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Small Business Server 2008 - Installation, Migration, and Configuration. Set up and run Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 making it deliver a big business impact with this book and

Small Business Server 2008 - Installation, Migration, and Configuration. Set up and run Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 making it deliver a big business impact with this book and

David Overton

Small Businesses need to capitalize on the investments they make in IT to drive the business forward. SBS 2008 is uniquely positioned to deliver, but a poor implementation becomes a hindrance rather than a benefit to your business. Well implemented solutions enable your business to appear larger, yet more dynamic than many enterprises.
It's easy to get Small Business Server 2008 up and running when you've got this book to hand. It helps you in a clear and friendly manner to understand how to implement SBS 2008 inside your business in a way that matches your business needs. The author's experience enables him to share a tried and tested path to deliver the business benefits without becoming bogged down in unnecessary details that are not relevant to small businesses.
SBS 2008 is a fantastic investment for Small Businesses to make towards a well managed and highly functional IT solution in their business. This book is the culmination of many years advising small business owners and consultants on the recommend, tried and tested path to implement small business technology from Microsoft. Through this book you will gain an understanding of the features you can choose to use and then how to securely implement the server to deliver them. It will guide you through the installation and configuration process with the help of step-by-step instructions and plentiful screenshots. It will also explain how you can benefit from the collaboration tools based on SharePoint and how you can protect all your business data with a back-up process that covers anything from deleted files to a fire in the office.
Imagine how great you'll feel when your Small Business Server 2008 is ready and working, and you can get back to surfing the Internet!
  • Small Business Server 2008 Installation, Migration, and Configuration
    • Table of Contents
    • Small Business Server 2008 Installation, Migration, and Configuration
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction
      • Who should read this book...and do the work?
      • Why are you installing a server?
        • How to get the return on your server investment
      • Book goals
      • Navigation route through book
      • How to ask more questions
      • Summary
    • 2. Introduction to SBS 2008
      • SBS 2008
        • Windows Server 2008
        • Exchange Server 2007
        • Windows SharePoint Services
        • Windows Software Update Services
        • Windows SBS Console
        • Premium Server technologies
      • Solution Checklist
      • Support
      • Summary
    • 3. Preparing to Migrate from SBS 2003
      • When to migrate and when to perform a clean installation
        • Only migrating a part of a system
      • Why do you have to migrate to SBS 2008?
      • Fourteen steps of migration
      • Doing two things at once
      • Migrating from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008 on the same server
        • Migration with Hyper-V running SBS 2003 and SBS 2008 on the same system
          • Process to migrate on one system
        • Migration by moving SBS 2003 to a temporary virtual environment
        • Process for installing SBS 2008 on the same box as 2003
      • Planning the migration and communicating the plan
        • Informing the users
      • Checking the health of the SBS 2003
        • Checking Active Directory
      • Backing up the existing server
        • Doing the backup
      • Changing network configuration to match SBS 2008 design requirements
        • Installing your firewall and router and ensuring DHCP is turned off on these devices
        • Physically re-configuring SBS 2003 to use a single NIC
        • Re-configuring SBS 2003 network settings
        • Checking that the router has the correct firewall settings
        • Checking if network settings are correct
      • Updating software on SBS 2003
        • Installing Updates
        • Checking Versions
          • Checking SBS 2003 is at Service Pack 1 or greater
          • Checking Windows Server is at Service Pack 2 or greater
          • Checking Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 is installed
          • Checking that .NET Framework 2.0 is installed
          • Checking the version for Microsoft Core XML Services
          • Checking Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Service Pack 3 is installed and used
      • Changing Active Directory functionality level
        • Raising the functional level for the domain and Forest
      • Confirming SBS 2003 is currently configured at best practice levels
      • Removing unnecessary email from Exchange
      • Checking that the permissions are set to allow a migration
      • Preparing SBS 2003 Time Synchronisation
      • Running the migration tool on SBS 2003
      • Preparing to migrate line-of-business applications
      • Completing the answer file for SBS 2008 setup
      • What is not covered
        • ISA configuration
        • Other Security & Firewall software
      • Summary
    • 4. Installing SBS 2008 and Connecting to the Internet
      • SBS 2008 installation
        • Operating system installation
        • SBS 2008 installation continued
        • Time Verification
        • Network settings for migrating systems
        • Getting installation updates
        • Confirming Company information
        • Creating an administrator account for new installations
        • Naming your server and domain for new installations
        • Installing OneCare and Forefront Trials
        • Installation finished, possibly with errors
      • Resolving errors and installing SBS 2008 updates
      • Setting up IP addresses for clean installations
      • Summary
    • 5. Migrating Systems and Settings from SBS 2003
      • Assumptions
      • 21-day time limit
      • User Access Control
      • Preparing to run the Migration Wizard
        • Changing folder redirection
        • Creating a new administrator account
      • Working through the Migration Wizard
        • The Migration Wizard
        • Changing where to store data on the SBS 2008 server
        • Initially configuring the SBS 2008 network
        • Configuring Internet Access
          • Choosing SBS 2008 to manage your DNS
          • Choosing to manage your DNS settings yourself
          • Finishing the Configure the Internet section
        • Migrating the SBS 2003 network settings across
        • Cleaning up the group policy settings
          • Removing old logon scripts
          • Removing old group policy objects
          • Removing WMI filters
      • Summary
    • 6. Migrating Email from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007
      • Migrating email from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007
        • Starting Migration on SBS 2008
        • Backing up and validating Exchange database on SBS 2003 server
        • Removing Internet connectors from SBS 2003
        • Migrating POP3 connectors from SBS 2003
        • Moving the Offline Address Book from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008
        • Moving mailboxes from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008
        • Moving Exchange Server public folders from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008
        • Finishing the Exchange Migration task
      • Finishing the Exchange 2007 migration and checking systems
        • Updating additional settings
        • Network checks
        • Configuring Outlook for the SBS 2008
        • Working around a known bug with Outlook Anywhere
      • Summary
    • 7. Migrating the CompanyWeb SharePoint Site
      • Extracting data from SBS 2003 server
        • Running WSS v3 Pre-scan tool
        • Adding extra users to CompanyWeb
          • Adding users by script
          • Adding users via the web administration pages
          • Re-run the Pre-scan tool
        • Stopping the web site
        • Backing up the database
          • Backing up via script
          • Backing up using the user interface
        • Detaching the database before moving
          • Detaching the database by script
          • Detaching the database using the user interface
        • Copying the database files
      • Adding OldCompanyWeb to SBS 2008
        • Configuring the DNS for the migrated site
          • Updating DNS via the command line
          • Updating DNS information through the user interfaces
        • Importing the data
          • Re-attaching the database by command line
          • Re-attaching the database through the user interface
        • Creating the new site to host the SBS 2003 data
          • Creating a new IIS site to host the site
            • Creating the web site using scripting
            • Creating the web site using the user interface
          • Creating and configuring a WSS v3 site for OldCompanyWeb
          • Changing the Administrator settings for the site
          • Restarting IIS
      • Tidying up
        • Ensuring all graphics files are copied across
        • Changing web site names
        • Completing the task
      • Summary
    • 8. Migrating Users and Data from SBS 2003
      • Migrating file shares
        • Instructions for migration
        • Preparing on the SBS 2003 system
        • Completing migration on the SBS 2008 system
      • Migrating the fax data
        • Installing the modem
        • Installing and starting the Fax Service
        • Migrating the fax data
        • Configuring the Fax Service
      • Migrating users and groups
        • Modifying SBS 2003 groups so they work with SBS 2008
        • Creating new account roles
        • Migrating users by role
        • Enabling remote access to the computer
        • Removing unwanted users
      • Migrating Line of Business (LOB) applications
        • Platform compatibility
        • Common file and data locations
        • Naming dependencies
      • Finishing the migration
      • Making your SBS 2008 appear to also be the SBS 2003 server on the network
        • Making changes to the DNS and NetBIOS settings
        • Updating the registry
      • Summary
    • 9. Configuring your Services
      • Assumptions
      • Accepting the customer feedback option
      • Configuring your Internet domain name for remote access and email
        • Do you wish to buy a new Internet domain name?
        • Should SBS 2008 manage your DNS settings?
        • Buying a domain name or configuring Internet domain name information
        • Fixing issues with the Internet Address Management
      • Enabling email routing via your smart hosts
      • Configuring Office Live for Small Business for SBS 2008
        • Signing up for a new Office Live for Small Business account
        • Providing your Live ID for Office Live to SBS 2008
      • Configuring a VPN for external access
      • Summary
    • 10. Securing the Server
      • Assumptions
      • Network security configuration
        • Configuring the firewall ports
        • Loading a third-party security certificate
          • Importing a certificate
            • Importing the certificate
            • Assigning the certificate
          • Purchasing a certificate using the wizard
      • Configuring backups and running a test backup
        • Configuring backups in SBS 2008
        • Performing a test backup
      • Configuring OneCare for servers or other anti-malware solution
      • Summary
    • 11. Managing Users and their Computers
      • Managing users
        • Managing roles
          • Adding new roles
        • Adding users
          • Adding multiple users at once
          • Adding individual users
        • Managing users storage
          • Email storage settings
          • Shared and redirected folder storage settings
      • Managing computers
        • Adding computers to the network
        • Ensuring computers are up to date with updates
      • Summary
    • 12. Working with SBS Services as a User
      • E-mail, Calendar, and Contacts
        • Outlook 2003 and 2007 connection configuration
        • Calendar management
          • Viewing Calendars
          • Using Calendars to schedule a meeting
          • Telling others when you are unavailable
        • Finding information using search
        • User email recovery
      • Managing files
        • Internal Web Site Access
          • Uploading documents
          • Uploading using email
          • Opening documents and Checking Out and In
          • Recovering a deleted document in CompanyWeb
        • Searching for information
        • User file recovery
      • Remote access
        • Remote Web Workplace, remote email, and intranet access
        • Customizing Remote Web Workplace
        • Outlook Web Access
        • Outlook Mobile Access via ActiveSync or Windows Mobile phones
        • Connecting to a PC on the SBS 2008 LAN
        • Connecting via a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
      • Summary
    • 13. Introduction to SBS 2008 Management
      • Administration tools
        • Windows SBS Console standard and advanced mode
        • Windows SBS Native Tools Management
        • Exchange Management Shell
        • Command Prompt run as Administrator
      • Daily maintenance check via reports
      • Maintenance areas
        • Security
        • Backup and Recovery
          • File and data recovery
            • Recovering files
            • Recovering Exchange or CompanyWeb
          • Full volume recovery
          • Full system recovery
        • Forefront Updates
        • Storage
        • Event Log messages
      • Troubleshooting common problems
        • External network
        • Internal network
        • Spam
        • Poor performance
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Titel: Small Business Server 2008 - Installation, Migration, and Configuration. Set up and run Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 making it deliver a big business impact with this book and
  • Autor: David Overton
  • Originaler Titel: Small Business Server 2008 - Installation, Migration, and Configuration. Set up and run Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 making it deliver a big business impact with this book and eBook
  • ISBN: 9781847196316, 9781847196316
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2009-04-22
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3b7s
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing