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- Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp. Turn your 3D modeling into photographic realism with this superb guide for SketchUp users. Through concrete examples, screenshots, and images, you’ll learn the practical side to photographic rendering using V-Ray
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Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp. Turn your 3D modeling into photographic realism with this superb guide for SketchUp users. Through concrete examples, screenshots, and images, you’ll learn the practical side to photographic rendering using V-Ray
- Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp
- Table of Contents
- Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp
- Credits
- About the Author
- Acknowledgement
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Downloading color versions of the images for this book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- Downloading the example code
- 1. Diving Straight into Photographic Rendering
- What this chapter is all about
- Good composition is the foundation of photographic rendering
- Improving our opening scene
- Working with six new views
- Matching viewport and render aspect ratios
- Lighting that sets the mood!
- Stepping through the render process
- Using V-Rays physical camera model
- Global illumination controls
- Improving our opening scene
- Materials that make us believe!
- Creating the floor material
- Adding surface properties
- Final setting tweaks!
- Render settings for final output
- Summary
- 2. Lighting an Interior Daytime Scene
- Looking at our SketchUp scene
- Defining our goals
- Methods for defining our vision
- Writing a definition
- Painting a definition
- Compiling a definition
- Artistic exercise
- My definition for the gallery interior
- Methods for defining our vision
- The lighting workflow
- Sunlight is our key light
- SketchUp shadow settings positioning the V-Ray Sun
- Using a V-Ray spotlight as the key light
- Skylight is our fill light
- Using Rectangle lights
- Testing our shot views
- The evaluation time
- Using the GI skylight
- Trying out the Dome light
- Adding a High Dynamic Range Image to the mix
- Bringing the sky back into the view
- Wrap up
- Summary
- 3. Lighting an Interior Nighttime Scene Using IES Lights
- Taking a look at our SketchUp file
- Defining our goals
- Observation is crucial
- My definition for interior nighttime scene lighting
- The lighting process
- Contrasting artistic and realistic indoor lighting
- Do we have a key light?
- Understanding the IES files
- Downloading and viewing IES profiles
- Starting with a blank canvas
- Setting an initial exposure level
- Adding some much-needed ambience
- Using the V-Ray Sky
- The GI skylight
- HDRI to the rescue
- Layering up our IES lights
- Adding the IES down lighters
- Creating the IES up lighters
- Evaluating the render with all lights enabled
- Previsualizing image corrections using V-Ray FrameBuffer
- Summary
- 4. Lighting an Exterior Daylight Scene
- Setting up our SketchUp file
- Reference and observation
- The sunlight color
- The skylight color
- Shadow properties
- Ambient occlusion
- A camera-matched exterior
- Defining our exterior daylight setup
- The lighting process
- Setting a starting exposure level
- Sunlight is the key
- The sunlight color
- The shadow quality
- Filling in with skylight
- Using the V-Ray Sky
- Image-based lighting for exteriors
- Adding the HDRI
- Adding direct sunlight to an HDRI setup
- Creating even stronger occlusion shadows
- Creating a better sky
- Tweaking exposure
- Experimenting with white balancing
- Summary
- 5. Understanding the Principles of Light Behavior
- The SketchUp files
- Defining our goals
- How light behaves
- Learning about light exercise one
- Learning about light exercise two
- Understanding light decay
- Light decay exercise one
- Light decay exercise two
- Light decay exercise three
- Decay types available in V-Ray for SketchUp
- The None and Linear decay options
- Understanding Inverse decay
- The Inverse Square decay
- Using color temperature
- Color temperature exercise one
- Color temperature exercise two
- The cause of color bleeding
- Color bleed exercise one
- Bringing color bleed under control
- Summary
- 6. Creating Believable Materials
- Getting started with our materials
- Defining our goals
- Defining the materials
- Using a SketchUp material to create our diffuse floor coloring
- Using SketchUp materials with V-Ray
- Creating the diffuse component for our floor
- Making a color-mapping choice
- Using SketchUp materials with V-Ray
- Using the V-Ray Standard material
- Knowing your right-click menu commands
- Adding reflections to our floor material
- Painting the walls
- Playing it safe with the ceiling
- Door materials the frosted glass
- Giving the doors an aluminum look
- Adding chrome to the barriers
- Painting the skirting board
- Creating the wall paintings using bitmaps
- Art sculpts import vismat
- Your challenge
- Summary
- Getting started with our materials
- 7. Important Materials Theory
- Defining our goals
- Light and material interaction why objects in the real world have color
- Light is where it all starts
- How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- The importance of R, G, and B in the digital realm
- Why are we using the HSV color model?
- The importance of realistic color values
- Why are we using the HSV color model?
- Light and material interaction what is reflectivity?
- How glossiness controls work
- Light and material interaction the transmittance effects
- Understanding refraction
- Making use of IOR values
- A bit more on Fresnel equations
- Understanding translucency
- How subsurface scattering is different
- Understanding refraction
- The importance of energy-conserving materials
- What we have accomplished?
- Summary
- 8. Composition and Cameras
- Defining our goals
- Deciding the shot type
- The long or wide shot
- The medium shot
- The close up shot
- The high shot
- The low shot
- Aspect ratios
- Choosing our ratio
- Beware of the difference between the viewport and render
- Choosing our ratio
- The requisite maximum resolution
- How focal length affects composition
- Setting up scene views for final shot rendering
- First up the wide shot
- Exercise review
- Scene two close up
- Exercise review
- Exercise finishing off the scene
- First up the wide shot
- Summary
- 9. Quality Control
- Defining our goals
- Fine-tuning scene lighting
- Tuning up the sunlight
- Reviewing our sunlight render
- Adjusting the skylight
- Reviewing our skylight render
- Tuning up the sunlight
- Cleaning up our GI solution
- Reviewing our GI render
- Working with the Image sampler controls
- Reviewing the image sampling render
- Improving our materials
- Reviewing what we have in the RGB map
- Reviewing what we have in the Sample Rate map
- Outputting the final renders
- Adding extra VFB channels
- Setting the output format
- Determining the order of quality control steps
- Summary
- 10. Adding Photographic Touches in Post-production
- Defining our goals
- Setting up After Effects
- Importing our footage
- Dealing with the lighting hotspots
- Boosting the floor reflections
- Adding a subtle DOF to shift focus
- Adding subtle relighting
- Boosting the glass reflections a little
- Final color corrections
- Adding a subtle vignette effect
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp. Turn your 3D modeling into photographic realism with this superb guide for SketchUp users. Through concrete examples, screenshots, and images, you’ll learn the practical side to photographic rendering using V-Ray
- Autor: Brian Bradley
- Tytuł oryginału: Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp. Turn your 3D modeling into photographic realism with this superb guide for SketchUp users. Through concrete examples, screenshots, and images, you’ll learn the practical side to photographic rendering using V-Ray.
- ISBN: 9781849693233, 9781849693233
- Data wydania: 2014-03-09
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3axq
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing