All that entwined with three lovely women with completely different characters, a group of native Americans, and some interesting family dynamics transformed this saga into a good read.