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Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics. This tutorial reaches the parts that standard manuals don’t, taking you deep into advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite. With a practical approach and logical explanations, it will make you a maestro of BPMN

Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics. This tutorial reaches the parts that standard manuals don’t, taking you deep into advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite. With a practical approach and logical explanations, it will make you a maestro of BPMN

Tanya Williams, Mark Nelson, Nelson Morris, Tatyana Williams

Eлектронна книга
Oracle BPM Suite is a popular and highly capable business process management system with extensive integration capabilities. BPMN, one of the most widely used process modeling notations, includes advanced capabilities for inter-process communication, working of arrays of data, and handling exceptions. However, these very same areas are often poorly understood. This book gives you the knowledge to create professional process models using these advanced features of BPMN.Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics is the only book available that provides coverage of advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite, helping to fill in the gaps left by the product documentation, and giving you the information that you need to know to use BPMN to its full potential.This book covers the important theory behind inter-process communication, working with arrays and handling exceptions in BPMN, along with detailed, step-by-step practical exercises that demonstrate and consolidate this theoretical knowledge.Throughout the book we'll cover topics including different types of sub-processes, initializing and manipulating arrays, using the multi-instance embedded sub-process, fault propagation and more.With Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics in hand, you'll gain detailed and practical experience in using the advanced features of BPMN to create professional BPMN processes with Oracle BPM.
  • Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics
    • Table of Contents
    • Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics
    • Credits
    • About the Authors
    • About the Reviewers
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
        • Where to download the software from
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Inter-process Communication
      • Conversations
        • The default conversation
      • Correlation
        • Correlation sets
        • Correlation when there are multiple calls
      • Throw and catch events
      • Send and receive tasks
      • When to use throw/catch events and send/receive tasks
      • Messages, signals, and errors
        • Messages
        • Signals
        • Errors
      • Invoking sub-processes
        • Embedded sub-processes
        • Multi-instance embedded sub-processes
        • Reusable sub-processes
        • Recommended sub-process style to use
      • Summary
    • 2. Inter-process Communication in Practice
      • Communicating between processes using messages and correlation
      • Communication between processes inside a loop
      • Communicating between processes using signals
      • Using reusable sub-processes
      • Summary
    • 3. Working with Arrays
      • Data Associations
      • Creating an empty array
      • Creating an array with some empty elements
      • Creating an initialized array
      • Getting elements from arrays
      • Setting elements in arrays
      • Appending elements to arrays
      • Joining two arrays
      • Removing elements from arrays
      • Iterating over arrays with a multi-instance embedded sub-process
        • Cardinality or collection
        • Sequential or parallel
        • Using a completion condition
        • Scope
      • Practice: Iterating over an array using an embedded sub-process
      • Summary
    • 4. Handling Exceptions
      • Mechanisms for catching exceptions in BPMN
        • Boundary events
          • Event sub-processes
      • Exception propagation with sub-processes and peer processes
        • Exception propagation with embedded sub-processes
        • Exception propagation with sub-processes invoked with a call activity
        • Exception propagation with peer processes invoked with a throw event
        • Exception propagation with peer processes invoked with a send task
      • How BPM exceptions affect the SCA composite
      • Summary
    • 5. Handling Exceptions in Practice
      • Using boundary events to implement timeouts
      • Using boundary events to implement the cancel message use case
      • Using event sub-processes
      • Propagating exceptions using peer processes
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Назва: Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics. This tutorial reaches the parts that standard manuals don’t, taking you deep into advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite. With a practical approach and logical explanations, it will make you a maestro of BPMN
  • Автор: Tanya Williams, Mark Nelson, Nelson Morris, Tatyana Williams
  • Оригінальна назва: Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics. This tutorial reaches the parts that standard manuals don’t, taking you deep into advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite. With a practical approach and logical explanations, it will make you a maestro of BPMN.
  • ISBN: 9781849687577, 9781849687577
  • Дата видання: 2012-10-01
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3b66
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing