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Python Network Programming Cookbook. Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges - Second Edition

Python Network Programming Cookbook. Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges - Second Edition

Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Gary Berger, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker

Python Network Programming Cookbook - Second Edition highlights the major aspects of network programming in Python, starting from writing simple networking clients to developing and deploying complex Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) systems. It creates the building blocks for many practical web and networking applications that rely on various networking protocols. It presents the power and beauty of Python to solve numerous real-world tasks in the area of network programming, network and system administration, network monitoring, and web-application development.
In this edition, you will also be introduced to network modelling to build your own cloud network. You will learn about the concepts and fundamentals of SDN and then extend your network with Mininet. Next, you’ll find recipes on Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) and open and proprietary SDN approaches and frameworks. You will also learn to configure the Linux Foundation networking ecosystem and deploy and automate your networks with Python in the cloud and the Internet scale.
By the end of this book, you will be able to analyze your network security vulnerabilities using advanced network packet capture and analysis techniques.

  • 1. Sockets, IPv4, and Simple Client/Server Programming
  • 2. Multiplexing Socket I/O for Better Performance
  • 3. IPv6, Unix Domain Sockets, and Network Interfaces
  • 4. Programming with HTTP for the Internet
  • 5. E-mail Protocols, FTP, and CGI Programming
  • 6. Programming Across Machine Boundaries
  • 7. Working with Web Services – XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST
  • 8. Network Monitoring and Security
  • 9. Network Modelling
  • 10. Getting Started with SDN
  • 11. Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
  • 12. Vendor Specific SDN Programming (Cisco, Juniper, VMware)
  • 13. NFV and Orchestration: A larger eco system
  • 14. Programming the Internet
  • Titel: Python Network Programming Cookbook. Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges - Second Edition
  • Autor: Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Gary Berger, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker
  • Originaler Titel: Python Network Programming Cookbook. Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges - Second Edition
  • ISBN: 9781786468475, 9781786468475
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-08-09
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_15nu
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing