Електронні книги
Бізнес та економіка
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- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
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- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
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- Переконання та НЛП
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Для дітей
Для молоді
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Електронна преса
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- Художня література
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- Історичний роман
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Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
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- Господарське право
- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
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Путівники та подорожі
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- Словенія
- Швейцарія
- Швеція
- Світ
- Туреччина
- Україна
- Угорщина
- Велика Британія
- Італія
- Філософія життя
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
- Порадники
- Презентації
- Лідерство
- Зв'язки з громадськістю
- Секрет
- Соціальні засоби комунікації
- Продаж
- Стартап
- Ваша кар'єра
- Управління
- Управління проектами
- Людські ресурси (HR)
Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
- Антології
- Балада
- Біографії та автобіографії
- Для дорослих
- Драми
- Журнали, щоденники, листи
- Епос, епопея
- Нарис
- Наукова фантастика та фантастика
- Фельєтони
- Художня література
- Гумор, сатира
- Інше
- Класичний
- Кримінальний роман
- Нехудожня література
- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
- Новели
- Побутовий роман
- Okultyzm i magia
- Оповідання
- Спогади
- Подорожі
- Поезія
- Політика
- Науково-популярна
- Роман
- Історичний роман
- Проза
- Пригодницька
- Журналістика
- Роман-репортаж
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Сенсація
- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Науково-популярна та академічна
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
Путівники та подорожі
- Філософія життя
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бази даних
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Для дітей
Графіка / Відео / CAX
Microsoft Office
Інструменти розробки
Особистісний розвиток
Комп'ютерні мережі
Операційні системи
Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
- Електронні книги
- Hardware
- Інше
- Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform. An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies
Деталі електронної книги
Увійти, Якщо вас цікавить зміст видання.
Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform. An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies
Stephen Thomas, Stephen W. Thomas, Mike Sexton, Rama Ramani, Ewan Fairweather, Richard Seroter, Ramasubramanian Ramani, Michael J Sexton
Eлектронна книга
Every day, architects and developers are asked to solve specific business problems in the most efficient way possible using a broad range of technologies. Packed with real-world examples of how to use the latest Microsoft technologies, this book tackles over a dozen specific use case patterns and provides an applied implementation with supporting code downloads for every chapter.
In this book, we guide you through thirteen architectural patterns and provide detailed code samples for the following technologies: Windows Server AppFabric, Windows Azure Platform AppFabric, SQL Server (including Integration Services, Service Broker, and StreamInsight), BizTalk Server, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). This book brings together – and simplifies – the information and methodology you need to make the right architectural decisions and use a broad range of the Microsoft platform to meet your requirements. Throughout the book, we will follow a consistent architectural decision framework which considers key business, organizational, and technology factors.
The book is broken up into four sections. First, we define the techniques and methodologies used to make architectural decisions throughout the book. In Part I, we provide a set of primers designed to get you up to speed with each of the technologies demonstrated in the book. Part II looks at messaging patterns and includes use cases which highlight content-based routing, workflow, publish/subscribe, and distributed messaging. Part III digs into data processing patterns and looks at bulk data processing, complex events, multi-master synchronization, and more. Finally, Part IV covers performance-related patterns including low latency, failover to the cloud, and reference data caching.
In this book, we guide you through thirteen architectural patterns and provide detailed code samples for the following technologies: Windows Server AppFabric, Windows Azure Platform AppFabric, SQL Server (including Integration Services, Service Broker, and StreamInsight), BizTalk Server, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF). This book brings together – and simplifies – the information and methodology you need to make the right architectural decisions and use a broad range of the Microsoft platform to meet your requirements. Throughout the book, we will follow a consistent architectural decision framework which considers key business, organizational, and technology factors.
The book is broken up into four sections. First, we define the techniques and methodologies used to make architectural decisions throughout the book. In Part I, we provide a set of primers designed to get you up to speed with each of the technologies demonstrated in the book. Part II looks at messaging patterns and includes use cases which highlight content-based routing, workflow, publish/subscribe, and distributed messaging. Part III digs into data processing patterns and looks at bulk data processing, complex events, multi-master synchronization, and more. Finally, Part IV covers performance-related patterns including low latency, failover to the cloud, and reference data caching.
- Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform
- Table of Contents
- Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewer
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Solution Decision Framework
- The need for a decision framework
- Sources of input to the framework
- Functional requirements
- Non-functional requirements
- Derived requirements
- Organization direction
- Deciding upon your architecture strategy
- Framework dimensions
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Applying the framework
- Summary
- 2. Windows Communication Foundation and Windows Workflow 4.0 Primer
- What does this technology do?
- Highlights of the latest release
- Windows Communication Foundation enhancements
- Windows Workflow Foundation enhancements
- Enhancements to both technologies
- Typical use cases
- Windows Communication Foundation use cases
- Windows Workflow Foundation use cases
- Example solution
- Summary
- 3. Windows Server AppFabric Primer
- What does this technology do?
- Windows Server AppFabric core components
- Application-server hosting and monitoring
- Control
- Scripting
- Hosting
- Monitoring
- Persistence
- Distributed cache
- Named cache
- Region
- Expiration
- Eviction
- Local cache
- High availability
- Cache notifications
- Application-server hosting and monitoring
- Typical use cases
- Windows Server AppFabric hosting and monitoring
- Windows Server AppFabric cache
- Typical scenarios
- Example solution
- AppFabric hosting and monitoring
- AppFabric caching
- Setup
- Steps
- Summary
- 4. BizTalk Server Primer
- Heterogeneous systems
- What does BizTalk Server do?
- Cant we just use Web Services or WCF?
- Typical BizTalk use cases
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- Business-to-Business (B2B)
- Business Process Automation (BPA)
- Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
- BizTalk architecture
- BizTalk message flow
- Key BizTalk server terminology
- BizTalk group
- Hosts
- Host instance
- BizTalk databases
- Enterprise Single Sign-On
- Adapters
- Message
- Pipeline
- Maps
- Performance of maps
- Orchestration
- Highlights of the BizTalk 2010 release
- Example solution
- Summary
- 5. SQL Server and Data Integration Tools Primer
- What does this technology do?
- SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- SQL Server Service Broker (SSSB)
- The Microsoft Sync Framework
- Master Data Services
- A very basic and completely insufficient introduction to data integration with SQL Server
- Sync Framework
- SQL Server 2008 enhancements
- SSIS enhancements
- SSSB enhancements
- Sync Framework enhancements
- Typical use cases
- Example solution
- Writing an RSS feed to SQL Server
- Distribution via Sync Framework
- SQL Server Service Broker
- Summary
- What does this technology do?
- 6. Windows Azure Platform Primer
- What does this technology do?
- Windows Azure
- Usage
- Architecture
- Fabric controller
- Compute
- Web role
- Worker role
- Storage
- Blobs
- Table
- Queue
- Drive
- Provisioning model
- Diagnostics and monitoring
- How do I get started?
- SQL Azure
- Usage
- Architecture
- Provisioning model
- Data access and usage patterns
- SQL Azure what is supported and what is not
- How do I get started?
- Windows Azure Platform AppFabric
- Usage
- Architecture
- Service Bus
- Access Control Service
- Provisioning model
- Project "Dallas"
- Windows Azure
- Example solution
- Scenario
- Setup
- Steps
- Summary
- What does this technology do?
- 7. Simple Workflow
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Factors affecting implementation details
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 Windows Server AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Building the service aggregator workflow service
- Testing the service aggregator workflow service
- Consuming the service aggregator workflow service with ASP.NET
- Summary
- Use case
- 8. Content-based Routing
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 SQL Server 2008 R2
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #3 WCF and Windows Server AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Building the workflow
- Adding a router service
- Summary
- Use case
- 9. Publish-Subscribe
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 Azure Platform AppFabric Service Bus
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #3 SQL Service Broker
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 Azure Platform AppFabric Service Bus
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Building the canonical solution artifacts
- Building the FDA subscriber solution artifacts
- Configuring the data publisher and FDA subscriber
- Building the website database subscriber solution artifacts
- Configuring the website database subscriber
- Summary
- Use case
- 10. Repair/Resubmit with Human Workflow
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 Windows Server AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Building the core workflow
- Testing the workflow without SharePoint
- Building the SharePoint site and SharePoint workflow
- Creating the SharePoint site and customer list
- Create the SharePoint workflow
- Testing the solution using SharePoint
- Summary
- Use case
- 11. Remote Message Broadcasting
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 .NET-based polling
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #3 Windows Azure Platform AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 .NET-based polling
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Signing up for an Azure AppFabric account
- Create the WCF services to listen on the Service Bus
- Summary
- Use case
- 12. Debatching Bulk Data
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 SSIS
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 SSIS
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Encryption
- Target system
- Debatching with SSIS and SQL Server
- Debatching with SQL
- Debatch with SSIS
- Summary
- Use case
- 13. Complex Event Processing
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1-StreamInsight
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1-StreamInsight
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Set up
- Creating an adapter
- Summary
- Use case
- 14. Cross-Organizational Supply Chain
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk (with ESB Toolkit)
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 Windows Server AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk (with ESB Toolkit)
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Deploying and using a monolithic solution
- PO status codes
- Item inventory check status codes
- Current behaviors of the system
- Utilizing the ESB Toolkit
- Using existing transformations within an ESB Itinerary
- Using the itinerary service broker pattern to implement messaging-based routing with ESB
- Summary
- Use case
- 15. Multiple Master Synchronization
- Use Case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architecture
- Solution design aspects
- Master Data Services
- Search Server Express
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Solution design aspects
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Fetching relational data
- Master Data Services
- Unstructured data
- Search
- Summary
- Use Case
- 16. Rapid Flexible Scalability
- Use case
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 Windows Azure / SQL Azure
- Solution design aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 Hyper-V
- Solution design aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 Windows Azure / SQL Azure
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Integrating SSIS with SQL Azure
- Summary
- 17. Low-Latency Request-Reply
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architectures
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #2 Windows Server AppFabric
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #3 Windows Azure platform
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Candidate architecture #1 BizTalk Server
- Architecture selection
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Building the vendor-specific and aggregate workflows
- Testing the solution
- Summary
- Use case
- 18. Handling Large Session and Reference Data
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Candidate architecture
- Candidate architecture #1 Windows Server AppFabric Cache
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operations aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Candidate architecture #1 Windows Server AppFabric Cache
- Architecture selection
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Integrating with Windows Server AppFabric cache
- Summary
- Use case
- 19. Website Load Burst and Failover
- Use case
- Key requirements
- Additional facts
- Pattern description
- Chosen architecture
- Solution design aspects
- Solution delivery aspects
- Solution operation aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Solution evaluation
- Building the solution
- Setup
- Adding the WCF portion to Cloud Service
- Adding the ASP.NET portion to Cloud Service
- Testing and deploying the Windows Azure Cloud Service
- Summary
- Use case
- 20. Wrap Up
- What did we find?
- Where to go next
- Index
- Назва: Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform. An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies
- Автор: Stephen Thomas, Stephen W. Thomas, Mike Sexton, Rama Ramani, Ewan Fairweather, Richard Seroter, Ramasubramanian Ramani, Michael J Sexton
- Оригінальна назва: Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform. An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies
- ISBN: 9781849680554, 9781849680554
- Дата видання: 2010-09-07
- Формат: Eлектронна книга
- Ідентифікатор видання: e_3b31
- Видавець: Packt Publishing