E-book details

Drupal 6 Content Administration. Maintain, add to, and edit content of your Drupal site with ease

Drupal 6 Content Administration. Maintain, add to, and edit content of your Drupal site with ease

Dries Buytaert, J. Ayen Green

Often a company hires a web designer to build its Drupal site, and then takes over running the site in house. This book is for the Content Editors concerned with the ongoing creation and maintenance of the site content.
In a few hours, you'll have the knowledge needed to maintain and edit your web site as a content-rich place that visitors return to again and again. There are many books available to help you administer a Drupal site, but this is the only one specifically for Content Editors. This book doesn't cover designing or creating a site. However, anybody who has built their own site but needs some help using the article management features will also benefit from it.
This book is a quick-start guide, aimed at Content Editors. The author's experience enables him to explain in an efficient and interactive manner how you can keep your site up to date. The book begins with a discussion of content management and Drupal and then teaches you how to create content, add elements to it, and make the content findable. You will then learn to set up the framework for a creative team and the various options for editing content offline, their benefits and pitfalls.
This book helps you to quickly and easily solve problems, and manage content and users for a web site. It will help you become a more effective and efficient manager of Drupal-based web sites.
  • Drupal 6 Content Administration
    • Table of Contents
    • Drupal 6 Content Administration
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. The Grand Tour
      • What will I learn?
      • What is Drupal?
      • What is a Content Management System?
      • Who is the target reader?
      • What will I do in the chapters?
      • A guided tour of Drupal
        • The Drupal front end
        • The Drupal back end
          • Create content
          • Content management
          • User management
          • Reports
          • Site building
          • Site configuration
      • Summary
    • 2. Content Creation
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • Understanding content in Drupal
        • What is content?
      • Node Content typesthe Story
        • Activity 2.1: Creating a Story
        • Activity 2.2: Editing Node Content
        • Content creation form fields
      • Node Content typesPage
        • Activity 2.3: Creating a Drupal Page with a Rich Text Editor
      • Permissions in Drupal
      • Summary
    • 3. Content Seasoning
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • Understanding Teasers
        • Activity 3.1: Creating a Teaser
          • Creating links within Node Content
        • Activity 3.2: Creating an external text link
        • The anatomy of a link
      • Using images in content
        • Activity 3.3: Working with images in content
          • Activity 3.3a: Uploading and embedding an image
          • Inserting an image if you dont have an editor
          • Activity 3.3b: Creating an image link
      • Embedding audio in Node Content
        • Activity 3.4: Adding audio content
      • Linking to downloadable content
        • Activity 3.5: Providing a link to downloadable content
      • Embedding video in Node Content
        • Activity 3.6: Adding video content
      • Summary
    • 4. Advanced Content Editing
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • Enhancing layouts with HTML and CSS
        • HTML and tables
        • CSS in Drupal
        • Activity 4.1: Adding a CSS file to a theme
        • Activity 4.2: Creating a CSS file
        • Activity 4.3: Creating an 'include' file
        • Activity 4.4: Creating the Node Content header
        • Activity 4.5: Creating the Node Content Body
      • Revisions
        • Activity 4.6: Creating a Revision
      • Summary
    • 5. Making Content Findable
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • Understanding Taxonomy
        • Activity 5.1: Creating a Taxonomy Vocabulary
      • Tag Clouds
      • Path Aliases
        • Activity 5.2: Creating a Path Alias
      • Searching
        • Activity 5.3: Enabling the Search functionality
      • Summary
    • 6. Rich Content Types
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • The good side of being a Blockhead
        • Activity 6.1: Creating a Block
        • Deciphering the Blocks page
        • Determining the Block widths
      • Views
        • Activity 6.2: Creating a View
      • On Blogging
        • Activity 6.3: Creating a Blog entry
        • Setting up a Blog
      • Summary
    • 7. Supporting an Editorial Team
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • The Creative team
      • Roles
        • Activity 7.1: Creating Roles
      • Node Content types
        • Activity 7.2: Node Content for our Roles
        • Activity 7.3creating a Block Node Content type
      • Permissions
        • Activity 7.4: Granting Permissions
      • The disgruntled team member
        • Activity 7.5: Blocking
      • Summary
    • 8. Offline Content Creation
      • What you will learn
      • What you will do
      • Creating content offline
        • Activity 8.1: Pasting lightly-formatted text
      • Blogging
        • Activity 8.2: Creating a Blog entry remotely
      • Node Content via email
        • Activity 8.3: Using email to create a Story
        • Activity 8.4: Using email to edit Node Content
      • Summary
    • A. Installing Drupal
      • Determining if the hosting account meets spec
      • Downloading Drupal 6.x
      • Creating the database
      • Installing Drupal
    • B. Where to Find...
      • Where to find help
        • Low-priority help
        • Medium-priority help
        • High-priority help
      • Finding documentation
      • Finding modules
      • Finding themes
      • Finding Packt guides
    • Index
  • Title: Drupal 6 Content Administration. Maintain, add to, and edit content of your Drupal site with ease
  • Author: Dries Buytaert, J. Ayen Green
  • Original title: Drupal 6 Content Administration. Maintain, add to, and edit content of your Drupal site with ease
  • ISBN: 9781847198570, 9781847198570
  • Date of issue: 2009-06-26
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3b6m
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing