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Entrepreneurship Education Built Upon the Concepts of Experience and Responsibility

Entrepreneurship Education Built Upon the Concepts of Experience and Responsibility

Agnieszka Kurczewska

The heart of this monograph is to revisit existing knowledge on experiential pedagogy and then combine it with somehow forgotten concept of responsibility in order to enhance the fundaments of entrepreneurship education. This monograph aims to contribute to the dynamically developing fields of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. This contribution is a refreshed, experience and responsibility-based, view into the learning process. lncluding these two concepts into theory and practice of entrepreneurship education and also investigating them from different perspectives may result in rethinking and advancing the way entrepreneurship education is executed. The monograph is an invitation to the discussion on entrepreneurship education and its foundations. lt tries to provide same answers to numerous questions, but also leaves a lot of them open, thus stimulates further reflections and research, exploring different facets and nuances of experiences and responsibility and their roles in entrepreneurship education. 
Introduction. Towards the practical but theory-driven approach in entrepreneurship education 11

Chapter I. The essence of entrepreneurship education 27
Introduction 27
1.1. Current research status of entrepreneurship education. Theory versus practice 28
1.1.1. Challenges and paradoxes of contemporary entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education fields of study 28
1.1.2. Philosophical and practical approaches to entrepreneurship education and their evolutions 32
1.1.3. Pedagogies in entrepreneurship education 37
1.1.4. Common problems in practice of teaching entrepreneurship 42
1.2. Learning process as a core of entrepreneurial processes and entrepreneurship education 45
1.2.1. The characteristics of entrepreneurial learning process 45
1.2.2. Entrepreneurial thinking theories 49
1.3. Entrepreneurial intentions and opportunities in entrepreneurial learning process 51
1.4. The cognitive, conative and affective constructs in entrepreneurial learning 55

Chapter II. The foundations of experience-based learning and education 59
Introduction 59
2.1. The philosophical foundations of experience-based learning and education 60
2.1.1. Philosophy of education and experience – historical review from Ancient Greece up to 20th century 60
2.1.2. 20th century: American pragmatism and Dewey’s concept of experience and experience-based education 67
2.2. The psychological foundations of experience-based learning and education 75
2.2.1. Behaviouristic idea of learning from consequences 76
2.2.2. Cognitive development through experience 78
2.2.3. Cognitive load theory 79
2.2.4. Social psychology and experiential learning 80
2.2.5. Social learning theory 81
2.2.6. Self-regulated learning 83
2.3. Pedagogy of experience 85
2.4. The concept of experience in contemporary education theories 89
2.4.1. Action learning 89
2.4.2. Transformative learning and critical reflection 92
2.4.3. Learning as a cycle and different learning styles 95
2.4.4. Humanistic approach to learning from experience 103
2.4.5. Modern constructivism and learning 104
2.5. The fundaments of experiential learning and experience-based education 106

Chapter III. Towards the theory of entrepreneurial praxis 111
Introduction 111
3.1. Different elements of the learning process in experience-based entrepreneurship education 112
3.1.1. Action in entrepreneurship education 113
3.1.2. Reflection in entrepreneurship education 114
3.1.3. Experiences in entrepreneurship education 116
3.2. Advanced learning perspectives in entrepreneurship field 117
3.2.1. Dynamic learning perspective of entrepreneurship and critical experiences 117
3.2.2. Experiential learning in the context of entrepreneurial opportunities 118
3.2.3. Entrepreneurial learning as an experiential process 119
3.2.4. Lessons from contemporary understanding of experiential learning in entrepreneurship education 123
3.3. Towards the entrepreneurial praxis 125
3.3.1. Characteristics of entrepreneurial praxis 125
3.3.2. Entrepreneurship as a research field built on entrepreneurial praxis 128

Chapter IV. Responsibility and entrepreneurship education 131
Introduction 131
4.1. Reasons behind responsibility-based learning. Education for social purpose 132
4.2. The fundaments of entrepreneurial responsibility 137
4.2.1. Entrepreneur as homo ethicus 141
4.2.2. Retrospective and prospective entrepreneurial responsibility 143
4.3. Towards the theory of entrepreneurial responsibility in entrepreneurship education 144

Conclusions 149
References 155
List of tables 171
List of figures 173
  • Titel: Entrepreneurship Education Built Upon the Concepts of Experience and Responsibility
  • Autor: Agnieszka Kurczewska
  • ISBN: 978-83-808-8043-6, 9788380880436
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2016-06-09
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_05w3
  • Verleger: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego