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School reading books
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- For adults
- Dramas
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- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
- Ebooks
- Business and economy
- Human Resources
- Leadership, Employee and Competency Development for Better Talent Management in the Face of the Dynamics of Environmental Changes
E-book details
Leadership, Employee and Competency Development for Better Talent Management in the Face of the Dynamics of Environmental Changes
Celem monografii jest prezentacja aspektów, czynników i komponentów kształtujących zarządzanie talentami w organizacji. Obecna sytuacja, zdeterminowana dynamicznie zachodzącymi zmianami, okazała się względnie stabilna do czasu pojawienia się i rozwoju epidemii koronawirusa oraz ukształtowania się nowej rzeczywistości geopolitycznej od początku wojny w Ukrainie. W tej rzeczywistości zagadnienia opisane w opracowaniu nabierają zupełnie nowego znaczenia. Publikacja jest skierowana do osób zainteresowanych problematyką zarządzania talentami i kompetencjami, przywództwa i szeroko rozumianego rozwoju pracowników w organizacji - badaczy i praktyków - oraz wszystkich tych, którzy zainspirowani nią chcieliby pogłębić swoją wiedzę w danej dziedzinie.
Preface. 8
Part I. Organizational perspective on talentship and leadership practices
1. Coexistence of talent management and leadership programs as an important competitive factor in MNCs (Łukasz Haromszeki) 13
1.1. Introduction 13
1.2. The main theoretical assumptions adopted in the research and the theoretical background of the study 14
1.3. The empirical research methodics 19
1.4. The empirical research findings 21
1.5. Research summary 26
1.6. Final conclusions 27
2. Talent management in international enterprises – research findings (Magdalena M. Stuss, Izabela Stańczyk) 29
2.1. Introduction 29
2.2. Empirical research methodics 30
2.3. Empirical research findings 31
2.4. Final conclusions 39
3. Demand for humility in managing organizations under conditions of sustainable development (Grażyna Osbert-Pociecha, Natalia Bielińska) 40
3.1. Introduction 40
3.2. The essence of sustainable development 41
3.3. The essence and role of humility 43
3.4. Objective and method of research 46
3.5. The results of the survey research 47
3.6. Final conclusions 53
Part II. Competency development for knowledge management
4. Where does knowledge come from in the organization? Ethnographic research (Tadeusz Kowalski) 55
4.1. Introduction 55
4.2. Literature review 55
4.3. Empirical research methodics 59
4.4. Empirical research findings 60
4.5. Final conclusions 63
5. Organizational focus on Integrated Process Management in the context of human resource management – selected aspects (Tomasz Sierpowski) 65
5.1. Introduction 65
5.2. Focus on the process vs. social aspects of development 66
5.3. Key areas of human resource management used in the implementation of IPM 69
5.4. Strategic areas for implementing the IPM concept 70
5.5. Final conclusions 72
6. Competency gaps in the field of digital competencies of university of economics students (Małgorzata Tyrańska, Sylwia Wiśniewska, Robert Szydło, Marek Koczyński) 74
6.1. Introduction 74
6.2. Literature review 75
6.3. Competency gap 76
6.4. Methodics 78
6.5. Results 79
6.6. Final conclusions 82
Part III. Selected situational factors of professional development
7. Employee propensity to professional development and the ability to achieve professional goals (Alena Ivanova) 86
7.1. Introduction 86
7.2. Definition of employee propensity for professional development 87
7.3. Methodological assumptions 89
7.4. The characteristics of the sample 91
7.5. Empirical research findings 92
7.6. Final conclusions 96
8. The concept of measuring the efficiency of the virtual onboarding process in the IT sector (Tomasz Kawka, Piotr Wróbel) 99
8.1. Introduction 99
8.2. The contemporary perception of onboarding 100
8.3. The essence and challenges of virtual onboarding in IT 102
8.4. The effects of remote work in the IT sector: a case study 104
8.5. Three-dimensional evaluation model of the onboarding process 106
8.6. Assumptions for the design of the onboarding process measurement approach 108
8.7. Final conclusions 110
9. Error in action in the VUCA world – a conceptualization of the key concepts for empirical research (Anna Pluta, Krzysztof Kowalski) 112
9.1. Introduction 112
9.2. The phenomenon of the VUCA world and human activity in an organization 114
9.3. The efficiency of individual and team actions and the appearance of an error 116
9.4. A theoretical model for testing the efficiency of operation in the VUCA world 118
9.5. Final conclusions 119
Summary 120
References 125
List of figures 144
List of tables 144
- Title: Leadership, Employee and Competency Development for Better Talent Management in the Face of the Dynamics of Environmental Changes
- Author: Łukasz Haromszeki (red.)
- ISBN: 978-83-7695-987-0, 9788376959870
- Date of issue: 2022-09-19
- Format: Ebook
- Item ID: e_2x8n
- Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu