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Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing. The ultimate defense against complex organized threats and attacks

Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing. The ultimate defense against complex organized threats and attacks

Michael McPhee

You will start by delving into some common web application architectures in use, both in private and public cloud instances. You will also learn about the most common frameworks for testing, such as OWASP OGT version 4, and how to use them to guide your efforts. In the next section, you will be introduced to web pentesting with core tools and you will also see how to make web applications more secure through rigorous penetration tests using advanced features in open source tools. The book will then show you how to better hone your web pentesting skills in safe environments that can ensure low-risk experimentation with the powerful tools and features in Kali Linux that go beyond a typical script-kiddie approach. After establishing how to test these powerful tools safely, you will understand how to better identify vulnerabilities, position and deploy exploits, compromise authentication and authorization, and test the resilience and exposure applications possess.

By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the web service architecture to identify and evade various protection mechanisms that are used on the Web today. You will leave this book with a greater mastery of essential test techniques needed to verify the secure design, development, and operation of your customers' web applications.
  • 1. Common Web Applications and Architectures
  • 2. Guidelines for Preparation and Testing
  • 3. Stalking Prey Through Target Recon
  • 4. Scanning for Vulnerabilities with Arachni
  • 5. Proxy Operations with OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite
  • 6. Infiltrating Sessions via Cross-Site Scripting
  • 7. Injection and Overflow Testing
  • 8. Exploiting Trust Through Cryptography Testing
  • 9. Stress Testing Authentication and Session Management
  • 10. Launching Client-Side Attacks
  • 11. Breaking the Application Logic
  • 12. Educating the Customer and Finishing Up
  • Titel: Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing. The ultimate defense against complex organized threats and attacks
  • Autor: Michael McPhee
  • Originaler Titel: Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing. The ultimate defense against complex organized threats and attacks
  • ISBN: 9781784396213, 9781784396213
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-06-28
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_15l5
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing