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- Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide. Design, install, and configure high-performance data replication solutions using Oracle GoldenGate
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Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide. Design, install, and configure high-performance data replication solutions using Oracle GoldenGate
Eлектронна книга
Data replication is an important part of any database system that is growing due to today's demand for real-time reporting and regulatory requirements. GoldenGate has recently become Oracle's strategic real-time data replication solution. Until now, very little has been written about how to implement GoldenGate in a production enterprise environment where performance, scalability, and data integrity are paramount.
Your days of dismay over the lack of documentation over Oracle GoldenGate are over.
Welcome to Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide – a comprehensive practical book, which will deliver answers to your questions in a clear, concise style, allowing you to progress effectively in a timeline-driven environment. Based on the author's own experience, this long awaited GoldenGate administration book has all that is required to install, design, configure, and tune data replication solutions suited to every environment. Be the first to master GoldenGate's power and flexibility by reading this unique hands-on implementation companion.
Systems need to send data from one system to another in a timely manner to satisfy the ever-increasing need for speed. Regardless of whether you are a novice or an expert – or someone in between – this book will guide you through all the steps necessary to build a high-performance GoldenGate solution on Oracle11gR1. Expert users can dive into key topic areas such as performance tuning or troubleshooting, while novice users can step through the early installation and configuration chapters, later progressing to the advanced chapters.
This book is more than an implementation guide. It offers detailed real-life examples, encouraging additional thought and discussion by going beyond the manual.
With Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide in hand, you'll be designing, installing, and configuring high-performance solutions using GoldenGate in less time than you can say replicate
Your days of dismay over the lack of documentation over Oracle GoldenGate are over.
Welcome to Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide – a comprehensive practical book, which will deliver answers to your questions in a clear, concise style, allowing you to progress effectively in a timeline-driven environment. Based on the author's own experience, this long awaited GoldenGate administration book has all that is required to install, design, configure, and tune data replication solutions suited to every environment. Be the first to master GoldenGate's power and flexibility by reading this unique hands-on implementation companion.
Systems need to send data from one system to another in a timely manner to satisfy the ever-increasing need for speed. Regardless of whether you are a novice or an expert – or someone in between – this book will guide you through all the steps necessary to build a high-performance GoldenGate solution on Oracle11gR1. Expert users can dive into key topic areas such as performance tuning or troubleshooting, while novice users can step through the early installation and configuration chapters, later progressing to the advanced chapters.
This book is more than an implementation guide. It offers detailed real-life examples, encouraging additional thought and discussion by going beyond the manual.
With Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide in hand, you'll be designing, installing, and configuring high-performance solutions using GoldenGate in less time than you can say replicate
- Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementers guide
- Table of Contents
- Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Started
- What is GoldenGate?
- Oracle GoldenGate evolution
- Oracle GoldenGate solutions
- Oracle GoldenGate technology overview
- The capture process (Extract)
- Trail files
- Data Pump
- Server Collector
- The Apply process (Replicat)
- The Manager process
- Process data flow
- Oracle GoldenGate architecture
- One-to-One
- One-to-Many
- Many-to-One
- Cascading
- Bi-directional (Active-Active)
- Bi-directional (Active-Passive)
- Supported platforms and databases
- Oracle Goldengate topology
- Process topology
- The rules
- Position
- Statistics
- Process topology
- Design considerations
- Choosing a solution
- Network
- Database schema
- What to Replicate?
- Object mapping and data selection
- Initial Load
- CSN co-ordination
- Trail file format
- Summary
- 2. Installing and Preparing GoldenGate
- Prerequisites
- Downloading the software
- Software requirements
- Hardware requirements
- Memory
- Network
- Disk
- Software installation
- Installing GoldenGate
- The subdirectories
- dirchk
- dirdat
- dirdef
- dirpcs
- dirprm
- dirrpt
- dirsql
- dirtmp
- Preparing the environment
- Preparing the database for data replication
- Enabling supplemental logging
- Preparing the operating system
- Preparing the database for data replication
- Creating the initial configuration
- Creating the GoldenGate administrator
- The Manager process
- The Extract process
- Creating and starting an Extract process
- The Data Pump process
- The Replicat process
- Creating and starting a Replicat process
- Configuration summary
- Uninstalling GoldenGate from Linux/UNIX
- Summary
- Prerequisites
- 3. Design Considerations
- Replication methods
- Active-active
- Active-passive
- Cascading
- Physical Standby
- Networking
- Surviving network outages
- Redundant networks
- NIC teaming
- Redundant networks
- Surviving network outages
- Non-functional requirements (NFRs)
- Latency
- Availability
- Backup and recovery
- Hardware considerations
- Computing architectures
- Grid computing
- Single server
- Clusters
- Machines
- The x86-64 Linux Server
- The Database Machine
- Scaling up and out
- Computing architectures
- Changed data management
- Point in Time Recovery (PITR)
- Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Flashback
- SAN Snapshot
- Point in Time Recovery (PITR)
- Summary
- Replication methods
- 4. Configuring Oracle GoldenGate
- GoldenGate parameters
- Configuring the Initial Load
- Choosing a method
- File to Replicat
- Extract parameters
- Replicat parameters
- File to database utility
- Extract parameters
- Replicat parameters
- Direct Load
- Extract parameters
- Replicat parameters
- Direct Bulk Load
- Extract parameters
- Replicat parameters
- File to Replicat
- Choosing a method
- Performing the Initial Load
- Example architecture
- File to Replicat method
- Configuring Initial Data Capture
- Configuring Initial Data Delivery
- Configuring Change Data Capture
- Configuring Change Delivery
- Testing Change Data Capture and Delivery
- Stopping GoldenGate processes
- More about trail files
- The trail
- Trail file purging
- Configuring the Manager process
- Summary
- 5. Configuration Options
- SQL cache
- Exceptions
- When to use BATCHSQL
- Data compression
- Compressing the Data Stream
- The COMPRESS option
- Oracle table compression
- Compressing the Data Stream
- Security features
- Data encryption
- Password encryption
- Default method
- Named method
- Event Actions
- Event Records
- Bi-directional configuration options
- Loop detection
- Conflict detection
- Conflict resolution
- Oracle sequences
- Oracle triggers
- Heterogeneous environments
- Specific options
- Microsoft SQL Server
- The DEFGEN utility
- Specific options
- DDL replication
- The DDL parameter
- Filtering
- Mapping options
- Initial setup
- Known issues
- The DDL parameter
- Summary
- 6. Configuring GoldenGate for HA
- GoldenGate on RAC
- Shared storage
- Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (ACFS)
- Database File System (DBFS)
- Configuring Clusterware for GoldenGate
- The Virtual IP
- Creating a GoldenGate application
- Increasing system resilience
- Shared storage
- GoldenGate on Exadata
- Configuration
- Creating the Extract process
- Creating the Replicat process
- Configuration
- Failover
- Automatic failover
- Manual failover
- Relocating a service
- Relocating a VIP
- Summary
- GoldenGate on RAC
- 7. Advanced Configuration
- Mapping your data
- Column mapping
- Using the COLMAP option
- The COLMATCH option
- Using the DEFGEN utility
- Column mapping
- Data selection and filtering
- The WHERE clause
- The FILTER clause
- Loop detection
- Active-active
- Cascade
- Data transformation
- Truncation and extraction
- Concatenation
- Substitution
- Case changing
- Numeric conversions
- Date conversions
- DDL support
- The SQLEXEC parameter
- Data lookups
- Executing stored procedures
- Executing SQL
- Executing DML
- Handling errors
- Scheduling jobs
- Data lookups
- Using and defining macros
- User tokens
- User Exits
- Calling C routines
- Sample User Exits
- Source files explained
- Using logic in data replication
- Licensing
- Summary
- Mapping your data
- 8. Managing Oracle GoldenGate
- Command level security
- The CMDSEC file
- Trail file management
- Managing process startup
- Managing TCP/IP errors
- The tcperrs file
- Reporting and statistics
- Monitoring errors
- Monitoring latency
- A bespoke solution to monitoring and reporting
- Graphing the results using Microsoft Excel
- A bespoke solution to monitoring and reporting
- Measuring throughput
- Data throughput
- Operation throughput
- Summary
- Command level security
- 9. Performance Tuning
- Before tuning GoldenGate
- Online redo
- Large objects (LOBs)
- Base lining
- Balancing the load across parallel process groups
- Considerations for using parallel process groups
- Splitting large tables into row ranges across process groups
- The RANGE function
- Adding Replicats with @RANGE function
- The RANGE function
- Configuring multiple parallel process groups
- Source system configuration
- Parallel process parameter files
- Creating extract parallel process groups
- Target system configuration
- Parallel process parameter files
- Creating Replicat parallel process groups
- Improving Replicat throughput
- Source system configuration
- New releases
- DBFS enhancements
- New redo log OCI API
- Tuning the network
- Linux TCP tuning
- Configuring a Bequeath connection
- Summary
- Before tuning GoldenGate
- 10. Troubleshooting GoldenGate
- Troubleshooting tips
- Replication not working?
- The CHECKPARAMS parameter
- Adjusting the start point
- Altering Extract processes in RAC environments
- Checking process checkpoints
- Investigating network issues
- SQL*Net
- Investigating Oracle errors
- Replication not working?
- Exception handling
- Creating an Exceptions handler
- Viewing Exceptions
- Before and after images
- Handling Oracle Sequences
- Opening files
- Viewing the header record
- Viewing the transaction record
- Miscellaneous commands
- Filtering records
- Upgrading GoldenGate
- Summary
- Troubleshooting tips
- A. GGSCI Commands
- B. GoldenGate Installed Components
- C. The Future of Oracle GoldenGate
- Index
- Назва: Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide. Design, install, and configure high-performance data replication solutions using Oracle GoldenGate
- Автор: John P Jeffries
- Оригінальна назва: Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide. Design, install, and configure high-performance data replication solutions using Oracle GoldenGate
- ISBN: 9781849682015, 9781849682015
- Дата видання: 2011-02-22
- Формат: Eлектронна книга
- Ідентифікатор видання: e_3axu
- Видавець: Packt Publishing