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Getting Started with hapi.js. Click here to enter text

Getting Started with hapi.js. Click here to enter text

John Brett, Dave Stevens

This book will introduce hapi.js and walk you through the creation of your first working application using the out-of-the-box features hapi.js provides. Packed with
real-world problems and examples, this book introduces some of the basic concepts of hapi.js and Node.js and takes you through the typical journey you'll face when
developing an application. Starting with easier concepts such as routing requests, building APIs serving JSON, using templates to build websites and applications, and
connecting databases, we then move on to more complex
problems such as authentication, model validation, caching, and techniques for structuring your codebase to scale gracefully. You will also develop skills to ensure your
application's reliability through testing, code coverage, and logging.
By the end of this book, you'll be equipped with all the skills you need to build your first fully featured application. This book will be invaluable if you are investigating Node.js frameworks or planning on using hapi.js in your next project.
  • 1. Building a Server with the Hapi.js Framework and Ecosystem
  • 2. Adding Functionality by Routing Requests
  • 3. Structuring Your Codebase to Scale with Plugins & Server Methods
  • 4. Adding Tests & The Importance Of 100% Code Coverage
  • 5. Security with Authentication & AuthorizationSecurity with Authentication & Authorization
  • 6. The Joi of Reusable Validation
  • 7. Making your Server Production Ready: Caching, Logging
  • Titel: Getting Started with hapi.js. Click here to enter text
  • Autor: John Brett, Dave Stevens
  • Originaler Titel: Getting Started with hapi.js. Click here to enter text.
  • ISBN: 9781785889684, 9781785889684
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2016-04-12
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3b9i
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing