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Moodle 1.9 Multimedia. Create and share multimedia learning materials in your Moodle courses
Moodle Trust, Jo?É?íÂ!GBPo Pedro Soares Fernandes, Joao Pedro Soares Fernandes
In today's world, multimedia can provide a more engaging experience for learners. You can embed your own audio, link to pages off-site, or pull a YouTube video into your course. You can use feature-rich quizzes that allow you to assess your students, or provide them with tools and feedback to test their own knowledge. All these require standard procedures and cutting-edge tools.
Selecting tools to make multimedia integration in Moodle faster, simpler, and more precise is not child's play.
This book provides you with everything you need to include sound, video, animation, and more in your Moodle courses. You'll develop Moodle courses that you are proud of, and that your students enjoy.
This book covers integration of multimedia into Moodle, covering major multimedia elements such as images, audio, and video. It will take you through these elements in detail where you will learn how to create, edit, and integrate these elements into Moodle. The book is written around the design of an online course called Music for Everyday Life using Moodle, where teachers and students create, share, and discuss multimedia elements. You will also learn how to use Web 2.0 tools to create images, audio, and video and then we will take a look at the web applications that allow easy creation, collaboration, and sharing of multimedia elements. Finally, you will learn how to interact with students in real-time using a particular online phone service and a desktop sharing application.
Selecting tools to make multimedia integration in Moodle faster, simpler, and more precise is not child's play.
This book provides you with everything you need to include sound, video, animation, and more in your Moodle courses. You'll develop Moodle courses that you are proud of, and that your students enjoy.
This book covers integration of multimedia into Moodle, covering major multimedia elements such as images, audio, and video. It will take you through these elements in detail where you will learn how to create, edit, and integrate these elements into Moodle. The book is written around the design of an online course called Music for Everyday Life using Moodle, where teachers and students create, share, and discuss multimedia elements. You will also learn how to use Web 2.0 tools to create images, audio, and video and then we will take a look at the web applications that allow easy creation, collaboration, and sharing of multimedia elements. Finally, you will learn how to interact with students in real-time using a particular online phone service and a desktop sharing application.
- Moodle 1.9 Multimedia
- Table of Contents
- Moodle 1.9 Multimedia
- Credits
- About the author
- About the reviewers
- Preface
- What this book covers
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Getting Ready for Multimedia in Moodle
- Multimedia in oodle was built around an idea ofMoodle
- About the course
- Course structure
- Course content
- Pre-requisites
- Knowledge
- Hardware
- A low-budget equipment kit
- A more advanced kit
- Software
- Configuring Moodle for multimedia
- Three simple things using Moodle and multimedia
- Task 1Adding images to forums
- Examples of uses of a forum with pictures
- Task 2Adding sound to forums
- Examples of uses of a forum with sound attachments
- Task 3Adding videos to forums
- Examples of uses of a forum with videos
- Task 1Adding images to forums
- Summary
- 2. Picture This
- Finding free pictures online
- The basics of image formats
- Flickr
- Uploading photos to Flickr
- License
- Wikimedia Commons
- Other picture sites
- Moodle it!
- Uploading images as attachments
- Using Moodles HTML editor
- Capturing and enhancing pictures using GIMP
- Tips for effective photo capturing
- Composition
- Lighting
- Size
- Enhancing pictures using GIMP
- Cropping
- Resizing
- Saving
- Rotating
- Flipping and rotating
- Correcting white balance and color
- Correcting brightness and contrast
- Creating digital photo collages
- Adding layers
- Eliminating photo areas
- Adding text
- Tips for effective photo capturing
- Capturing screenshots
- Capturing screenshots by using the Print Screen key
- Capturing screenshots using Jing
- Creating comic strips using Strip Generator
- Adding elements
- Publishing
- Creating slideshows
- Exporting PowerPoint slides as images to build Moodle lessons
- Publishing presentations using Slideshare
- Creating online photo slideshows
- Summary
- Finding free pictures online
- 3. Sound and Music
- Finding free music and sounds online
- The basics of audio formats
- Internet Archive: Audio archive
- Freesound
- CCMixter
- Imeem
- Uploading audio to Imeem
- Creating playlists in Imeem
- Other music and sound sites
- Moodle it!
- Creating and delivering
- Extracting audio from CDs using VLC
- Ripping a CD track
- Creating and editing audio using Audacity
- Slicing a track
- Creating a new audio project
- Importing audio
- Selecting and deleting track parts
- Fading in and fading out
- Exporting to MP3
- Capturing audio from a microphone (line in)
- Selecting audio input
- Tips for microphone capturing
- Recording voice
- Amplifying sound
- Importing audio tracks
- Moving tracks in the timeline
- Reducing the MP3 file size of voice recordings
- Remixing audio
- Cut, copy and paste
- Creating a new audio track
- Creating volume gradients using the Envelope tool
- Slicing a track
- Extracting audio from CDs using VLC
- Converting text to speech using Voki
- Giving voice to an avatar
- Podcasting using Podomatic
- Summary
- Finding free music and sounds online
- 4. Video
- Finding free videos online
- The basics of video formats
- Instructables
- Sclipo
- TrueTube
- Academic earth
- Downloading YouTube and TeacherTube videos
- Creating videos quickly and cheaply
- Grabbing video selections from DVDs
- Editing videos using Windows Movie Maker
- Creating a project
- Creating a collection
- Importing multimedia (starting with video)
- Splitting
- Creating a story board
- Inserting transitions and effects
- Inserting a title at the beginning of the movie
- Inserting an image at the end of the movie
- Removing the original soundtrack and inserting a new one
- Publishing the edited movie
- Moodle it!
- Uploading video directly to Moodle
- Uploading videos to TeacherTube (or YouTube)
- Creating a photo story with Windows Photo Story
- Importing pictures
- Adding titles to pictures
- Adding narration and motion
- Adding background music
- Publishing the Photo Story
- Creating a screencast with Jing
- Recording the screen with audio
- Creating an online TV station using Mogulus
- Creating a stop motion movie with Animator DV Simple+
- Summary
- Finding free videos online
- 5. Web 2.0 and Other Multimedia Forms
- Creating gadgets to represent data by using Google Docs (Spreadsheets)
- Insert a Gadget
- Publish
- Discuss, Share, Collaborate
- Creating floor plans using a floor planner
- Create a room
- Add a floor
- Add elements
- Save and publish
- Creating mind maps using Mindomo
- Add topics
- Add multimedia elements
- Save and publish
- Creating interactive timelines using Dipity
- Add a topic
- Add an event
- Share
- Creating custom maps using Google Maps
- Create a new map
- Add a placemark
- Add a line
- Share
- Creating an online presentation using Voicethread
- Upload media
- Comment
- Share
- Summary
- Creating gadgets to represent data by using Google Docs (Spreadsheets)
- 6. Multimedia and Assessments
- Adding multimedia to multiple choice answers in Moodle quizzes and lessons
- Adding multimedia to quizzes, lessons, and assignments
- Creating exercises with Hot Potatoes
- JCross - Crosswords
- JMix - Jumble exercises
- Publish
- Moodle it!
- Creating interactive exercises with JClic
- Start a new project
- Creating a puzzle activity
- Creating a finding pairs activity
- Sequencing activities
- Publish
- Moodle it!
- Assessing multimedia using rubrics
- Criteria
- Summary
- Adding multimedia to multiple choice answers in Moodle quizzes and lessons
- 7. Synchronous Communication and Interaction
- Communicating in real-time using text, audio, and video
- Chat and group chat
- Transferring files
- Voice and video chat
- Creating an online real-time classroom
- Setting up a meeting
- Starting a meeting
- Sharing the desktop
- Using the whiteboard
- Uploading a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation or Adobe PDF document
- Managing communication and participation
- Recording
- Summary
- Communicating in real-time using text, audio, and video
- 8. Common Multimedia Issues in Moodle
- Copyright issues
- Fair use
- Public domain
- Licensing your work under a Creative Commons license
- Referencing sources
- Plagiarism
- Seeking further advice
- Safety issues
- Personal details
- Cyber-bullying
- Seeking further advice
- Selecting Web 2.0 applications
- Moodle modules and plug-ins of interest
- Summary
- Copyright issues
- Index
- Tytuł: Moodle 1.9 Multimedia. Create and share multimedia learning materials in your Moodle courses
- Autor: Moodle Trust, Jo?É?íÂ!GBPo Pedro Soares Fernandes, Joao Pedro Soares Fernandes
- Tytuł oryginału: Moodle 1.9 Multimedia. Create and share multimedia learning materials in your Moodle courses.
- ISBN: 9781847195913, 9781847195913
- Data wydania: 2009-05-21
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b2m
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing