Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Computer in the office
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Multimedia trainings
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Social policy
- Guides
- Presentations
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- Public Relation
- Reports, analyses
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
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- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
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- Taxes
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Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
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- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
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- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
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- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Narrative poetry
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
School textbooks
Popular science and academic
- Archeology
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Cinema studies
- Philology
- Polish philology
- Philosophy
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- Educational aids
- Popular science
- Other
- Psychology
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- Theatre studies
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- Transport i spedycja
- Physical education
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Game guides
Professional and specialist guides
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- History
- Road Code. Driving license
- Law studies
- Healthcare
- General. Compendium of knowledge
- Academic textbooks
- Other
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- Criminal law. Criminal offenses. Criminology
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- International law
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- Public, constitutional and administrative law
- Family and Guardianship Code
- agricultural law
- Social law, labour law
- European Union law
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- Dictionaries and encyclopedia
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- Management
Tourist guides and travel
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- Philosophy of life
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- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Business and economy
- Bitcoin
- Businesswoman
- Coaching
- Controlling
- E-business
- Economy
- Finances
- Stocks and investments
- Personal competence
- Communication and negotiation
- Small company
- Marketing
- Motivation
- Real estate
- Persuasion and NLP
- Taxes
- Guides
- Presentations
- Leadership
- Public Relation
- Secret
- Social Media
- Sales
- Start-up
- Your career
- Management
- Project management
- Human Resources
For children
For youth
Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Computer science
Foreign languages
Culture and art
School reading books
- Antology
- Ballade
- Biographies and autobiographies
- For adults
- Dramas
- Diaries, memoirs, letters
- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
- Ebooks
- Popular science and academic
- Literary studies
- Romanica Silesiana. No 6: Postcolonialisme et fait littéraire
E-book details
Rédacteur en chef Krzysztof Jarosz, avec la collaboration de Buata B. Malela, textes réunis et établis par Aneta Chmiel, Zuzanna Szatanik, Ewelina Szymoniak, Andrzej Rabsztyn
Kolejny tom Romanica Silesiana poświęcony został tematyce postkolonialnej w literaturze kanadyjskiej, latynoamerykańskiej, włoskiej i francuskiej. Autorzy zmierzyli się z trudnymi, nierzadko pionierskimi problemami, podejmując zagadnienia nadal bolesne w sensie społecznym, politycznym, a także czysto ludzkim.
Inspiracją przedstawionych rozważań i analiz była lektura utworów takich pisarzy, jak: Chateaubriand, Victor Hugo, Tahar Ben Jelloun (L’Écrivain public i L’Enfant de sable), Jean-Luc Raharimanan (Za. Roman), Sergio Kokis (trylogia Saltimbanques, Kaléidoscope brisé i Le Magicien), Gail Scott (My Paris), Erminia Dell'Oro (L’abbandono. Una storia eritrea), Cristina Ali Farah (Madre piccola), Igiaba Scego (Oltre Babilonia), Renato Prada Oropeza (Mientras cae la noche), Horacio Castellanos Moya, Ricardo Piglia, Edmundo Paz Soldán, Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Daniel Moyano, Ananda Devi, Albert Cohen, Piotr Rawicz.
Table des matières
Mot de la Rédaction (Krzysztof Jarosz et Andrzej Rabsztyn) / 11
Buata B. Malela
Contre-postcolonialité de Chateaubriand et Victor Hugo. Discours littéraire et altérité minimale / 17
Hanna Mrozek-Granieczny
Deconstructing Colonial Misconceptions. Potlatch Ceremonies of Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations in Life Writing and Fictional Discourses / 35
Wiesława Kłosek
Dinamiche identitarie nel contesto coloniale ne L’abbandono. Una storia eritrea di Erminia Dell’Oro / 50
Ewa Kalinowska
Francophonie, concept postcolonial ? / 66
Michał Krzykawski
Réticences françaises à l’égard des Postcolonial Studies : entre le soubresaut républicain et le hoquet francophone / 76
Piotr Sadkowski
Langue (dé)colonisée, langue colonisatrice. La surconscience linguistique et la condition juive chez Albert Cohen et Piotr Rawicz / 89
Ewelina Szymoniak
Poemas al servicio de los grupos dominados : la identidad (afro)cubana y la poesia de Nicolás Guillén / 110
Nina Pluta
“Investigación” de los misterios familiares en el contexto de la historia reprimida (Ricardo Piglia, Edmundo Paz Soldán, Rodrigo Rey Rosa) / 133
Agnieszka Rzepa
“Impossible to break into nice free stroll”. Canadian Re-citations of Paris in Gail Scott’s My Paris / 148
Magdalena Zdrada-Cok
L’hybridité dans L’Écrivain public et L’Enfant de sable de Tahar Ben Jelloun / 160
Kenia Aubry
Una construcción posible de la identidad latinoamericana (Aprender a ser) / 181
Aneta Chmiel
Il nomadismo tra lingue e culture raccontato da Cristina Ali Farah nel romanzo Madre piccola / 202
Ewa Bodal
Woman as a Subaltern in Canadian Literature / 221
Weronika Mehlbauer
Daniel Moyano — el migrante de un incendio permanente y su condición del desarraigo — identidad entre la ciudad y las periferias, Buenos Aires y Madrid como un componente constitutivo de su literatura / 236
Joanna Janusz
Espressivismo linguistico e culturale in Oltre Babilonia di Igiaba Scego / 246
Małgorzata Puto
Dignità dello straniero. Da Sharmin a Walid: due immagini dell’immigrato in Italia a confronto / 263
Izabella Zatorska
Za m’eskuze... Za vous emmerde: entre le colonial et le postcolonial, le travail de mémoire dans la prose de Jean-Luc Raharimanana / 280
Katarzyna Wiśniewska
Les personnages marginalisés dans les romans d’Ananda Devi / 303
Adriana Sara Jastrzębska
Fuera del tiempo y del mundo. Literaturas centroamericana actuales frente a su historia reciente: Horacio Castellanos Moya / 321
Anna Żurawska
L’image postcoloniale de l’Amérique du Sud dans Saltimbanques, Kaléidoscope brisé et Le Magicien de Sergio Kokis / 342
Comptes rendus
Piotr Sadkowski : « Récits odysséens. Le thème du retour d’exil dans l’écriture migrante au Québec et en France ». Toruń, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2011 (Tina Mouneimné) / 361
Aleksandra Komandera : « Le Conte insolite français au XXe siècle ». Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2010 (Katarzyna Gadomska) / 367
Zuzanna Malinovská : « Puissance du romanesque. Regard extérieur sur quelques romans contemporains d’expression française ». Clermond-Ferrand, Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2009 (Magdalena Zdrada-Cok) / 370
« Quatre poètes dans l’Europe monde. Yves Bonnefoy, Michel Deguy, Márton Kalász, Wulf Kirsten ». Sous la direction de Stéphane Michaud. Clamecy, Klincksieck, 2009 (Andrzej Rabsztyn) / 373
- Title: Romanica Silesiana. No 6: Postcolonialisme et fait littéraire
- Author: red. Krzysztof Jarosz, oprac. Aneta Chmiel, Zuzanna Szatanik, Ewelina Szymoniak, Andrzej Rabsztyn
- ISBN: 2353-9887, 23539887
- Date of issue: 2016-03-15
- Format: Ebook
- Item ID: e_1p7y
- Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego