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Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more

Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more

Dinesh Rajput

Design patterns help speed up the development process by offering well tested and proven solutions to common problems. These patterns coupled with the Spring framework offer tremendous improvements in the development process.

The book begins with an overview of Spring Framework 5.0 and design patterns. You will understand the Dependency Injection pattern, which is the main principle behind the decoupling process that Spring performs, thus making it easier to manage your code. You will learn how GoF patterns can be used in Application Design. You will then learn to use Proxy patterns in Aspect Oriented Programming and remoting. Moving on, you will understand the JDBC template patterns and their use in abstracting database access. Then, you will be introduced to MVC patterns to build Reactive web applications. Finally, you will move on to more advanced topics such as Reactive streams and Concurrency.

At the end of this book, you will be well equipped to develop efficient enterprise applications using Spring 5 with common design patterns
  • 1. Overview of Spring Framework 5.0 and Used Design Patterns
  • 2. Best Practices with Consideration of Patterns for Spring Application
  • 3. Consideration of Structural and Behavioural Patterns into Spring
  • 4. Wiring beans using Dependency Injection Pattern
  • 5. Understanding Bean Life cycle and Used Patterns
  • 6. Spring Aspect Oriented Programming with Proxy Pattern
  • 7. Accessing Database with spring and JDBC template patterns
  • 8. Accessing Database with spring and ORM template patterns
  • 9. Improving performance of Application using Caching patterns
  • 10. Implementing MVC pattern in a Web Application with Spring
  • 11. Using Reactive Pattern in Programming
  • 12. Implementing Concurrency Patterns
  • Titel: Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more
  • Autor: Dinesh Rajput
  • Originaler Titel: Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more
  • ISBN: 9781788299596, 9781788299596
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-10-06
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_15qv
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing