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SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access. Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access

SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access. Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access

Joseph Steinberg, Tim Speed, Timothy Speed

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide remote workers with secure access to their company network via the internet by encrypting all data sent between the company network and the user?s machine (the client). Before SSL VPN this typically required the client machine to have special software installed, or at least be specially configured for the purpose.

Clientless SSL VPNs avoid the need for client machines to be specially configured. Any computer with a Web browser can access SSL VPN systems. This has several benefits:

Low admin costs, no remote configuration

Users can safely access the company network from any machine, be that a public workstation, a palmtop or mobile phone

By pass ISP restrictions on custom VPNs by using standard technologies

SSL VPN is usually provided by a hardware appliance that forms part of the company network. These appliances act as gateways, providing internal services such as file shares, email servers, and applications in a web based format encrypted using SSL. Existing players and new entrants, such as Nokia, Netilla, Symantec, Whale Communications, and NetScreen technologies, are rushing our SSL VPN products to meet growing demand.

This book provides a detailed technical and business introduction to SSL VPN. It explains how SSL VPN devices work along with their benefits and pitfalls. As well as covering SSL VPN technologies, the book also looks at how to authenticate and educate users ? a vital element in ensuring that the security of remote locations is not compromised. The book also looks at strategies for making legacy applications accessible via the SSL VPN.
    • Table of Contents
    • SSL VPN
    • Credits
    • About the Authors
    • Introduction
      • What This Book Covers
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to SSL VPN
      • The Internet
      • Reference Models
        • OSI Reference Model
        • DARPA Model
      • Introducing Hacker Bob
        • Trapping Your Data
          • Basic HTTP Authentication
        • Keeping Hacker Bob Out of Your Data
      • VPNs
        • One Computer to the Corporate Network
        • Remote Office Network Connected to the Main Office
      • VPN Examples
        • IPsec
        • SSL VPN
      • IPsec Vs. SSL VPN
      • Trusted Networks
      • The DMZ
        • SSL VPN Scenarios
          • SSL VPNHubs
          • SSL VPNPrivate Network
      • Summary
    • 2. SSL VPN: The Business Case
      • SSL VPN: A Historical Background
      • Remote Access: Measuring Return-on-Investment
      • So What Does SSL VPN Actually Give Me?
      • Summary
    • 3. How SSL VPNs Work
      • Appliances Vs. Software
      • The SSL Protocol
        • Background
        • Overview of SSL Technology
          • Symmetric Cryptography: Data Confidentiality
          • Asymmetric Cryptography: Data Confidentiality
          • Asymmetric Cryptography: Server Authentication
          • Asymmetric Cryptography: Client Authentication
          • Key Size
      • Establishing Secure Tunnels Using SSL
        • Secure Tunnels
        • OSI Network Model
        • Application-Level Communications
      • Reverse Proxy Technology
      • SSL Remote Access: Reverse Proxy Technology Plus
        • Non-Web Traffic over SSL
        • Establishing Network Connectivity over SSL
        • Why Different Access Technologies for Web Applications
        • Applets
        • Remote Access to Files and Other Resources
          • Remote Mounting of Network Drives
          • File Access Interface
          • Telnet and Host Access
          • Printers and Other Network Resources
          • Terminal Services
        • Internet-Enabling Internal Applications
          • Web-Based Applications
        • Remote Access Interface
          • Login and Single Sign On
          • Portal Pages
          • Toolbars
          • Languages
          • Multiple Windows Vs. a Single Window
          • Logout Button
          • Help
          • User Interface Based on Browser Type
          • SSL VPN Status Window
          • Web Email (WebMail) Interfaces
        • Administration Tools
        • Performance
          • SSL Acceleration
          • Compression of HTTP Traffic
          • Caching
          • Load Balancing: IP Spraying
        • Access from Older Web Browsers
      • SSL VPN Sample Session
      • Summary
    • 4. SSL VPN Security
      • Authentication and Authorization
        • Authentication
          • Passwords
          • One-Time Passwords
          • Biometric Information
          • Client Certificates
          • Smart Cards or USB Tokens
          • Two-Factor Authentication
        • Single Sign On
        • Authorization
          • Operating System Permissions
          • File System Permissions
          • Native Application Permissions
          • Restricted Interfaces
          • Authorization Information Maintained by the SSL VPN
          • Third-Party Authorization Databases
      • End Point Security Concerns
        • The Problem: Sensitive Data in Insecure Locations
          • Browser Cache Entries
          • Proprietary Cache Entries
          • Temporary Files: Viewing E-mail Attachments
          • Temporary Files: Downloading and other Mechanisms
          • Form-Field Contents Memorized for AutoComplete
          • URL Entries Memorized for AutoComplete
          • Cookies Generated During User Sessions
          • History Records
          • User Credentials Memorized by the Browser
        • The Solution
        • The Problem: Third Party Search Tools Running on Access Devices
        • The Solution
      • Department of Defense (DoD) Requirements
        • The Problem: Users May Neglect to Log Out
        • The Solution
          • Long Timeout Thresholds: Not a Good Idea
          • Non-Intrusive Timeout Systems
          • Forced Periodic Re-Authentication
          • Ignoring Phony Activity
          • Timeout Thresholds
        • The Problem: Viruses Enter Corporate Networks via the SSL VPN
        • The Solution
          • Check for Anti-Virus Software on the Users Device
          • Block Uploads
          • Rely on Internal Network Antivirus
        • The Problem: Worms Enter Corporate Networks via the SSL VPN
        • The Solution
          • Personal Firewalls
          • Application Firewalls
            • Negative-Logic-Based Filtering of User Requests
            • Positive-Logic-Based Filtering
            • Dynamic-Rules-Based Filtering
            • Combination of Methods
        • Problems of Insecure Locations
          • Spyware
          • Keystroke Loggers
            • Hardware Keystroke Loggers
            • Software Keystroke Loggers
          • Shoulder Surfing
          • Video Cameras Aimed at Computers
          • Emanations
        • Hackers Bridging to the Corporate Network
        • The Problem: Internal Networking Information may be Leaked
        • The Solution
          • Printing and Faxing
            • Printers Local to the User
            • Printers Local to the SSL VPN Server
          • Deleted Files
        • Trusted Endpoint
        • Tiers of Access Based on Endpoint Situation
          • Internet Provider Controls
      • Server-Side Security Issues
        • The Problem: Firewalls and Other Security Technologies may be Undermined
            • SSL VPN in a DMZ
            • SSL VPN on the Internal Network
        • The Solution
        • The Problem: Application-Level Vulnerabilities
        • The Solution
        • Encryption
        • Patching of SSL VPN Servers
        • Linux versus Windows
        • Some Other SSL VPN Appliance Security Concepts
          • Hardening
          • Air Gap
          • Protection from Internal Systems and the Internal Network
          • ASIC
      • Summary
    • 5. Planning for an SSL VPN
      • Determining Business Requirements
        • Remote Access Paradigms
        • Determining User Needs
          • Different Scenarios
      • Selecting an Appropriate SSL VPN
        • Ensuring Proper Level of Access
        • Proper User Interface and Experience
        • Remote Password Management
        • Adherence to Security Standards
        • Platform
          • Hardware
          • Operating System
          • Network Connectivity
      • Determining which SSL VPN Functions to Use
      • Where to Deploy the SSL VPN server
        • Back Office
          • Pros
          • Cons
        • DMZ
          • Pros
          • Cons
        • Outside the Perimeter Firewall
          • Pros
          • Cons
        • Air Gap
          • Pros
          • Cons
        • Offloaded SSL
          • Pros
          • Cons
      • Planning for Deployment
      • User and Administrator Training
      • Summary
    • 6. Educating the User
      • Building an Education Plan
        • Education Plan: Start the Process
          • Vision
          • High-Level Training Plan
          • The Agreement
          • The Use Case
        • Education Plan: Finalize the Plan
          • Final Training Plan
          • Include Incident Handling Policies in your Training Plan
          • The Money
          • Creating Educational Materials
          • Reusing the Use Cases
          • Executing the Test Plan
        • Education Plan: Testing and Pilots
          • Unit Tests
          • Process Tests
          • Technical Pilots
          • Production Pilot 1
          • Production Pilot 2
          • Implementation
        • Education Plan: Production
        • Specific Training for SSL VPNs
          • Training the Masses
            • How to use an SSL VPN
            • Social Engineering
            • Phishing
            • Sharing Credentials
          • Single Sign On (SSO)
          • SSL Locks and Dialog Boxes: One More Note about Phishing
          • E-Commerce Scenario
            • Phishing and the SSL Lock
      • Summary
    • 7. Legacy Data Access
      • Computing Elements
      • Applications
        • Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
        • Custom Programs
        • Legacy Applications
      • The Web Challenge
        • Direct Access
          • Scrape the Screen
          • Awareness
        • SSL VPN with Middleware Access
      • Meeting the Challenge
        • Secure Access
      • Tunneling to the Other Side
        • Tunneling Techniques
        • Lotus Notes Tunnel
          • Tunneling Steps
      • Other Applications
      • Summary
    • 8. The Future of SSL VPN Technology
      • Standardized Feature Sets
      • Interfaces
        • Third-Party Security System Interfaces
          • Authentication Systems
          • Authorization Systems
          • Endpoint Security Systems
          • Application Firewalling Interfaces
        • Application Interfaces
        • Logging, Reporting, and Management Interfaces
      • SSL VPN Products for Small, Medium, and Large Organizations
      • Application-Specific SSL VPNs
      • Merging with IPSec VPN and Firewall Technology
      • SSL Access Platforms
      • Support for More Diverse Computers
        • Macintosh
        • Linux and Other Variants of UNIX
        • Handheld Devices
      • Improved Performance and Reliability
      • Voice-Over-IP
      • Two "Business Developments"
      • Summary
    • A. A Review of TCP, IP, and Ports
      • DARPA and OSI
        • Network Interface
        • Packets
        • Packet Routing
        • TCP Ports
    • B. SSL VPN Gateways
      • SSL VPN Offerings
      • AEP Systems
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Array Networks
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Aventail
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Check Point Software Technologies
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Cisco Systems
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Citrix Systems
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • EnKoo
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • F5 Networks
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Juniper Networks
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • NetScaler
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • NetSilica
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Netilla Networks
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Nokia
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Nortel Networks
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Permeo Technologies
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • PortWise
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • SafeNet
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Symantec
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
      • Whale Communications
            • Company Information
            • Product Information
    • Index
  • Titel: SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access. Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access
  • Autor: Joseph Steinberg, Tim Speed, Timothy Speed
  • Originaler Titel: SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access. Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access
  • ISBN: 9781847190017, 9781847190017
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2005-03-09
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3bem
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing