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- Buddhist Perspective on Literature. Reflection on How Modern Buddhists Can Understand Western Poetry and Fiction
Szczegóły ebooka

Buddhist Perspective on Literature. Reflection on How Modern Buddhists Can Understand Western Poetry and Fiction
The essence of Buddhism is compassion, or rather tapping into the unlimited resources of mind's inner wealth, the full development of human potential. Art and literature are also often understood as tools for bringing deep meaning to human existence, enriching it with qualities and values more profound than mindless consumption. Can these two unlikely friends, Buddhism and literature, form an effective ally in bringing timeless dimensions to our everyday lives?
Foreword by Lama Ole Nydahl .............................................................................. 9
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 11
Western Literary Th eory and Buddhism .................................................... 11
Introduction to Contemporary Literary Studies ...................................... 13
Introduction to Buddhist Dharma ............................................................... 19
Summary of Chapters ..................................................................................... 26
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................ 30
Chapter 1
A Historical Overview of Buddhism in the Western Narrative .................... 31
1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 31
1.2. Ancient Encounters ................................................................................. 31
1.3. Aesop’s Tales of Buddha’s Rebirths ....................................................... 36
1.4. Philosophical Affi nity: Pyrrho and Nāgārjuna ................................... 38
1.5. Paralells and Infl uence on Early Christian Spiritual Literature ...... 40
1.6. Buddhadharma in the Gospels .............................................................. 43
1.7. Christian Missionarries........................................................................... 47
1.8. Buddha as a Christian Saint: the Story of Josaphat and Barlām ..... 49
1.9. First European Buddhists, China Craze and Th eosophy .................. 51
1.10. Immigrant Buddhists ............................................................................ 53
1.11. Approximations: Schopenhauer, Nietsche,
Weber, Fromm, Jung .............................................................................. 55
1.12. American Transcendentalists .............................................................. 59
1.13. Th e First Western Buddhist Poem:
Arnold’s Th e Light of Asia ..................................................................... 60
1.14. Th e First Western Buddhist Inspired Novel: Kipling’s Kim ........... 61
1.15. Hesse’s Siddhartha, Hilton’s Lost Horizon
and Lama Yongden’s Mipham ............................................................ 62
1.16. Beat Generation ..................................................................................... 65
1.17. Towards Modern Buddhist Infl uenced Literature .......................... 69
1.18. Modern Buddhist-Christian Dialogue ............................................... 72
1.19. Buddhism in Contemporary Western Art and Culture ................. 74
1.20. Buddhism and Western Science ......................................................... 75
1.21. Western Buddhism ................................................................................ 76
1.22. Recapitulation ......................................................................................... 78
Chapter 2
Th e Death of the Text ............................................................................................. 79
2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 79
2.2. Candrakīrti’s Sevenfold Reasoning on Literature .............................. 80
2.3. Do Literature Studies Exist? ................................................................... 84
2.4. What Is Literature? .................................................................................. 87
2.5. What Is a Literary Work? ....................................................................... 89
2.6. Do Texts Exist? ........................................................................................ 96
2.7. Do Words Exist? .....................................................................................100
2.8. Th e Meaning of the Meaning in the Analytical Philosophy ..........102
2.9. Th e Concepts of Concepts
in Cognitive Psychology and Semantics ............................................106
2.10. Buddhist Th eory of Communication ...............................................109
2.11. Progressive Stages of Understanding Emptiness ..........................111
2.12. Emptiness in Literary Studies ............................................................116
2.13. Literature as a Process .........................................................................118
2.14. Conclusion .............................................................................................122
Chapter 3
Western Buddhist’s Refl ections on Interpretation of Literature .................124
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................124
3.2. Interpretation: Understanding, Overstanding and Using ..............125
3.3. Literature and Ethics ............................................................................128
3.4. Art versus Philosophy ..........................................................................132
3.5. Literature as Skillful Means ..................................................................136
3.6. Speaking the Unspeakable ....................................................................138
3.7. Is Author Really Dead? Analyzing Buddhist Source Texts ............142
3.8. Preconcived Ideas as Interpretative Bias ...........................................147
3.9. Th e Matter of Taste ................................................................................149
3.10. Relinquishing All Views on Reality ...................................................150
3.11. Existing Buddhist Analyses of Literature ........................................152
3.12. Buddhist, Benefi cial and Samsaric Literature ................................165
3.13. Buddhist Perspective on Literature ..................................................171
3.14. Which Happiness Can Literature Provide? ...................................176
3.15. Escape versus Interpretative Literature ...........................................179
3.16. Author: Doctor or Patient? ................................................................182
3.17. Th erapeutic Value of Writing ............................................................184
3.18. Dubious Quality ...................................................................................187
3.19. Literature Good and Bad... but for Whom? ....................................191
3.20. Mindful Reading ...................................................................................193
3.21. Buddha in a Library .............................................................................195
3.22. Buddhist Reading .................................................................................196
3.23. Should Buddhists Read? .....................................................................201
3.24. Happiness, Suff ering and Kitsch .......................................................202
3.25. Catharsis ................................................................................................205
3.26. Mimesis, Copying, and Suchness ....................................................206
3.27. Artistic Ego Fearing Infl uence ...........................................................209
3.28. Th e World Is a Stage ............................................................................212
3.29. Literature and Science.........................................................................214
3.30. Art for Art’s Sake and the Pure View ...............................................216
3.31. Kinds and Roles of Critical Activity .................................................220
3.32. Th e Four Reliances ...............................................................................222
3.33. On Language of Critical Analysis ....................................................225
3.34. On Methodology of Analysis .............................................................227
3.35. Attitude to the History of Literature and Western Culture .........228
3.36. Recapitulation: Songs of Emptiness ................................................232
Chapter 4
Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment in the Light
of Tibetan Buddhist Understanding of Pride and Karma .....................234
4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................234
4.2. Pride and Crime .....................................................................................235
4.3. Karma and Crime ...................................................................................242
4.4. Recapitulation: Love Is the Answer ....................................................246
Chapter 5
Emptiness, Lightness and Heaviness in Milan Kundera’s
Unbearable Lightness of Being. A Buddhist Perspective ........................248
Works Cited ...........................................................................................................260
- Tytuł: Buddhist Perspective on Literature. Reflection on How Modern Buddhists Can Understand Western Poetry and Fiction
- Autor: Grzegorz Kuśnierz
- ISBN: 978-83-8206-470-4, 9788382064704
- Data wydania: 2022-07-27
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_2un4
- Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego