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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
- Ebooki
- Biznes i ekonomia
- Learning Adobe Connect 9. Successfully create and host web meetings, virtual classes, and webinars with Adobe Connect
Szczegóły ebooka

Learning Adobe Connect 9. Successfully create and host web meetings, virtual classes, and webinars with Adobe Connect
Milos Radovanovic, Milos Vucetic
Modern world organizations require effective collaboration in order to improve productivity. Conferencing tools enable users to increase their productivity and improve communication with their functionalities that include interactive experiences supported by multiple features. One of the most advanced conferencing tools and the market leader is Adobe Connect. It is a great tool that will help you organize and present your content in the most efficient manner possible while capturing the audience with rich and engaging presentations."Learning Adobe Connect 9" is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear, step-by-step exercises that will help you take advantage of the real power that is behind Adobe Connect."Learning Adobe Connect 9" will take you on the journey through the magical world of Adobe Connect features. By reading this book, you will be able to master the most important features of Adobe Connect quickly. This book will guide you from the basic Connect functionalities through the complex features that are offered by the application's user friendly interface. The easy-to-understand structure of this book will help you learn and remember the content with straight to the point examples combined with step-by-step guides that will help you use all of the Connect features with confidence.
By the end of this book, you will be full of confidence to start your next web conference.
- Learning Adobe Connect 9
- Table of Contents
- Learning Adobe Connect 9
- Credits
- About the Authors
- About the Reviewer
- www.PacktPub.com
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- Why Subscribe?
- Free Access for Packt account holders
- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
- Preface
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Starting with Adobe Connect Application
- The basics of Connect meetings
- Logging in to the Connect application
- The user interface of the Connect application
- The Main Menu area
- The Shortcut Menu area
- The Main area
- Summary
- 2. Creating an Adobe Connect Meeting Room
- Meeting room roles
- The Meeting Management page
- Shared Meeting
- User Meetings
- My Meetings
- Meeting Dashboard
- The Enter Meeting Information page
- The Meeting Information section
- The Select Participants page
- Example 1 granting administrators group participant permission
- Example 2 granting presenter permission to a specific user
- The Send Invitations page
- The user interface of the Send Invitations page
- Summary
- 3. Managing Adobe Connect Meeting Room
- The Meeting Information page
- The Edit Information page
- The Edit Participants page
- Example 1 changing roles
- Example 2 removing a user
- Example 3 adding a specific user
- The Meeting Invitations page
- The Uploaded Content page
- The Meeting Recordings page
- The Meeting Reports page
- Summary
- 4. Customizing the Viewing Experience
- Meeting room templates
- Information preserved in a template
- Creating a meeting room template
- Converting a meeting room into a template
- Applying a template to a new meeting
- Customizing the login page, central page, and meeting appearance
- How to customize the central page
- How to customize the login page
- How to customize the meeting room look
- Summary
- 5. The Content Library
- Working with library files and folders
- The supported file types in the Content library
- Uploading content to the Content library
- Viewing content in the Content library
- Permission settings in the Content library
- Summary
- 6. Meeting Room Overview
- Meeting room main menu navigation features
- Meeting
- Layout
- Pods
- Audio
- Keyboard shortcuts and navigating between pods
- Shortcuts for audio and recordings
- Shortcuts for attendee management
- Shortcuts for dialog boxes
- Managing attendees through the Attendees pod
- Example 1 changing user roles
- Example 2 removing participants
- Example 3 editing participant names
- Example 4 granting enhanced participant rights
- Example 5 changing meeting attendee status
- Using Presenter Only Area
- Using Prepare Mode
- Summary
- Meeting room main menu navigation features
- 7. Sharing Presentations
- The Share pod
- Presentation toolbar options
- Navigation through presentations
- Summary
- 8. Using a Whiteboard Feature in the Meeting Room
- Create and display a whiteboard
- Standalone whiteboard
- Adding an overlay whiteboard in a share pod
- Whiteboard drawing tools
- The Shapes tool
- The Selection tool
- The Pencil tool
- The Text tool
- The Delete Selected button
- The Undo button
- The Redo button
- Summary
- Create and display a whiteboard
- 9. Using Screen Sharing
- Starting screen sharing
- Desktop sharing
- Changing control of a shared screen
- Applications and window sharing
- Systray sharing options
- Share pod preferences
- Summary
- 10. Customizing Pod Display
- The Pods menu description
- The pods Preferences dialog
- Managing pods
- Organize pods
- Summary
- 11. Customizing and Saving Layouts
- Creating layouts
- Managing layouts
- Changing and managing layouts during a meeting
- Specifying layout bar options
- Summary
- 12. Recording Adobe Connect Meetings
- Recording a meeting
- Managing meeting recordings
- Deleting recordings
- Moving recordings
- Enabling recordings for public viewing
- Editing recording information
- Playing back a recorded meeting
- Editing recorded meeting
- Creating an offline recording
- Summary
- 13. Sharing Files, Polls, and Web Links
- The file share pod
- Uploading a file
- Downloading a file
- Removing a file
- Renaming a file
- The poll pod
- Creating a poll
- Showing voting results
- Editing polls
- The web links pod
- Adding link
- Displaying a web page
- Renaming a link or changing a link's URL
- Removing a link
- Summary
- The file share pod
- 14. Managing Text Messages and Questions
- Chat pod
- Notes pod
- Q&A pod
- Summary
- 15. Using Audio and Video
- Using audio conferencing
- Using integrated adapters
- Creating and using an audio profile
- Editing or deleting an audio profile
- Associating an audio profile with a meeting
- Starting an audio conference
- Starting meeting audio
- Joining an audio conference
- Managing audio within meetings
- Adjusting audio quality
- Using video pods
- Sharing a video
- Summary
- Using audio conferencing
- 16. Using Breakout Rooms
- Defining breakout rooms and assigning members
- Beginning a breakout session
- Communication within breakout session
- Ending a breakout session
- Sharing breakout room content in the main room
- Reopening breakout rooms
- Summary
- Index
- Tytuł: Learning Adobe Connect 9. Successfully create and host web meetings, virtual classes, and webinars with Adobe Connect
- Autor: Milos Radovanovic, Milos Vucetic
- Tytuł oryginału: Learning Adobe Connect 9. Successfully create and host web meetings, virtual classes, and webinars with Adobe Connect.
- ISBN: 9781849694179, 9781849694179
- Data wydania: 2013-04-25
- Format: Ebook
- Identyfikator pozycji: e_3b9m
- Wydawca: Packt Publishing