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R Data Analysis Projects. Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data

R Data Analysis Projects. Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data

Gopi Subramanian

Eлектронна книга
R offers a large variety of packages and libraries for fast and accurate data analysis and visualization. As a result, it’s one of the most popularly used languages by data scientists and analysts, or anyone who wants to perform data analysis. This book will demonstrate how you can put to use your existing knowledge of data analysis in R to build highly efficient, end-to-end data analysis pipelines without any hassle.

You’ll start by building a content-based recommendation system, followed by building a project on sentiment analysis with tweets. You’ll implement time-series modeling for anomaly detection, and understand cluster analysis of streaming data. You’ll work through projects on performing efficient market data research, building recommendation systems, and analyzing networks accurately, all provided with easy to follow codes.
With the help of these real-world projects, you’ll get a better understanding of the challenges faced when building data analysis pipelines, and see how you can overcome them without compromising on the efficiency or accuracy of your systems. The book covers some popularly used R packages such as dplyr, ggplot2, RShiny, and others, and includes tips on using them effectively.

By the end of this book, you’ll have a better understanding of data analysis with R, and be able to put your knowledge to practical use without any hassle.
  • 1. Building a Recommender System –I – A step by step approach to build Association Rule Mining
  • 2. Building a Recommender System II- Fuzzy Logic induced Content Based Recommendation
  • 3. Building a Recommender System III – Collaborative Filtering based recommendation systems
  • 4. Taming time series data – Time Series analysis using Recurrent Neural Networks
  • 5. Text Sentiment Classification using Kernel Density Estimates
  • 6. Record Linkage - Stochastic and Machine Learning Approaches
  • 7. Streaming data Clustering analysis in R
  • 8. Analyze and understand networks using R
  • Назва: R Data Analysis Projects. Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data
  • Автор: Gopi Subramanian
  • Оригінальна назва: R Data Analysis Projects. Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data
  • ISBN: 9781788620574, 9781788620574
  • Дата видання: 2017-11-17
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_15sk
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing