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Building Websites with PHP-Nuke. A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own community website with PHP-Nuke

Building Websites with PHP-Nuke. A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own community website with PHP-Nuke

Douglas Paterson, Francisco Burzi

Eлектронна книга
PHP-Nuke is a free tool for managing the content of a dynamic website. As one of the most popular applications on the Internet, PHP-Nuke has grown into a complex, powerful tool with an extraordinary range of features, and a loyal community of supporters. Through a web-based interface, users can edit and manage their site without the need for knowledge of web programming. PHP-Nuke is ideal for running a community-driven website, where visitors create accounts, comment and interact with the site, and contribute material in an easily managed fashion. PHP-Nuke has many of the features you would want from a website such as news stories, ratings, comments, discussion forums, and its look can be easily controlled with the use of themes.

If you want to create a powerful, fully-featured website in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore PHP-Nuke, putting you in the picture of what it offers, and how to go about realizing this.
Throughout the book we develop an example site, as you are taken on a detailed tour of the features of PHP-Nuke. You will be introduced to the main components of PHP-Nuke, and learn how to manage them. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content on the site, and also understand how users work and interact with the site.
To make sure that you create a site that looks the way you want it to, the book covers customizing themes to help define your look for your pages.
Although PHP-Nuke allows you to accomplish much without doing any web programming, to extend your site you will need to get your hands dirty with some coding. The book leads you through adding custom code to PHP-Nuke, and shows you how PHP-Nuke puts pages together, and the functions it uses for the fundamental operations of the site.
  • Building Websites with PHP-Nuke
    • Table of Contents
    • Building Websites with PHP-Nuke
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • What You Need To Use This Book
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. An Introduction to PHP-Nuke
      • What PHP-Nuke Can Do for You
        • The Visitor Experience
        • The Management Experience
      • What Exactly is PHP-Nuke?
        • Modular Structure
        • Themed Interface
        • Multi-Lingual Interface
      • PHP-Nuke as an Open-Source Content Management System
        • Open Source
        • Content Management System
      • Getting Help in the PHP-Nuke Community
      • The Dinosaur Portal
      • Summary
    • 2. Installing PHP-Nuke
      • Downloading PHP-Nuke
        • Extracting PHP-Nuke
      • Downloading the Patches
        • Applying the Patches
      • Preparing the PHP-Nuke Database
        • Creating the Database
        • Creating a Database User
        • Populating the Database
      • Configuring PHP-Nuke
      • Putting PHP-Nuke Files into the Web Server Root
      • Testing the Installation
        • Database Connection Problem
        • No Data in the Database
        • Still Having Problems?
      • Summary
    • 3. Your First Page
      • Your New Homepage
      • Blocks
      • Modules
        • A Fistful of Default Modules
      • Creating the Super User
      • Becoming the Administrator
        • A New Welcome
        • Editing Text in PHP-Nuke
          • HTML Rules
          • Forbidden Tags
          • Adding Links
          • Adding Images
          • HTML Editor in PHP-Nuke 7.7
            • Time For ActionChanging the Welcome Message
      • Restricting User Access
      • Summary
    • 4. Managing the Site
      • Your Site, Your Database
      • Visiting the Administration Area
      • Site Preferences
        • Turning off the Graphical Icons
      • The Cookie Crumbles
      • Backing Up the Site Database
      • Managing Blocks
        • Types of Blocks
          • Block Positioning
          • Block Visibility
        • The Blocks Administration Area
          • Time For ActionChanging Block Position
        • Adding Blocks
          • Options for All Blocks
            • Time For ActionAdding a Static Block
          • Adding Other Peoples News with RSS/RDF Blocks
            • Time For ActionCreating a New Headline Site
            • Time For ActionAdding the RSS/RDF Block
          • Adding a File Block
            • Time For ActionAdding the Total Hits Block
              • What Just Happened?
      • Managing Modules
        • Time For ActionActivating Modules
        • Editing Module Properties
          • Invisible Modules
            • Time For ActionEditing the Top 10
        • Adding New Modules
          • Time For ActionInstalling a Simple Module
            • What Just Happened?
      • Summary
    • 5. Managing Users
      • Ingredients of a User
      • Setting Up a New User
        • Time For ActionSetting Up a New User Manually
          • What Just Happened?
        • Subscribing a User
          • Time For ActionRegistering as a User
            • What Just Happened?
        • Graphical Code for User Registration
        • Seeing Who's Who
      • The Your Account Module
        • Editing the User Profile
        • Your Account Configuration
          • Talking to the World with Public Messages
          • It's My Block and I'll Cry if I Want to...
        • Private Messages
        • User Journal
          • Your Journal Entries
          • Adding a Journal Entry
            • Viewing your Journal Entries
          • Peeking into the Journals of Others
      • Rewarding the User
        • Points on Offer
          • Time For ActionAwarding Points for Viewing Pages
            • What Just Happened?
          • Restricting Module Access to User Groups
            • Time For ActionRestricting the Statistics Module to Frequent Page Viewers
              • What Just Happened?
      • Managing Other Administrators
        • Authors versus the Super User
        • Creating an Author
      • Summary
    • 6. Story Management with PHPNuke
      • The Story Story
        • The Story Publication Process
        • Finding and Interacting with Stories
      • Organizing Stories
        • Topics
        • Categories
        • Planning the Dinosaur Portal Topics and Categories
      • Topic Management
        • Time For ActionCreating New Topics
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionEditing Topics
          • What Just Happened?
        • Deleting a Topic
      • Adding Stories
        • Time For ActionAdding a New Story
          • What Just Happened?
        • Category Management
      • The Visitor View of a Story
        • Related Links, Scoring, and Friends
        • Everyone Has an Opinion... Comments
          • Time For ActionPosting a Comment
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionReplying to a Comment
            • What Just Happened?
        • Seeing Your Comments
        • Controlling Comment Posting
          • Allowing Comments
          • Disallowing Comments
          • Restricting Comment Posting to Registered Visitors
          • Administrator Removal of Comments
          • Filth Filter
          • Karma and Comment Moderation
        • Comments in Moderation
          • Time For ActionEnabling Comment Moderation
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionModerating Comments
            • What Just Happened?
        • Multiple Comment Moderation
        • Customizing the User View of Comments
          • Time For ActionFiltering out Comments
            • What Just Happened?
      • Story Management
        • Editing Stories
        • Deleting Stories
        • User-Submitted Stories
          • Setting Up the Mail Notification
          • Visitor Story Submission
          • Approving Stories
      • Finding Stories
        • From the Homepage
        • From the Topics module
        • From the Search module
        • From the Story Archive
        • From the Categories Menu Block
      • Special Administrator
      • Points and Prizes
      • Sharing your News
      • Polls and the Surveys Module
        • Attaching a Poll to a Story
        • The Surveys Module
        • Survey Management
      • Summary
    • 7. Content Management Modules
      • Content
        • Time For ActionCreating a Content Category
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionAdding a Content Page
          • What Just Happened?
        • The Content Block
        • Managing Categories
        • Special Administrator
        • Restricting Access
        • Points and Prizes
      • FAQ
        • Time For ActionAdding a FAQ Category
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionAdding a FAQ
          • What Just Happened?
        • Managing FAQs
          • Editing a FAQ
        • The FAQ Block
        • Special Administrator
        • Restricting Access
        • Points and Prizes
      • Encyclopedia
        • Time For ActionAdding a new Encyclopedia
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionAdding a new Entry
          • What Just Happened?
        • Managing the Encyclopedia
        • Viewing the Encyclopedia
        • The Encyclopedia Block
        • Special Administrator
        • Restricting Access
        • Points and Prizes
      • Web Links and Downloads
        • Time For ActionCreating a Web Link Category Structure
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionAdding a Web Link
          • What Just Happened?
        • Interacting with Web Links
        • Checking the Web Link
          • Modifying Web Link Details
          • Reporting Broken Links
        • Submitting Web Links
        • Managing Web Links
          • Modifying Web Links
          • Managing User-Submitted Web Links
          • Managing User-Submitted Modification Requests
          • Managing User-Submitted Broken Link Notifications
          • Validating Links
          • Changing Category Structure
            • Time For ActionMoving Categories
              • What Just Happened?
        • Web Links Block
        • Special Administrator
        • Restricting Access
        • Points and Prizes
      • Reviews
        • Submitting Reviews
        • Interacting with Reviews
        • Managing Reviews
          • Customizing the Reviews Welcome Page
        • The Reviews Block
        • Special Administrator
        • Restricting Access
        • Points and Prizes
      • Module Feature Comparison
      • Summary
    • 8. Managing the Discussion Forums
      • Forum Structure
      • The Forums Administration Area
        • Forum Configuration
          • Creating a Category
          • Creating a Forum
      • The Visitor Experience
        • Posting a Topic
      • Forum Permissions
        • Creating Groups
        • Setting Forum Permissions
        • Setting Group Permissions
        • Joining Groups
          • Approving the Membership Application
      • Moderating the Forum
        • Setting a Forum Moderator
      • Summary
    • 9. Customizing Layout with Themes
      • What Does a Theme Control?
        • Appearance
        • Page Layout
      • Theme Management
        • Theme File Structure
        • Installing a New Theme
        • Removing an Existing Theme
      • From an Existing Theme to a New Theme
        • Starting Off
          • Replacing Traces of the Old Theme
        • Templates and PHP Files
          • PHP Files
          • Templates
        • Changing the Page Header
          • Time For ActionChanging the Site Logo Graphic
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionChanging the Site Header Layout
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionFixing and Adding the Topics List
            • What just Happened?
          • Time For ActionAdding a Welcome Message to the User
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionAdding the User Avatar
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionAdding a Horizontal Navigation Bar
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionChanging Some Background Colors
            • What Just Happened?
        • Working with the Stylesheet
          • Time For ActionBackground Image with Style
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionChanging the Links
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionChanging the OpenTable() Function
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionStyling the Navigation Bar
            • What Just Happened?
        • Changing Blocks
          • Time For ActionShow Right-Hand Blocks on All Pages
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionHide Right-Hand Blocks For Certain Modules
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionMaking the Block Titles Uppercase
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionCreating a New Block
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionMaking Right-Hand Blocks Different from Left-Hand Blocks
            • What Just Happened?
        • Changing Story Layout
          • Creating a Rounded Box
            • Creating the Corner Images
            • Creating the HTML
            • Creating the CSS
              • Time For ActionChange the Format of Stories on the Front Page
                • What Just Happened?
            • Variables Available in Story Formatting
          • Changing the Layout of the Story Extended View
        • Changing the Footer
      • Adding a Favicon
        • Including Custom Files
      • Page Output from Start to Finish
      • Summary
    • 10. Programming PHP-Nuke
      • What Happens When a Page is Requested?
        • Where Does PHP-Nuke Get Information From?
        • Requesting a Page
      • Creating a Block
        • Time For ActionCreating the Database Table
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionCreating the Text File
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionCreating the Block Code
          • What Just Happened?
      • Data Access in PHP-Nuke
      • Module File and Folder Structure
      • Creating a User Submissions Module
        • Module Development Steps
        • Creating the Module Folder
        • Creating the Database Tables
        • The Visitor Codethe index.php File
          • Overall Structure of the Module index.php File
            • Tracking Down the Code for a Module Operation
          • Inviting the User to Submit an Item
            • Getting User Information
            • Preparing the ShowTypes() Function for Languages
          • Displaying the Form for User Input
          • Preparing to Add the Encyclopedia Entry
          • Storing the Submission
        • The User Submission Administration Area
          • Creating the Modules Administration Menu Entry
          • Selecting the Correct Administration Area
        • Creating the Administration Code
          • Displaying the List of Submitted Items
          • Editing and Approving the Submitted Item
          • Displaying the Submitted Item
          • Accepting the Submitted Item
          • Removing a Submitted Item
          • Deleting a Submitted Item
        • Extending the Module
          • Extending at the Front End
          • Extending at the Administration End
      • Summary
    • A. Installing XAMPP
    • Index
  • Назва: Building Websites with PHP-Nuke. A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own community website with PHP-Nuke
  • Автор: Douglas Paterson, Francisco Burzi
  • Оригінальна назва: Building Websites with PHP-Nuke. A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own community website with PHP-Nuke
  • ISBN: 9781904811473, 9781904811473
  • Дата видання: 2005-11-25
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3ase
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing