Szczegóły ebooka

phpBB: A User Guide. Set up and run your own discussion forum

phpBB: A User Guide. Set up and run your own discussion forum

Stoyan Stefanov, Jeremy Rogers, Stoyan STEFANOV, James Atkinson

phpBB is a free, open source Internet community application, with outstanding discussion forums and membership management. Written in the PHP scripting language, and making use of the popular MySQL database, phpBB is a standard among web hosting companies throughout the world, and is one of the most widely-used bulletin board packages in the world.
This book is an abridged version of Building Online Forums with phpBB 2, (ISBN 1904811132), focusing on a complete set of topics to help you set up and run your own phpBB-powered online community.
This book gives you the power to use phpBB to set up and run your own online discussion forums with ease. It takes you through the whole process of setting up your phpBB site, and helps you create, customize, and manage your own online community with phpBB.
Written by experienced phpBB administrators and enthusiasts, the emphasis is on simple and practical guidance for you to get the most from phpBB. Packed with step-by-step examples, this book is your ideal guide to learning phpBB.
  • phpBB: A User Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • phpBB:A User Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Authors
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Downloading the Example Code for the Book
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to phpBB
      • Online Communities
      • Building the CommunityThe Tools
      • The Name
      • The Environment
      • Why phpBB?
      • History
      • Development
      • Example phpBB Sites
        • A Standard phpBB Layout
        • Standard Sites with Different Templates
        • Sites with Standard Style and Modified Features
        • GaiaOnline
      • Summary
    • 2. Installing and Configuring phpBB
      • Pre-Installation
        • Requirements
        • The Attack Plan
          • Time For ActionSetting Up the Environment on Your Local Computer
        • Finishing Pre-Install TouchThe Database
          • Setting Up the Database for Local Installations
          • Time For ActionCreating the Forum Database with phpMyAdmin
            • What Just Happened
          • Time For ActionCreating the Forum Database Using the Command Prompt
          • Setting Up the Database for Remote Installations
        • phpBB Pre-Installation Checklist
      • Installation
        • Troubleshooting the Installation
          • Symptom
            • Reason
            • Solution
          • Symptom
            • Reason
            • Solution
          • Symptom
            • Reason
            • Solution
          • Symptom
            • Reason 1
            • Solution
            • Reason 2
            • Solution
          • Symptom
            • Reason 1
            • Solution
            • Reason 2
            • Solution
              • Time For ActionDeleting phpBB Tables using phpMyAdmin
              • Time For ActionDeleting phpBB Tables Using the Command Prompt
      • Post-Installation Tasks
        • Time For ActionDeleting Unneeded Directories
          • What Just Happened?
        • Basic Configuration
        • Time For ActionInitial Configuration Using the Administration Panel
          • What Just Happened?
        • Setting Up the avatars Directory
      • Security Tips
        • Administrator Password
        • Disallow Remote Connections to the Database
        • MySQL Account
        • config.php
        • .htaccess Protection for the Administration Panel
      • Finding Help
      • Summary
    • 3. User Experience: Visitors
      • Overview
      • Registration
        • Step 1
        • Step 2
        • Step 3
      • Logging In
        • Editing Your Profile
          • Time For ActionCreating and Editing "The Dude" Profile
            • What Just Happened?
      • Posting
        • Anatomy of a Posting
        • Replying
        • Starting a New Topic
        • Formatting a Posting
          • Time For ActionFormatting a Post
            • What Just Happened
        • Editing a Posting
        • Deleting a Posting
      • Searching
      • Sending and Receiving Private Messages (PM)
        • Time For ActionThe Dude PMs the Administrator
          • What Just Happened?
      • Voting in Polls
      • Staying Current with the Topics
      • Viewing Information about Other Users
        • Memberlist
        • Usergroups
        • Who Is Online
    • 4. UserExperience: Moderators and Administrators
      • Moderator Experience
        • Time For ActionAssigning Moderator Privileges to a User
          • What Just Happened?
        • Managing Postings
          • Editing and Deleting
          • Editing the First Posting in a Topic
          • Viewing Posters IP Address
        • Managing Topics
          • Deleting, Locking, and Unlocking Topics
          • Moving Topics
            • Time For ActionCreating a Forum
              • What Just Happened?
          • Splitting Topics
          • Doing It All TogetherThe Moderator Control Panel
      • Administrator Experience
        • Administration Panel Overview
        • Forum Admin
          • Forum Management
            • Creating New Forums and Categories
              • Time For ActionCreating a New Category
                • What Just Happened
              • Time For ActionCreating a New Forum
                • What Just Happened
            • Fine Tuning Existing Forums and Categories
              • Editing
              • Deleting
              • Changing Display Order
              • Time For ActionTweaking Display Order
                • What Just Happened
              • Using the Resync Options
          • Who Can Do WhatSetting Up Forum Permissions
            • Time For ActionSetting Forum Permissions in Simple Mode
              • What Just Happened?
          • Pruning
            • Time For ActionPruning a Forum
              • What Just Happened?
        • Systems Administration Using General Admin Options
          • Configuration
          • Database Backup and Restore
            • Time For ActionBacking Up Your Board Data
              • What Just Happened
            • Time For ActionRestoring Your Database from a Backup Copy
              • What Just Happened
          • Mass Email
          • Smilies
          • Filtering Words Using Word Censors
            • Time For ActionCreating a Word Filter
              • What Just Happened
        • Introduction to User Management
          • Editing User Profiles
          • Deleting Users
          • Permissions
          • Banning Users
          • Disallowing Users
      • Summary
    • 5. Customizing Your Forum
      • phpBB Styles
      • Structure of a Style
        • Style Elements
        • Style Storage
      • Editing phpBB Files
      • Installing a New Style
        • Creating a Copy Style
          • Time For ActionCreating a Copy Style
            • What Just Happened?
        • Installing One Element at a Time
        • Troubleshooting
          • Style Does Not Appear in Administration
          • Configuration File Cannot Be Opened
        • Removing an Installed Style
      • Create or Customize
      • Customizing through the Stylesheet
        • Editing the Stylesheet in the Admin Panel
          • Time For ActionEditing the Stylesheet
            • What Just Happened?
          • Editing Other Theme Components
          • Allowed Values
          • Commonly Used and Altered Elements
            • Table Cell Colors
            • Font Colors
        • Changing CSS Styles to Change the Look of Your Site
          • Using External Stylesheets
      • Customizing through Images
        • Installing New Images to Change the Look of Your Site
      • Hacking phpBB
        • MODs and Hacks
        • phpBB Modification
        • Installing a Modification
          • Time For ActionInstalling a Small Modification
            • What Just Happened?
          • Installing a Downloaded Modification
          • The Copy Action
          • The SQL Action and Editing the Database
          • The Open Action
          • The Find Action
          • The Addition Actions
          • The In-Line Actions
          • The Last Action
          • The Trouble with Templates
          • Uninstalling Modifications
            • Time For ActionUninstalling a Small Modification
              • What Just Happened?
            • Removing Other Changes
        • Example Modifications
        • Moving Elements
        • Adding New Elements to Your Forum
          • Time For ActionAdding a Menu Link
            • What Just Happened?
          • Adding New Languages
      • Summary
    • 6. Forum Administration
      • Making Your Board Multi-Lingual
        • Time For ActionAdding Spanish Support to Your Forum
          • What Just Happened?
      • Avatars: Enabling and Configuring
      • Managing Smilies
        • Smilies Properties
        • Smilies Administration Panel
        • Editing or Deleting a Smilie
        • Adding New Smilies
          • Time For ActionAdding a New Smilie Using an Existing Image
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionAdding a Custom Smilie
            • What Just Happened?
        • Adding Smilies with a .pak File
          • Time For ActionAdding Smilies Using a .pak File
            • What Just Happened?
        • Creating a .pak File
          • Time For ActionCreating a .pak File
            • What Just Happened?
        • Assigning Ranks
          • Time For ActionCreating Automatic Ranks
            • What Just Happened?
          • Time For ActionCreating and Assigning a Special Rank
            • What Just Happened?
      • Understanding Forum Permissions
        • Permission Types and Permission Levels
        • Simple and Advanced Mode of Setting Permissions
          • Time For ActionCreating and Fine-Tuning a Private Forum
            • What Just Happened
      • Understanding User Permissions
        • Time For ActionMaking The Dude a Private User of The Dudes Forum
          • What Just Happened?
      • Usergroups and Group Permissions
        • Time For ActionCreating a New Group
          • What Just Happened?
        • Time For ActionEditing a Group
          • What Just Happened?
        • Group Permissions
          • Time For ActionSetting Group Permissions
            • What Just Happened?
      • Second Look into Database Backups and Restore
        • Using phpMyAdmin
          • Time For ActionCreating an SQL Database Dump
            • What Just Happened?
        • Using MySQL Command-Line Tools
          • Creating Backups with mysqldump
          • Using the mysql Utility to Restore a Database
          • Time For ActionCreating a Database Copy from a SQL Dump
            • What Just Happened?
          • Other Tools
      • The Boards Human Side: Flamewars and Banning
    • Index
  • Tytuł: phpBB: A User Guide. Set up and run your own discussion forum
  • Autor: Stoyan Stefanov, Jeremy Rogers, Stoyan STEFANOV, James Atkinson
  • Tytuł oryginału: phpBB: A User Guide. Set up and run your own discussion forum
  • ISBN: 9781847190741, 9781847190741
  • Data wydania: 2006-02-10
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3avg
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing