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Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developer's Guide. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is made easily accessible thanks to this comprehensive guide. With a logically structured approach, it gives you the expertise to start using the Oracle SOA suite in real-world applications

Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developer's Guide. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is made easily accessible thanks to this comprehensive guide. With a logically structured approach, it gives you the expertise to start using the Oracle SOA suite in real-world applications

Antony Reynolds, Matt Wright, Matthew Wright

We are moving towards a standards-based Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), where IT infrastructure is continuously adapted to keep up with the pace of business change. Oracle is at the forefront of this vision, with the Oracle SOA Suite providing the most comprehensive, proven, and integrated tool kit for building SOA-based applications.Developers and Architects using the Oracle SOA Suite, whether working on integration projects, building composite applications, or specializing in implementations of Oracle Applications, need a hands-on guide on how best to harness and apply this technology. This book will guide you on using and applying the Oracle SOA Suite to solve real-world problems, enabling you to quickly learn and master the technology and its applications.This book is a major update to Oracle SOA Suite Developer's Guide, which covered 10gR3. It is completely updated for Oracle SOA Suite 11gR1, with 40% new material, including detailed coverage of newer components, such as: the Mediator, the new Rules Editor, the Event Delivery Network, Service Data Objects, and the Meta Data Repository. There is also a complete additional chapter on advanced SOA Architecture including message delivery, transaction handling and clustering considerations.The initial section of the book provides you with a detailed hands-on tutorial to each of the core components that make up the Oracle SOA Suite. Once you are familiar with the various pieces of the SOA Suite and what they do, the next question will typically be:What is the best way to use and combine all of these different components to implement a real-world SOA solution?Answering this question is the goal of the next section. Using a working example of an online auction site (oBay), it leads you through key SOA design considerations in implementing a robust solution that is designed for change.The final section addresses non-functional considerations and covers the packaging, deployment, and testing of SOA applications. It then details how to secure and administer SOA applications.
  • Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developers Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developer's Guide
    • Credits
    • Foreword
    • About the Authors
    • Acknowledgement
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • I. Getting Started
      • 1. Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite
        • Service-oriented architecture in short
          • Service
          • Orientation
          • Architecture
        • Why SOA is different
          • Terminology
          • Interoperability
          • Extension and evolution
          • Reuse in place
        • Service Component Architecture (SCA)
          • Component
          • Service
          • Reference
          • Wire
          • Composite.xml
          • Properties
        • SOA Suite components
          • Services and adapters
          • ESB service abstraction layer
            • Oracle Service Bus and Oracle Mediator
          • Service orchestration the BPEL process manager
          • Rules
          • Security and monitoring
            • Active monitoring BAM
          • Business to Business B2B
          • Complex Event Processing CEP
          • Event delivery network
        • SOA Suite architecture
          • Top level
          • Component view
          • Implementation view
          • A recursive example
        • JDeveloper
        • Other components
          • Service repository and registry
            • BPA Suite
          • The BPM Suite
          • Portals and WebCenter
          • Enterprise manager SOA management pack
        • Summary
      • 2. Writing your First Composite
        • Installing SOA Suite
        • Writing your first BPEL process
          • Creating an application
          • Creating an SOA project
          • SOA project composite templates
          • Creating a BPEL process
            • Assigning values to variables
          • Deploying the process
          • Testing the BPEL process
          • Adding a Mediator
          • Using the Service Bus
        • Writing our first proxy service
          • Writing the Echo proxy service
          • Creating a Change Session
          • Creating a project
            • Creating the project folders
          • Creating service WSDL
            • Importing a WSDL
          • Creating our business service
          • Creating our proxy service
            • Creating message flow
            • Activating the Echo proxy service
            • Testing our proxy service
        • Summary
      • 3. Service-enabling Existing Systems
        • Types of systems
          • Web service interfaces
          • Technology interfaces
          • Application interfaces
        • Java Connector Architecture
        • Creating services from files
          • A payroll use case
          • Reading a payroll file
            • Starting the wizard
            • Naming the service
            • Identifying the operation
            • Defining the file location
            • Selecting specific files
            • Detecting that the file is available
            • Message format
              • Defining a native format schema
              • Using a sample file
              • Record structure
              • Choosing a root element
              • Message delimiters
              • Record type names
              • Field properties
              • Verifying the result
            • Finishing the wizards
          • Throttling the file and FTP adapter
            • Creating a dummy message type
            • Adding an output message to the read operation
            • Using the modified interface
          • Writing a payroll file
            • Selecting the FTP connection
            • Choosing the operation
            • Selecting the file destination
            • Completing the FTP file writer service
          • Moving, copying, and deleting files
            • Generating an adapter
            • Modifying the port type
            • Modifying the binding
            • Configuring file locations through additional header properties
          • Adapter headers
          • Testing the file adapters
        • Creating services from databases
          • Writing to a database
            • Selecting the database schema
            • Identifying the operation type
            • Identifying tables to be operated on
            • Identifying the relationship between tables
            • Under the covers
        • Summary
      • 4. Loosely-coupling Services
        • Coupling
          • Number of input data items
          • Number of output data items
          • Dependencies on other services
          • Dependencies of other services on this service
          • Use of shared global data
          • Temporal dependencies
        • Reducing coupling in stateful services
        • Service abstraction tools in SOA Suite
          • Do you have a choice?
          • When to use the Mediator
          • When to use Oracle Service Bus
        • Oracle Service Bus design tools
          • Oracle Workshop for WebLogic
          • Oracle Service Bus Console
        • Service Bus overview
          • Service Bus message flow
        • Virtualizing service endpoints
          • Moving service location
          • Using Adapters in Service Bus
          • Selecting a service to call
        • Virtualizing service interfaces
          • Physical versus logical interfaces
          • Mapping service interfaces
          • Applying canonical form in the Service Bus
            • An important optimization
        • Using the Mediator for virtualization
        • Summary
      • 5. Using BPEL to Build Composite Services and Business Processes
        • Basic structure of a BPEL process
          • Core BPEL process
            • Variables
          • Partner links
          • Messaging activities
            • Synchronous messaging
            • Asynchronous messaging
              • One way messaging
        • A simple composite service
          • Creating our StockQuote service
            • Importing StockService schema
          • Calling the external web services
            • Calling the web service
            • Assigning values to variables
            • Testing the process
            • Calling the exchange rate web service
            • Assigning constant values to variables
            • Using the expression builder
          • Asynchronous service
            • Using the wait activity
          • Improving the stock trade service
            • Creating the while loop
            • Checking the price
            • Using the switch activity
        • Summary
      • 6. Adding in Human Workflow
        • Workflow overview
        • Leave approval workflow
          • Defining the human task
            • Specifying task parameters
            • Specifying task assignment and routing policy
          • Invoking our human task from BPEL
          • Creating the user interface to process the task
            • Running the workflow process
        • Processing tasks with the worklist application
        • Improving the workflow
          • Dynamic task assignment
            • Assigning tasks to multiple users or groups
          • Cancelling or modifying a task
            • Withdrawing a task
            • Modifying a task
            • Difference between task owner and initiator
          • Requesting additional information about a task
        • Managing the assignment of tasks
          • Reassigning reportee tasks
            • Reassigning your own task
            • Delegating tasks
            • Escalating tasks
          • Using rules to automatically manage tasks
            • Setting up a sample rule
        • Summary
      • 7. Using Business Rules to Define Decision Points
        • Business rule concepts
          • XML facts
          • Decision services
        • Leave approval business rule
          • Creating a decision service
          • Implementing our business rules
          • Adding a rule to our ruleset
            • Creating the IF clause
            • Creating the Then clause
        • Calling a business rule from BPEL
          • Assigning facts
        • Using functions
          • Creating a function
          • Testing a function
          • Testing decision service functions
          • Invoking a function from within a rule
        • Using decision tables
          • Defining a bucket set
          • Creating a decision table
          • Conflict resolution
        • Summary
      • 8. Using Business Events
        • How EDN differs from traditional messaging
        • A sample use case
        • Event Delivery Network essentials
          • Events
          • Event publishers
            • Publishing an event using the Mediator component
            • Publishing an event using BPEL
            • Publishing an event using Java
              • Creating the event
              • Creating the event connection
              • Publishing the event
          • Event subscribers
            • Consuming an event using Mediator
            • Consuming an event using BPEL
        • EDN publishing patterns with SOA Suite
          • Publishing an event on receipt of a message
          • Publishing an event on a synchronous message response
          • Publishing an event on a synchronous message request and reply
          • Publishing an event on an asynchronous response
          • Publishing an event on an asynchronous message request and reply
          • Publishing an event on an event
        • Monitoring event processing in Enterprise Manager
        • Summary
      • 9. Building Real-time Dashboards
        • How BAM differs from traditional business intelligence
          • Oracle BAM scenarios
        • BAM architecture
          • Logical view
          • Physical view
            • Acquire
            • Store
            • Process
            • Deliver
          • Steps in using BAM
          • User interface
        • Monitoring process state
          • Defining reports and data required
          • Defining data objects
            • A digression on populating data object fields
          • Instrumenting BPEL and SCA
            • Invoking the BAM adapter as a regular service
              • Creating a BAM adapter
              • Invoking the BAM adapter
            • Invoking the BAM adapter through BPEL sensors
          • Testing the events
          • Creating a simple dashboard
        • Monitoring process status
        • Monitoring KPIs
        • Summary
    • II. Putting it All Together
      • 10. oBay Introduction
        • oBay requirements
          • User registration
            • User login
          • Selling items
            • List a new item
            • Completing the sale
            • View account
          • Buying items
            • Search for items
            • Bidding on items
        • Defining our blueprint for SOA
          • Architecture goals
          • Typical SOA Architecture
            • Application services layer
            • Virtual services layer
            • Business services layer
              • Functional type
              • Service consumer
            • Business process
            • User interface layer
            • One additional layer
        • Where the SOA Suite fits
          • Composite application
            • Composite granularity
              • Composite reusability
              • Composite lifecycle
              • Composite security and management policies
            • Basic composite design pattern
          • Where to implement virtual services
            • Mediator as a proxy for a composite
            • Mediator as a proxy for an external reference
            • Using a composite as a virtual service
            • Service invocation between composite applications
              • Centralized approach
              • Peer-to-peer topology
              • Hybrid approach
        • oBay high-level architecture
          • oBay application services
            • Workflow services
            • External web services
            • oBay developed services
          • oBay internal virtual services
          • oBay business services
            • oBay business processes
          • oBay user interface
        • Summary
      • 11. Designing the Service Contract
        • Using XML Schema to define business objects
          • Modeling data in XML
            • Data decomposition
            • Data hierarchy
            • Data semantics
            • Using attributes for metadata
          • Schema guidelines
            • Element naming
              • Name length
              • Compound names
              • Naming standards
            • Namespace considerations
              • Always specify a target namespace
              • Default namespace
              • Qualified or unqualified element names
              • Qualified or unqualified attributes
              • Namespace naming conventions
              • Global versus local
              • Elements versus types
          • Partitioning the canonical model
            • Single namespace
            • Multiple namespaces
              • Separate common objects into their own namespaces
        • Using WSDL to define business services
          • Use Document (literal) wrapped
          • Building your abstract WSDL document
            • WSDL namespace
            • Defining the 'wrapper' elements
              • Defining a schema for our wrapper elements
              • Importing our wrapper elements
            • Defining the 'message' elements
            • Defining the 'PortType' Element
        • Using XML Schema and the WSDL within SOA Suite
          • Sharing XML Schemas across composites
            • Defining an MDS connection
            • Importing schemas from MDS
            • Manually importing schemas
            • Deploying schemas to the SOA infrastructure
              • Creating a JAR file within JDeveloper
              • Creating an SOA Bundle for a JAR file
          • Importing the WSDL document into a composite
          • Sharing XML Schemas in the Service Bus
          • Importing the WSDL document into the Service Bus
        • Strategies for managing change
          • Major and minor versions
            • Service implementation versioning
          • Schema versioning
            • Changing schema location
            • Updating schema version attribute
            • Resisting changing the schema namespace
          • WSDL versioning
            • Incorporating changes to the canonical model
            • Changes to the physical contract
            • Updating the service endpoint
            • Including version identifiers in the WSDL definition
            • Managing the service lifecycle
        • Summary
      • 12. Building Entity Services Using Service Data Objects (SDOs)
        • Service Data Objects
          • Oracle 11g R1 support for SDO
            • Oracle SOA Suite 11g SDO support
        • Implementing a Service Data Object
          • Overview of ADF Business Components
          • Creating our ListingSDO application
            • Creating our Listing Business Components
            • Defining Entity objects
            • Defining updatable View objects
            • Defining the application module
            • Testing the listing ADF-BC in JDeveloper
          • Generating the primary key using an Oracle Sequence
            • Creating the ADF extension class for EntityImpl
            • Updating default ADF base classes
            • Configuring Listing entity to use Oracle Sequence
          • Creating the ListingSDO service interface
            • Enabling master detail updates
          • Deploying the Service Data Object
            • Creating a service deployment profile
            • Setting Web Context Root
          • Registering SDO with SOA infrastructure
            • Registering the ListingSDO as an RMI service
            • Configuring global JDBC data source
            • Determining the SDO registry key
        • Using the ListingSDO in an SOA composite
          • Creating an ADF-BC Service Reference
          • Invoking the SDO from BPEL
            • Creating an entity variable
            • Creating a Listing entity
            • Binding to the Listing entity
            • Inserting a detail SDO into a master SDO
            • Updating a detail SDO
            • Deleting a detail SDO
            • Deleting a Service Data Object
          • Exposing the SDO as a business service
        • Summary
      • 13. Building Validation into Services
        • Validation within a composite
        • Using XML Schema validation
          • Strongly-typed services
          • Loosely-typed services
          • Combined approach
          • Schema validation within the Mediator
            • Using schema validation within BPEL PM
              • Validation of BPEL variables
              • Validation of inbound and outbound documents
                • Setting validateXML for a partner link
          • Using schema validation within the Service Bus
            • Validation of inbound documents
            • Validation of outbound documents
        • Using Schematron for validation
          • Overview of Schematron
            • Assertions
            • Rules
              • Using a relative context
            • Patterns
            • Namespaces
            • Schema
          • Intermediate validation
            • Cross field validation
              • Using XPath predicates in rules
              • Using XPath 2.0 functions
            • Date validation
            • Element present
          • Using Schematron within the Mediator
            • Using the Metadata Service to hold Schematron files
            • Returning Schematron errors
          • Using Schematron with the Service Bus
        • Putting validation in the underlying service
          • Using Business Rules for validation
          • Coding in validation
          • Returning validation failures in synchronous services
            • Defining faults
            • Custom fault codes
            • Validation failures in asynchronous services
        • Layered validation considerations
          • Dangers of over validation
          • Dangers of under validation
          • Negative coupling of validation
        • Summary
      • 14. Error Handling
        • Business faults
          • Defining faults in synchronous services
          • Defining faults in asynchronous services
        • Handling business faults in BPEL
          • Catching faults
            • Adding a catch branch
            • Throwing faults
          • Compensation
            • Defining compensation
            • Triggering a Compensation handler
            • Adding a Compensate activity
          • Returning faults
            • Asynchronous Considerations
        • Handling business faults in Mediators
          • Synchronous Mediators
            • System faults
          • Asynchronous Mediators
            • Using timeouts
        • Using the fault management framework
          • Using the fault management framework in BPEL
          • Using the fault management framework in Mediator
          • Defining a fault policies file
            • Defining a fault policy
          • Defining fault policy conditions
            • Specifying the <faultName>
            • Specifying the <condition>
          • Defining fault policy actions
            • Retry action
            • Human intervention action
            • Abort action
            • Rethrow action
            • Replay scope action
            • Java action
          • Binding fault policies
        • Defining bindings on the composite
          • Defining bindings on a component
            • Defining bindings on an external reference
            • Binding resolution
          • Using MDS to hold fault policy files
          • Human intervention in Fusion Middleware Control Console
        • Handling faults within the Service Bus
          • Handling faults in synchronous proxy services
            • Raising an error
            • Defining an error handler
              • Adding a route error handler
              • Checking the type of SOAP Faults
                • Getting the qualified fault name
              • Creating a SOAP Fault
            • Handling unexpected faults
            • Returning a SOAP Fault
            • Adding a service error handler
            • Handling permanent faults
              • Generating alerts
              • Enabling alerts
            • Handling transient faults
              • Retrying a non-responsive business service
          • Handling faults in one-way proxy services
        • Summary
      • 15. Advanced SOA Suite Architecture
        • Relationship of infrastructure to service engines
        • Composite execution and suspension
          • BPEL dehydration events
        • Threading and message delivery in SOA Suite
          • One-way message delivery
          • Immediate execution of one-way messages in BPEL
          • Activation agent threads
          • Dispatcher threads
        • Transactions
          • BPEL transactions
            • BPEL component properties
            • BPEL partner link properties
            • BPEL activities
          • Transactions and thread wrinkles in BPEL
            • Reply handling
          • Oracle Service Bus (OSB) transactions
            • Transactional binding
            • Non-transactional binding
              • Non-transactional proxy
              • Transactional proxy
          • Comparison to EJB
        • Clustering
          • Load balancing
          • JMS considerations
          • Testing considerations
          • Adapter considerations
          • Metadata repository considerations
            • Database connections
        • Summary
      • 16. Message Interaction Patterns
        • Messaging within a composite
          • Processing of messages within the Mediator
          • Processing of messages within BPEL PM
        • Message addressing
          • Multi-protocol support
          • Message correlation
          • WS-Addressing
            • Request message with WS-Addressing
            • Response message with WS-Addressing
        • Using BPEL correlation sets
          • Using correlation sets for multiple process interactions
            • Defining a correlation set property
            • Defining correlation set
            • Using correlation sets
              • Initializing the correlation set
            • Defining property aliases
        • Message aggregation
          • Message routing
            • Correlating the callback
            • Specifying the reply to address
          • Creating a proxy process
            • Using the pick activity
            • Defining the correlation sets
          • Completing the aggregation
        • Scheduling services
          • Defining the schedule file
          • Using FlowN
            • Accessing branch-specific data in FlowN
          • Dynamic partner links
            • Defining a common interface
            • Defining a job partner link
              • Creating an endpoint reference
              • Updating the endpoint
          • Recycling the scheduling file
        • Summary
      • 17. Workflow Patterns
        • Managing multiple participants in a workflow
          • Using multiple assignment and routing policies
            • Determining the outcome by a group vote
              • Voting on the outcome
                • Sharing attachments and comments
              • Assigning participants
              • Skipping the second step
          • Using multiple human tasks
            • Linking individual human tasks
        • Using the workflow API
          • Defining the order fulfillment human task
            • Specifying task parameters
            • Specifying the routing policy
            • Notification settings
          • Querying task instances
            • Defining an external reference for the Task Query Service
            • User authentication
              • Creating the credential element
            • Querying tasks
              • Specifying the display column list
        • Flex fields
          • Populating flex fields
          • Accessing flex fields
          • Specifying the query predicate
          • Using flex fields in the query predicate
          • Ordering the data
        • Getting task details
        • Updating a task instance
        • Using the updateTask operation
        • Updating the task payload
        • Updating the task flex fields
        • Updating the task outcome
        • Summary
      • 18. Using Business Rules to Implement Services
        • How the rule engine works
          • Asserting facts
          • Executing the ruleset
            • Rule activation
            • Rule firing
          • Retrieving result
          • Session management
          • Debugging a ruleset
            • Debugging a decision service with a test function
            • Debugging a decision service within a composite
            • Using the print function to add additional logging
        • Using business rules to implement auction
          • Defining our XML facts
          • Defining the business rule
            • Configuring the decision function
              • Deselect Check Rule Flow
              • Asserting the XML tree
        • Using a global variable to reference the resultset
          • Defining a global variable
          • Defining a rule to initialize a global variable
        • Writing our auction rules
          • Evaluating facts in date order
            • Checking for non-existent fact
            • Updating the bid status
          • Using inference
            • Processing the next valid bid
          • Using functions to manipulate XML facts
            • Asserting a winning bid
            • Retracting a losing bid
            • Rules to process a new winning bid
            • Validating the next bid
            • Rule to process a losing bid
              • Capping the winning bid amount
          • Complete ruleset
        • Performance considerations
          • Managing state within the BPEL process
            • Using functions to control the assertion of facts
        • Summary
    • III. Other Considerations
      • 19. Packaging and Deployment
        • The need for packaging
          • Problems with moving between environments
          • Types of interface
            • Web interfaces
            • Command-line interfaces
        • SOA Suite packaging
          • Oracle Service Bus
          • Oracle SOA composites
            • Deploying a SCA composite via the EM Console
            • Deploying a SCA composite using Ant
              • Compile parameters (ant-sca-compile.xml)
              • Package parameters (ant-sca-package.xml)
              • Deploy parameters (ant-sca-deploy.xml)
              • Test parameters (ant-sca-test.xml)
            • Revisions and milestones
            • The default revision
            • Enabling web service endpoint and WSDL location alteration
            • Enabling adapter configuration
            • XML schema locations
            • XSL imports
            • Composite configuration plan framework
              • Creating a configuration plan template
              • Creating a configuration plan
              • Attaching a configuration plan to an SCA archive
          • Web services security
          • Oracle rules
          • Business activity monitoring
            • Commands
            • Selecting items
            • Using iCommand
        • Summary
      • 20. Testing Composite Applications
        • SOA Suite testing model
        • One-off testing
          • Testing composites
          • Testing the Service Bus
        • Automated testing
        • The composite test framework
        • Composite test suites
          • Injecting data into the test case
          • Data validation
          • Emulating components and references
          • Deploying and running test suites
        • Regression testing
        • System testing
        • Composite testing
        • Component testing
        • Unit testing
        • Performance testing
        • User interface testing
        • Summary
      • 21. Defining Security and Management Policies
        • Security and management challenges in the SOA environment
          • Evolution of security and management
          • Added complications of SOA environment
            • Security Impacts of SOA
            • Management and monitoring impacts of SOA
        • Securing services
          • Security outside the SOA Suite
            • Network security
            • Preventing message interception
            • Restricting access to services
          • Declarative security versus explicit security
            • Security as a facet
            • Security as a service
          • Security model
          • Policy enforcement points
          • Policies
          • Agents and gateways
            • Distinctive benefits of gateways and agents
              • Benefits of gateways
              • Drawbacks of gateways
              • Benefits of agents
              • Drawbacks of agents
            • The gateway dilemma
          • Service Bus model
        • Defining policies
          • Creating a new policy to perform authentication and authorization
            • Creating the authorization policy
              • Oracle-recommended naming conventions for polices
              • Creating the policy
              • Applying a policy
          • Applying a policy through the Service Bus Console
            • Importing a policy
            • Applying OWSM policies in Service Bus
          • Final thoughts on security
        • Monitoring services
          • Monitoring service health in SOA Suite
            • System up-down status
            • System throughput view
              • Monitoring SOA Composite performance
          • Monitoring in the Service Bus
            • Creating an alert destination
            • Enabling service monitoring
            • Creating an alert rule
            • Monitoring the service
          • What makes a good SLA
        • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developer's Guide. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is made easily accessible thanks to this comprehensive guide. With a logically structured approach, it gives you the expertise to start using the Oracle SOA suite in real-world applications
  • Author: Antony Reynolds, Matt Wright, Matthew Wright
  • Original title: Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 Developer's Guide. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is made easily accessible thanks to this comprehensive guide. With a logically structured approach, it gives you the expertise to start using the Oracle SOA suite in real-world applications.
  • ISBN: 9781849680196, 9781849680196
  • Date of issue: 2010-07-01
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3b03
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing