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Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java. An architect's guide to building maintainable and change-tolerant applications with Java and Quarkus

Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java. An architect's guide to building maintainable and change-tolerant applications with Java and Quarkus

Davi Vieira

Eлектронна книга
Hexagonal architecture enhances developers' productivity by decoupling business code from technology code, making the software more change-tolerant, and allowing it to evolve and incorporate new technologies without the need for significant refactoring. By adhering to hexagonal principles, you can structure your software in a way that reduces the effort required to understand and maintain the code.
This book starts with an in-depth analysis of hexagonal architecture's building blocks, such as entities, use cases, ports, and adapters. You'll learn how to assemble business code in the Domain hexagon, create features by using ports and use cases in the Application hexagon, and make your software compatible with different technologies by employing adapters in the Framework hexagon. Moving on, you'll get your hands dirty developing a system based on a real-world scenario applying all the hexagonal architecture's building blocks. By creating a hexagonal system, you'll also understand how you can use Java modules to reinforce dependency inversion and ensure the isolation of each hexagon in the architecture. Finally, you'll get to grips with using Quarkus to turn your hexagonal application into a cloud-native system.
By the end of this hexagonal architecture book, you'll be able to bring order and sanity to the development of complex and long-lasting applications.
  • 1. Why Hexagonal Architecture?
  • 2. Wrapping Business Rules inside Domain Hexagon
  • 3. Handling Behavior with Ports and Use Cases
  • 4. Creating Adapters to Interact with the Outside World
  • 5. Exploring the Nature of Driving and Driven Operations
  • 6. Building the Domain Hexagon
  • 7. Building the Application Hexagon
  • 8. Building the Framework Hexagon
  • 9. Applying Dependency Inversion with Java Modules
  • 10. Adding Quarkus to a Modularized Hexagonal Application
  • 11. Leveraging CDI Beans to Manage Ports and Use Cases
  • 12. Using RESTEasy Reactive to Implement Input Adapters
  • 13. Persisting Data with Output Adapters and Hibernate Reactive
  • 14. Setting Up Dockerfile and Kubernetes Objects for Cloud Deployment
  • 15. Good Design Practices for Your Hexagonal Application
  • Назва: Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java. An architect's guide to building maintainable and change-tolerant applications with Java and Quarkus
  • Автор: Davi Vieira
  • Оригінальна назва: Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java. An architect's guide to building maintainable and change-tolerant applications with Java and Quarkus
  • ISBN: 9781801810296, 9781801810296
  • Дата видання: 2022-01-07
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_2t2z
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing