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- 3D Printing with SketchUp. Real-world case studies to help you design models in SketchUp for 3D printing on anything ranging from the smallest desktop machines to the largest industrial 3D printers with this book and
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3D Printing with SketchUp. Real-world case studies to help you design models in SketchUp for 3D printing on anything ranging from the smallest desktop machines to the largest industrial 3D printers with this book and
- 3D Printing with SketchUp
- Table of Contents
- 3D Printing with SketchUp
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
- www.PacktPub.com
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- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the color images of this book
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Concepts Every 3D Printing Designer Needs to Know
- A short background of 3D printing
- The 3D printing process
- Printing support material
- The 3D printing process
- Own a printer or use a print service?
- Making the most of 3D printing
- Designing for prototypes versus finished products
- Avoiding the pitfalls of 3D printing
- Choosing a 3D modeling program
- Summary
- A short background of 3D printing
- 2. Setting Up SketchUp for 3D Printing
- Downloading and installing SketchUp
- The SketchUp interface
- Setting up a template for fast modeling and troubleshooting
- Using the 3D printers build volume component
- Model units of measurement
- Saving our template as the default template
- Using other styles
- Setting up toolbars
- Minimizing dialog boxes
- Installing and using extensions
- Installing more extensions
- A quick exercise
- Importing .STL files
- Summary
- Downloading and installing SketchUp
- 3. From 2D Drawing to 3D Model
- Starting from a quick sketch
- Designing for ease of printing
- Modeling in SketchUp from a sketch
- Keeping a historical timeline of changes speeds iteration
- Exporting the model and printing
- Importing vector artwork
- Changing the scale of the part
- A bonus tip the 45-degree overhang rule for filament printers
- Making the design your own
- Summary
- 4. Understanding Model Resolution
- Wall thickness
- Modeling a vase
- Creating a profile
- Avoiding missing faces by scaling up your model
- Creating wall thickness
- Understanding noncircular circles
- Making the magic happen with the Follow Me tool
- A bonus tip for desktop extrusion printers
- Combining solids with the Outer Shell tool
- Bonus more methods to create wall thickness
- Summary
- 5. Using Existing Models
- Leveraging SketchUp components to save time
- Saving a model as a Component
- Online 3D model repositories
- Thingiverse
- 3D Warehouse
- GrabCAD
- Case study modifying a GoPro wrench
- Summary
- Leveraging SketchUp components to save time
- 6. Designing a Phone Cradle
- Getting started with a 2D sketch
- Getting to the third dimension
- Adding details to make the model interesting
- Using the 3D Text tool
- Mirroring symmetrical models
- Combining groups with the Outer Shell tool
- Cutting a slot for the cord
- Orienting faces for a perfect model
- Exporting the model for printing
- Testing the printed model
- Developing an improved design
- Copying and scaling groups to create a complex shape
- Finishing up and printing the new model
- Testing the second iteration
- Summary
- Getting started with a 2D sketch
- 7. Importing Terrain and Printing in Color
- Working with the Google Earth terrain
- Printing models with color
- Textures versus solid colors
- Working with solid colors in SketchUp
- Working with textures in SketchUp
- Exporting the model for color printing
- Summary
- 8. Modeling Architecture for 3D Printing
- Using SketchUp for 3D printing versus rendering
- Case study 3D printing a model designed for rendering
- Examining the original model
- Planning the model
- Using groups and layers to organize the model
- Creating a standard wall thickness
- Editing wall panels to add details
- Adding the window grills
- Adding interior walls
- Modeling the roof
- Orienting the parts for printing
- Printing the model and bonus commentary
- Preparing the model for full color printing
- Orienting the parts for printing
- Printing from i.materialise
- Printing from Shapeways
- The full-color printed cabin
- Summary
- A. Resources for Your 3D Printing Success
- Troubleshooting nonsolid models
- SketchUp extensions
- Where to find extensions online
- Extensions and plugins mentioned in the book
- More useful extensions
- SketchUp training
- Companion programs for 3D printing
- 3D model repositories
- 3D print services
- Industrial services with a shop platform
- Crowdsourced print services
- Contact me
- Index
- Tytuł: 3D Printing with SketchUp. Real-world case studies to help you design models in SketchUp for 3D printing on anything ranging from the smallest desktop machines to the largest industrial 3D printers with this book and
- Autor: Meir Gottesman
- Tytuł oryginału: 3D Printing with SketchUp. Real-world case studies to help you design models in SketchUp for 3D printing on anything ranging from the smallest desktop machines to the largest industrial 3D printers with this book and ebook
- ISBN: 9781783284580, 9781783284580
- Data wydania: 2014-05-21
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b6p
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing