Деталі електронної книги

Lord Arthur Saviles Crime and Other Stories

Lord Arthur Saviles Crime and Other Stories

Oscar Wilde

Eлектронна книга

A pleasant short story about Sir Arthur Savile, charming in her naivety and hypertrophied in her nobility. Ironic humor, a beautiful syllable, wise quotes, an English spirit and a non-standard prose of life. At the dinner party, the young and noble Sir Arthur Savile finds out that from now on he does not allow him to live in peace and marry his girlfriend. After a night of thought, he makes a gentlemans decision, requiring him to act in a non-gentlemanly manner.

  • Назва: Lord Arthur Saviles Crime and Other Stories
  • Автор: Oscar Wilde
  • ISBN: 9788382171839, 9788382171839
  • Дата видання: 2020-07-13
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_1pfx
  • Видавець: Ventigo Media