E-book details

PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!. Create practical mashups in PHP grabbing and mixing data from Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, and 411Sync.com

PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!. Create practical mashups in PHP grabbing and mixing data from Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, and 411Sync.com

Shu-Wai Chow

A mashup is a web page or application that combines data from two or more external online sources into an integrated experience. This book is your entryway to the world of mashups and Web 2.0. You will create PHP projects that grab data from one place on the Web, mix it up with relevant information from another place on the Web and present it in a single application. This book is made up of five real-world PHP projects. Each project begins with an overview of the technologies and protocols needed for the project, and then dives straight into the tools used and details of creating the project:

Look up products on Amazon.Com from their code in the Internet UPC database

A fully customized search engine with MSN Search and Yahoo!

A personal video jukebox with YouTube and Last.FM

Deliver real-time traffic incident data via SMS and the California Highway Patrol!

Display pictures sourced from Flickr in Google maps

All the mashup applications used in the book are built upon free tools and are thoroughly explained. You will find all the source code used to build the mashups used in this book in the code download section for this book.
  • PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Create practical mashups in PHP, grabbing and mixing data from Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, and 411Sync.com
    • Table of Contents
    • PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewer
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • What You Need for This Book
      • Conventions
        • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Downloading the Example Code for the Book
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to Mashups
      • Web 2.0 and Mashups
        • Importance of Data
        • User Communities
      • How We Will Create Mashups
      • More Mashups
    • 2. Buy it on Amazon
      • XML-RPC
        • XML-RPC Structure
          • XML-RPC Request
            • XML-RPC Data Types
            • Scalar Values
            • String
            • Integer
            • Double
            • Boolean
            • Date/Time
            • Base64-Encoded Binary
          • Arrays
          • Struct
        • XML-RPC Response
      • Working with XML-RPC in PHP
        • Making an XML-RPC Request
          • Serializing Data with XML-RPC Encode Request
            • Creating a Single Parameter XML-RPC Request
            • Double Data Type
            • Date/Time and Base64 Data Types
            • Creating a Multiple Parameter XML-RPC Request
            • Passing Arrays in XML-RPC Requests
            • Passing Struct in XML-RPC Requests
          • Calling XML-RPC Using Sockets
      • Processing an XML-RPC Response
        • Creating an XML-RPC Parser Class
          • Testing Our XML-RPC Parser Class
        • Using PEAR to Handle XML-RPC
      • REST
      • Working with REST in PHP
        • Making a REST Request
          • A GET and POST Refresher
          • Using Sockets to Initiate a REST Request
          • Creating GET and POST Request Functions
          • Making a REST Parser Class
          • Testing Our REST Parser Class
        • Processing a REST Response
          • Basic Walkthrough with PHP and SAX
            • Using the PHPs XML Functions
            • Setting up the Callback Functions
            • Seeing the Callbacks in Action
          • Creating a SAX Parser Class
            • Examining the Classes
            • Using and Testing the Class
      • Internet UPC Database API
      • Amazon API
        • A Tour of ECS
        • Anatomy of an ECS REST Request
          • Location of Service
      • Mashing Up
        • Product Lookups
          • Handling Amazons XML Responses
            • An ECS Lookup Response
            • Your Own Amazon Cart
      • Summary
    • 3. Make Your Own Search Engine
      • SOAP
        • Web Services Descriptor Language (WSDL) With XML Schema Data (XSD)
          • Basic WSDL Structure
          • definitions Element
          • types Element
            • Simple Type
            • Complex Type
            • Arrays
          • message Element
            • RPC Binding
            • Document Binding
          • portType Element
          • binding Element
          • service Element
        • The SOAP Message
          • Envelope
          • Header
          • Body
            • RPC Binding
            • Document Binding
          • Fault
      • PHPs SoapClient
        • Creating Parameters
        • Instantiate the SoapClient
          • Instantiating in WSDL Mode
          • Instantiating in Non-WSDL Mode
        • Making the Call and Using SoapClient Methods
          • Calling SOAP Operations in WSDL Mode
          • Calling SOAP Operations in Non-WSDL Mode
        • Handling the SOAP Response
          • Handling SOAP Errors with SoapFault
          • Handling Successful Results
      • Microsoft Live Search Web Service
        • Using Search
      • Yahoo! Search Web Service
        • Using Web Search
      • Mashing Up
      • Summary
    • 4. Your Own Video Jukebox
      • XSPF
      • RSS
      • YouTube Overview
        • YouTube Developer API
      • Last.fm Overview
        • Audioscrobbler Web Services
      • Parsing With PEAR
        • Package Installation and Usage
        • File_XSPF
        • Services_YouTube
        • XML_RSS
      • Mashing Up
        • Mashup Architecture
        • Main Page
        • Navigation Page
        • Content Page
        • Using the Mashup
      • Summary
    • 5. Traffic Incidents via SMS
      • Screen Scraping the PHP Way
        • Parsing with DOM Functions
          • Basic Element and Attribute Parsing
          • Testing the Schema
          • More About PHPs Implementation of the DOM
      • 411Sync.com API
        • Creating Your Mobile Search Keyword
          • Name Your Keyword
          • Format the Users will Use when They Use Your Search
          • HTTP Location of the XML Data
      • California Highway Patrol Incident Page
      • Mashing Up
        • The Incident Class
        • The DOM Parser Class
        • The CHP DOM Parser Class
        • Creating the Feed Page
        • Testing and Deploying
      • Summary
    • 6. London Tube Photos
      • Preliminary Planning
      • Finding Tube Information
      • Integrating Google Maps and Flickr Services
      • Application Sequence
      • Resource Description Framework (RDF)
      • SPARQL
        • Analyzing the Query Subject
        • Anatomy of a SPARQL Query
        • Writing SPARQL WHERE Clauses
          • Basic Principles
          • A Simple Query
          • Querying for Types
          • Ordering, Limiting, and Offsetting
          • UNION and DISTINCT
        • More SPARQL Features
      • RDF API for PHP (RAP)
      • XMLHttpRequest Object
        • XMLHttpRequest Object Overview
        • Using the Object
          • Creating the Object
          • Making the HTTP Request
          • Creating and Using the Callback
      • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
        • JavaScript Objects Review
        • JSON Structure
        • Accessing JSON Properties
        • Serializing the JSON Response
      • Google Maps API
        • Creating a Map
        • Geocoding
        • Markers
        • Events
        • InfoWindow Box
      • Flickr Services API
        • Executing a Search
        • Interpreting Service Results
        • Retrieving a Photo or a Photos Page
      • Mashing Up
        • Building and Populating the Database
          • Examining the File
          • Creating Our Database Schema
          • Building SPARQL Queries
          • Stations Query
          • Lines Query
          • Lines to Stations Query
          • Database Population Script
        • The TubeSource Database Interface Class
        • The Main User Interface
        • Using Flickr Services with AJAX
          • Creating an XMLHttpRequest Proxy
          • Modifying the Main JavaScript
          • Making the XMLHttpRequest
          • Race Conditions
          • Parsing the AJAX Response
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!. Create practical mashups in PHP grabbing and mixing data from Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, and 411Sync.com
  • Author: Shu-Wai Chow
  • Original title: PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!. Create practical mashups in PHP grabbing and mixing data from Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, MSN Search, Yahoo!, Last.fm, and 411Sync.com
  • ISBN: 9781847190895, 9781847190895
  • Date of issue: 2007-09-13
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3be0
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing