E-book details

Scala for Java Developers. Build reactive, scalable applications and integrate Java code with the power of Scala

Scala for Java Developers. Build reactive, scalable applications and integrate Java code with the power of Scala

Thomas Alexandre

  • Scala for Java Developers
    • Table of Contents
    • Scala for Java Developers
    • Credits
    • Foreword
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgments
    • About the Reviewers
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Programming Interactively within Your Project
      • Advantages of using Scala for Java projects
        • More concise and expressive
        • Increased productivity
        • Natural evolution from Java
        • Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
      • Learning Scala through the REPL
        • Declaring val/var variables
        • Defining classes
        • Explaining case classes
      • Operations on collections
        • Transforming collections containing primitive types
        • Collections of more complex objects
          • Filter and partition
          • Dealing with tuples
          • Introducing Map
          • Introducing the Option construct
          • A glimpse at pattern matching
          • The map method
          • Looking at String Interpolation
          • The groupBy method
          • The foldLeft method
      • Summary
    • 2. Code Integration
      • Creating a REST API from an existing database
        • The sample database
        • Setting up a Maven project
        • Creating JPA entities and REST web services
        • Running and testing the project
          • Adding a unit test in Java
      • Adding a test in Scala
      • Setting up Scala within a Java Maven project
      • Scala and Java collaboration
        • Converting between collection types
        • JavaBean-style properties
        • Scala and Java object orientation
        • Scala traits as enhanced Java interfaces
        • Declaring objects
        • Introducing companion objects
        • Handling exceptions
      • Differences in style between Java and Scala code
        • Adjusting the code layout
        • Naming conventions
      • Summary
    • 3. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem
      • Inheriting Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
      • Building with Simple Build Tool (SBT)
        • Getting started with SBT
          • Creating a sample project
          • Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
          • Creating a web application that runs on a servlet container
        • Using sbt-assembly to build a single .jar archive
        • Formatting code with Scalariform
      • Experimenting with Scala Worksheets
      • Working with HTTP
        • Scalas for comprehension
      • Taking advantage of Typesafe Activator
        • Creating an application based on activator templates
      • The REPL as a scripting engine
      • Summary
    • 4. Testing Tools
      • Writing tests with ScalaTest
        • BDD-style testing
        • Functional testing
        • Mocking with ScalaMock
      • Testing with ScalaCheck
      • Summary
    • 5. Getting Started with the Play Framework
      • Getting started with the classic Play distribution
      • Getting started with the Typesafe Activator
      • Architecture of a Play application
        • Visualizing the framework stack
        • Exploring the request-response lifecycle
        • Handling a request in the controller
        • Rendering the view
      • Playing with authentication
      • Practical tips when using Play
        • Debugging with Play
        • Dealing with version control
      • Summary
    • 6. Database Access and the Future of ORM
      • Integrating an existing ORM Hibernate and JPA
        • Making JPA available in Scala
      • Dealing with persistence in the Play Framework
        • A simple example using Anorm
      • Replacing ORM
      • Learning about Slick
      • Scaffolding a Play application
        • Importing test data
        • Visualizing the database in the H2browser
        • Exploring the code behind the app generation
        • Limitations of the playcrud utility
      • Summary
    • 7. Working with Integration and Web Services
      • Binding XML data in Scala
        • Running scalaxb from a SOAP web service
      • Working with XML and JSON
        • Manipulating XML
        • Manipulating JSON
        • Using Play JSON
      • Handling Play requests with XML and JSON
        • Mocking Play responses with JSON
        • Calling web services from Play
      • Summary
    • 8. Essential Properties of Modern Applications Asynchrony and Concurrency
      • The pillars of Concurrency
      • The Async library SIP-22-Async
        • Combining web services
        • Combining services without await
      • Getting started with Akka
        • Understanding the Actor model
        • Switching behavior
        • Supervising actors to handle failure
        • Testing actor systems
        • Exploring further with Akka
      • Summary
    • 9. Building Reactive Web Applications
      • Describing reactive applications
      • Handling streams reactively
        • Understanding Iteratees in Play
        • Adapting Enumerator with Enumeratee
      • Experimenting with WebSockets and Iteratees in Play
      • Learning from activator templates
        • Reactive stocks
        • Reactive real-time search
        • The Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template
      • Playing with Actor Room
      • Summary
    • 10. Scala Goodies
      • Exploring MongoDB
        • Entering Casbah
        • Applying MapReduce transformations
      • Scratching the surface of Big Data
      • Introducing DSLs in Scala
        • Observing internal DSLs
        • Tackling external DSLs through parser combinators
      • Introducing Scala.js
      • Final tips
        • Copying and pasting in the REPL
        • Timing code execution in the REPL
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: Scala for Java Developers. Build reactive, scalable applications and integrate Java code with the power of Scala
  • Author: Thomas Alexandre
  • Original title: Scala for Java Developers. Build reactive, scalable applications and integrate Java code with the power of Scala.
  • ISBN: 9781783283644, 9781783283644
  • Date of issue: 2014-04-25
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3bbq
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing