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Investing in Children. Innovative Solutions to Improve Children's Well-Being

Investing in Children. Innovative Solutions to Improve Children's Well-Being

Paulina Bunio-Mroczek, Jolanta Grotowska-Leder

Eлектронна книга

The book contains inspiring work on multiple innovative solutions focused on improving well-being of children and youth in the childrenfocused perspective with reflection in academic theory, research and publications, and social policy documents and tools. lt presents papers prepared by authors representing international academic institutions (i.e. Department of Applied Sociology and Social Work, University of Łódź), public policy entities (i.e. the European Commission, the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Poland) and non-governmental organizations (i.e. Eurochild, European Social Network). The book presents the discussion of such problems like: children's rights, child poverty and social exclusion, early years care and education, children in alternative care, children's health and family, parental and children support.

Paulina Bunio-Mroczek, Jolanta Grotowska-Leder, Investing in children innovative

solutions to improve children’s well-being. Introduction 7

Section one. Social investments, campaigning and advocacy for children: European and Polish perspective 13

Julius op de Beke, The case for investing in young children 15

Alfonso Lara Montero, Investing in children’s services, improving outcomes. A study of the organisation and implementation of children’s services in response to European recommendations 21

Agata D’Addato, Katerina Nanou, Money, influence and mind-sets: How can advocacy and research help the EU to be a positive force for change in children’s lives? 41

Agnieszka Golczyńska-Grondas, “Investing in Children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage” EU Recommendation – some remarks on the situation of Polish adolecents 51

Section two. Investing in children: instruments and results 79

Marek Rymsza, Investment in children as a public good : the example of the Family 500+ Programme 81

Almudena Moreno Mínguez, Effects of early childhood education on school achievement and inequality in Spain: the value of early childhood education 95

Piotr Michoń, Mothers’ employment and its consequences for investment in children 113

Johanna M. Thomas, Shaun A. Thomas, Understanding early childhood truancy: the influence of life course studies on evidence-based interventions 129

About the Authors 147

  • Назва: Investing in Children. Innovative Solutions to Improve Children's Well-Being
  • Автор: Paulina Bunio-Mroczek, Jolanta Grotowska-Leder
  • ISBN: 978-83-814-2109-6, 9788381421096
  • Дата видання: 2018-07-30
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_0x1w
  • Видавець: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego