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- XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and
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XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and
Move beyond the world of flat 2D-based game development and discover how to create your own exciting 3D games with Microsoft XNA 4.0. Create a 3D maze, fire shells at enemy tanks, and drive a rover on the surface of Mars while being attacked by alien saucers.XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide takes you step-by-step through the creation of three different 3D video games with Microsoft XNA 4.0. Learn by doing as you explore the worlds of 3D graphics and game design.This book takes a step-by-step approach to building 3D games with Microsoft XNA, describing each section of code in depth and explaining the topics and concepts covered in detail. From the basics of a 3D camera system to an introduction to writing DirectX shader code, the games in this book cover a wide variety of both 3D graphics and game design topics. Generate random mazes, load and animate 3D models, create particle-based explosions, and combine 2D and 3D techniques to build a user interface.XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide will give you the knowledge to bring your own 3D game creations to life.
- XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example Beginners Guide
- Table of Contents
- XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide
- Credits
- About the Author
- About the Reviewers
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- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Time for action heading
- What just happened?
- Pop quiz heading
- Have a go hero heading
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Downloading the example code
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Introduction to XNA
- System requirements
- Installing the Windows Phone SDK
- Time for action installing Windows Phone SDK
- What just happened?
- Speller Our first XNA game
- Time for action creating an XNA project
- What just happened?
- Managing content
- Time for action creating content assets
- What just happened?
- Member variables
- Time for action declaring new member variables
- What just happened?
- The Game1 constructor
- Initialization
- Time for action customizing the Initialize() method
- What just happened?
- Loading content
- Time for action creating a square texture
- What just happened?
- Updating
- Time for action customizing the Update() method
- What just happened?
- The Draw() method
- Time for action drawing Speller
- What just happened?
- Helper methods
- Time for action words and letters
- What just happened?
- Time for action completing the Speller project
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero
- Summary
- 2. Cube Chaser A Flat 3D World
- Designing the game
- 3D coordinates
- Creating the project
- Time for action creating the Cube Chaser project
- What just happened?
- Our view of the world
- Time for action beginning the Camera class
- What just happened?
- The Projection matrix
- Looking at something
- Time for action implementing a look-at point
- What just happened?
- The View matrix
- Time for action the View matrix
- What just happened?
- From the ground up
- Time for action creating the Maze classes
- What just happened?
- Drawing the floor
- Time for action drawing the floor
- What just happened?
- Moving around
- Time for action expanding the Camera
- What just happened?
- Time for action letting the player move
- What just happened?
- Summary
- Designing the game
- 3. Cube Chaser It's A-Mazing!
- Maze generation
- Time for action defining a MazeCell
- What just happened?
- Time for action generating the Maze class
- What just happened?
- Constructing the walls
- Time for action building walls
- What just happened?
- Time for action drawing the walls
- What just happened?
- Solid walls
- Time for action bouncing off the walls
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero
- Summary
- 4. Cube Chaser Finding Your Way
- The cube
- Time for action placing the cube
- What just happened?
- Rotating the cube
- Time for action rotating the cube
- What just happened?
- Matrices big scary math things?
- The translation matrix
- The rotation matrix
- The scale matrix
- Combining matrices
- What does it all mean?
- Positioning the cube
- Time for action randomly positioning the cube
- What just happened?
- Catching the cube
- Time for action catching the cube
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero!
- Summary
- 5. Tank Battles A War-torn Land
- Creating the project
- Time for action creating the Tank Battles project
- What just happened?
- An arc-ball camera
- Time for action the ArcBallCamera class part 1
- What just happened?
- Time for action finishing the ArcBallCamera class
- What just happened?
- Building the playfield
- Height maps
- Generating the terrain
- Time for action generating the terrain
- What just happened?
- Height data
- What just happened?
- Time for action adding the ReadHeightMap() method
- What just happened?
- Building vertices
- What just happened?
- Time for action adding the BuildVertexBuffer() method
- What just happened?
- Building the indices
- What just happened?
- Time for action the buildIndexBuffer() method
- What just happened?
- Let's see the terrain already!
- Time for action drawing the terrain
- What just happened?
- Adding texture a gentle introduction to HLSL
- Declaring variables
- Time for action HLSL declarations
- What just happened?
- The vertex shader structures
- Time for action Vertex Shader Input and Output definition
- What just happened?
- The vertex shader
- Time for action the vertex shader
- What just happened?
- The pixel shader
- Time for action the pixel shader
- What just happened?
- Time for action utilizing Terrain.fx
- What just happened?
- Moving the camera
- Time for action moving the camera with the mouse
- What just happened?
- Summary
- 6. Tank Battles The Big Guns
- Adding the tank model
- Time for action adding the tank model
- What just happened?
- Building tanks
- Time for action building the Tank class
- What just happened?
- Bringing things down to earth
- Time for action terrain heights
- What just happened?
- Animating the tank
- Time for action tank animation
- What just happened?
- The combatants
- Time for action positioning tanks
- What just happened?
- Summary
- 7. Tank Battles Shooting Things
- Interface components
- The UIWidget class
- Time for action creating the UIWidget class
- What just happened?
- UITextblocks
- Time for action creating UITextblocks
- What just happened?
- UIButtons
- Time for action creating buttons
- What just happened?
- Working with our UI objects
- Time for action adding the UIHelper class
- What just happened?
- Creating the user interface
- Time for action creating the UI
- What just happened?
- Responding to interface events
- Time for action responding to events
- What just happened?
- Firing shots
- Time for action ShotManager-part 1
- What just happened?
- Particles in 3D
- Billboarded particles
- Time for action the Particle class-part 1
- What just happened?
- Time for action finishing the Particle class
- What just happened?
- Managing particles
- What just happened?
- Time for action the ParticleManager class
- What just happened?
- HLSL for our particles
- What just happened?
- Time for action building Particles.fx
- What just happened?
- Adding particles
- What just happened?
- Time for action implementing particles
- What just happened?
- Summary
- Interface components
- 8. Tank Battles Ending the War
- Managing game states
- Time for action implementing a title screen
- What just happened?
- From Playing to GameOver
- Time for action detecting hits
- What just happened?
- Managing turns
- Time for action managing turns
- What just happened?
- Visual improvements
- Lighting
- Time for action computing normals
- What just happened?
- Diffuse lighting
- What just happened?
- Time for action HLSL for lighting
- What just happened?
- Ambient lighting
- What just happened?
- Time for action using ambient light
- What just happened?
- Multitexturing
- Time for action multitexturing
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero!
- Summary
- 9. Mars Runner
- Design of Mars Runner
- Getting started with the GSM sample
- Time for action creating the Mars Runner solution
- What just happened?
- The GameScreen abstract class
- Customizing the default ScreenManager screens
- Time for action customizing the BackgroundScreen class
- What just happened?
- Time for action updating the menu
- What just happened?
- Adding a new screen
- Time for action creating the MarsRunnerPlayScreen class
- What just happened?
- A new camera
- Time for action the stationary camera
- What just happened?
- Creating the background
- Time for action creating a skybox
- What just happened?
- Building the Martian surface
- Simplified heightmaps
- Time for action beginning the MarsTrack class
- What just happened?
- Time for action generating the track
- What just happened?
- Drawing the track
- Time for action drawing the track
- What just happened?
- Summary
- 10. Mars Runner Reaching the Finish Line
- Abstracting support for 3D models
- Time for action the GameEntity class
- What just happened?
- Building the rover
- Time for action building the rover
- What just happened?
- Time for action accepting user input
- What just happened?
- Animating the planet
- Time for action moving the world
- What just happened?
- Animating the rover
- Time for action animating the rover
- What just happened?
- Crashing into craters
- Time for action detecting craters
- What just happened?
- Adding an enemy
- Time for action the basic flying saucer
- What just happened?
- Time for action flying the saucer
- What just happened?
- Shots and collisions
- Time for action Shot classes
- What just happened?
- Time for action the ShotManager class
- What just happened?
- Enemy shots
- Time for action enemy shots
- What just happened?
- Time for action player shots versus aliens
- What just happened?
- Time for action enemy shots versus the rover
- What just happened?
- Scoring
- Time for action scoring
- What just happened?
- Time for action the GameOver screen
- What just happened?
- Sound effects
- Time for action building the SFXManager class
- What just happened?
- Triggering sounds
- What just happened?
- Time for action playing sound effects
- What just happened?
- Have a go hero!
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and
- Autor: Kurt Jaegers
- Tytuł oryginału: XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and ebook.
- ISBN: 9781849687096, 9781849687096
- Data wydania: 2012-09-25
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b85
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing