Details zum E-Book

iOS Game Programming Cookbook. Over 45 interesting game recipes that will help you create your next enthralling game

iOS Game Programming Cookbook. Over 45 interesting game recipes that will help you create your next enthralling game

Bhanu Birani, Chhavi Vaishnav

  • 1. iOS Game Development
  • 2. Sprite Kit
  • 3. Animations and Texture
  • 4. Particle system, game center, performance
  • 5. Adding music to iOS Games and introducing iCloud
  • 6. Physics Simulation
  • 7. Adding Reality to Games
  • 8. Introduction to game Math and Physics
  • 9. Autonomous moving agents
  • 10. 3D game programming with openGL
  • 11. Introduction to Multiplayer games
  • 12. Implementing multiplayer games
  • Titel: iOS Game Programming Cookbook. Over 45 interesting game recipes that will help you create your next enthralling game
  • Autor: Bhanu Birani, Chhavi Vaishnav
  • Originaler Titel: iOS Game Programming Cookbook. Over 45 interesting game recipes that will help you create your next enthralling game
  • ISBN: 9781784395575, 9781784395575
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2015-03-25
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3bea
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing