Details zum E-Book

In Trust

In Trust

Fred M. White


Friday is a busy night in Westbury, because this evening several thousand people get their weekly salary. There are spinning mills and iron foundries in Westbury, not to mention the growing shipping trade. Roland Thornycroft had the air of a dissipated man who carefully conceals his vices, and, truth to say, appearances were not far wide of the mark.On the one hand a burgeoning city, on the other a city where people work, unaware of time.

  • Titel: In Trust
  • Autor: Fred M. White
  • ISBN: 9788381629751, 9788381629751
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019-11-01
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_1d4v
  • Verleger: Ventigo Media