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Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition

Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition

Romeo Kienzler

Apache Spark is an in-memory, cluster-based Big Data processing system that provides a wide range of functionalities such as graph processing, machine learning, stream processing, and more. This book will take your knowledge of Apache Spark to the next level by teaching you how to expand Spark’s functionality and build your data flows and machine/deep learning programs on top of the platform.

The book starts with a quick overview of the Apache Spark ecosystem, and introduces you to the new features and capabilities in Apache Spark 2.x. You will then work with the different modules in Apache Spark such as interactive querying with Spark SQL, using DataFrames and DataSets effectively, streaming analytics with Spark Streaming, and performing machine learning and deep learning on Spark using MLlib and external tools such as H20 and Deeplearning4j. The book also contains chapters on efficient graph processing, memory management and using Apache Spark on the cloud.

By the end of this book, you will have all the necessary information to master Apache Spark, and use it efficiently for Big Data processing and analytics.
  • 1. A first taste and what’s new in ApacheSpark V2
  • 2. Apache Spark SQL
  • 3. The Catalyst Optimizer
  • 4. Project Tungsten
  • 5. Apache Spark Streaming
  • 6. Structured Streaming
  • 7. Apache Spark MLlib
  • 8. Apache SparkML
  • 9. Apache SystemML
  • 10. DeepLearning on Apache Spark with DeepLearning4J, ApacheSystemML,H2O
  • 11. Apache Spark GraphX
  • 12. ApacheSpark GraphFrames
  • 13. ApacheSpark with Jupyter Notebooks on IBM DataScience Experience
  • 14. ApacheSpark on Kubernetes
  • Titel: Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition
  • Autor: Romeo Kienzler
  • Originaler Titel: Mastering Apache Spark 2.x. Advanced techniques in complex Big Data processing, streaming analytics and machine learning - Second Edition
  • ISBN: 9781785285226, 9781785285226
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-07-26
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_15mv
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing