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Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide. Implement full-text search with lightning speed and accuracy using Sphinx

Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide. Implement full-text search with lightning speed and accuracy using Sphinx

Abbas Ali

Eлектронна книга
  • Sphinx Search
    • Table of Contents
    • Sphinx Search
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
    • www.PacktPub.com
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Time for action - heading
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz - heading
        • Have a go hero - heading
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Setting Up Sphinx
      • What you need to know
      • Different ways of performing a search
        • Searching on a live database
        • Searching an index
      • Sphinxa full-text search engine
        • Features
        • A brief history
        • License
      • Installation
        • System requirements
        • Sphinx on a Unix-based system
      • Time for action - installation on Linux
        • What just happened?
        • Options to the configure command
        • Known issues during installation
        • Sphinx on Windows
      • Time for action - installation on Windows
        • What just happened?
        • Sphinx on Mac OS X
      • Time for action - installation on a Mac
        • What just happened?
        • Other supported systems
      • Summary
    • 2. Getting Started
      • Checking the installation
      • Full-text search
        • What is full-text search?
        • Traditional search
      • Time for action - normal search in MySQL
        • What just happened?
        • MySQL full-text search
        • Advantages of full-text search
        • When to use a full-text search?
      • Overview of Sphinx
        • Primary programs
      • Time for action - Sphinx in action
        • What just happened?
        • Data to be indexed
        • Creating the Sphinx configuration file
        • Searching the index
        • Have a go hero -
      • Why use Sphinx for full-text searching?
      • Summary
    • 3. Indexing
      • What are indexes?
        • Indexes in Sphinx
      • Index attributes
        • Types of attributes
          • Multi-value attributes (MVA)
      • Data sources
        • How to define the data source?
        • SQL data sources
          • Creating Index using SQL data source (Blog)
            • Creating a simple index without any attributes
      • Time for action - creating database tables for a blog
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action - populate the database tables
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action - creating the Sphinx configuration file
        • What just happened?
          • The indexing workflow
          • Adding attributes to the index
      • Time for action - adding attributes to the index
        • What just happened?
          • Adding an MVA to the index
      • Time for action - Adding an MVA to the index
        • What just happened?
          • Filtering without searching for a specific phrase
        • xmlpipe data source
        • xmlpipe2 data source
          • Indexing with schema defined in XML stream
      • Time for action - creating index (without attributes)
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action - add attributes to schema
        • What just happened?
          • Indexing with schema defined in configuration file
      • Time for action - create index with schema defined in configuration file
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 4. Searching
      • Client API implementations for Sphinx
      • Search using client API
      • Time for action - creating a basic search script
        • What just happened?
        • Matching modes
      • Time for action - searching with different matching modes
        • What just happened?
        • Boolean query syntax
      • Time for action - searching using Boolean query syntax
        • What just happened?
        • Extended query syntax
      • Time for action - searching with extended query syntax
        • What just happened?
      • Filtering full-text search results
      • Time for action - filtering the result set
        • What just happened?
      • Weighting search results
      • Time for action - weighting search results
        • What just happened?
      • Sorting modes
      • Grouping search results
      • Summary
    • 5. Feed Search
      • The application
        • Tools and software used while creating this application
        • Database structure
      • Time for action - creating the MySQL database and tables
        • What just happened?
        • Basic setup
      • Time for action - setting up the feeds application
        • What just happened?
        • Add feed
      • Time for action - creating a form to add feeds
        • What just happened?
        • Saving the feed data
      • Time for action - adding code to save feed
        • What just happened?
        • Indexing the feeds
      • Time for action - create the index
        • What just happened?
        • Check for duplicate items
      • Time for action - adding code to avoid duplicate items
        • What just happened?
        • Index merging
      • Time for action - adding the delta index
        • What just happened?
        • Search form
      • Time for action - creating the search form
        • What just happened?
        • Perform the search query
      • Time for action - adding code to perform a search query
        • What just happened?
        • Applying filters
      • Time for action - adding code to filter the results
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action - showing search form prefilled with last submitted data
        • What just happened?
        • Re-indexing
        • Have a go hero - trying different search queries
      • Summary
    • 6. Property Search
      • The application
        • Tools and software used while creating this application
        • Database structure
      • Time for action - creating the MySQL database and structure
        • What just happened?
        • Initial data
      • Time for action - populating the database
        • What just happened?
        • Basic setup
      • Time for action - setting up the application
        • What just happened?
        • Adding a property
      • Time for action - creating the form to add property
        • What just happened?
        • Indexing the properties
      • Time for action - creating the index
        • What just happened?
        • Simple search form
      • Time for action - creating the simple search form
        • What just happened?
        • Full-text search
      • Time for action - adding code to perform full-text search
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero - try setting different field weights
        • Advanced search
      • Time for action - creating the Advanced search form
        • What just happened?
        • Ranged filters
      • Time for action - adding ranged filters
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero - adding filter for amenities
        • Geo distance search
      • Time for action - creating the search form
        • What just happened?
        • Add geo anchor
      • Time for action - adding code to perform geo distance search
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero - adding the delta index using the index merging technique
      • Summary
    • 7. Sphinx Configuration
      • Sphinx configuration file
        • Rules for creating the configuration file
      • Data source configuration
        • SQL related options
          • Connection options
            • sql_port
            • sql_sock
            • odbc_dsn
          • Options to fetch data (SQL data source)
            • sql_query_pre
            • sql_query_post
            • sql_query_post_index
            • sql_ranged_throttle
        • Configuration file using advanced options
      • Time for action - creating a configuration with advanced source options
        • What just happened?
        • MS SQL specific options
          • mssql_winauth
          • mssql_unicode
      • Index configuration
        • Distributed searching
          • Set up an index on multiple servers
      • Time for action - creating indexes for distributed searching
        • What just happened?
          • Set up the distributed index on the primary server
      • Time for action - adding distributed index configuration
        • What just happened?
          • agent_blackhole
          • agent_connect_timeout
          • agent_query_timeout
          • Distributed searching on single server
        • charset configuration
          • charset_type
          • charset_table
        • Data related options
          • stopwords
          • min_word_len
          • ignore_chars
          • html_strip
          • html_index_attrs
          • html_remove_elements
        • Word processing options
          • Morphology
      • Time for action - using morphology for stemming
        • What just happened?
          • morphology
          • min_stemming_len
          • Wordforms
      • Search daemon configuration
        • listen
        • log
        • query_log
        • read_timeout
        • client_timeout
        • max_children
        • pid_file
        • max_matches
        • seamless_rotate
      • Indexer configuration
        • mem_limit
        • max_iops
        • max_iosize
        • max_xmlpipe2_field
      • Summary
    • 8. What Next?
      • SphinxQL
        • SphinxQL in action
      • Time for action - querying Sphinx using MySQL CLI
        • What just happened?
        • SELECT
          • Column list clause
            • FROM clause
            • WHERE clause
            • GROUP BY clause
            • ORDER BY clause
            • LIMIT clause
            • OPTION clause
          • SHOW WARNINGS
          • SHOW STATUS
          • SHOW META
      • Use case scenarios
      • Popular websites using Sphinx
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Назва: Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide. Implement full-text search with lightning speed and accuracy using Sphinx
  • Автор: Abbas Ali
  • Оригінальна назва: Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide. Implement full-text search with lightning speed and accuracy using Sphinx
  • ISBN: 9781849512558, 9781849512558
  • Дата видання: 2011-03-16
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3as1
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing