Details zum E-Book

The Marriage of Esther. A Torres Straits Sketch

The Marriage of Esther. A Torres Straits Sketch

Guy Boothby


The Marriage of Esther, surrounded by a messy community of settlers on a remote island off the coast of Australia, combines the best qualities of a classic action-adventure film with an ingeniously crafted riddle and right in the middle of all this is a heartbreaking novel.

  • Titel: The Marriage of Esther. A Torres Straits Sketch
  • Autor: Guy Boothby
  • ISBN: 9788382172232, 9788382172232
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2020-07-13
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_1pgc
  • Verleger: Ventigo Media