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Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
- Електронні книги
- Hardware
- Інше
- Service Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint. For SOA professionals this is the classic guide to implementing integration architectures with the help of the Trivadis Blueprint. Takes you deep into the blueprint’s structure and components with perfect lucidity
Деталі електронної книги
Увійти, Якщо вас цікавить зміст видання.
Service Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint. For SOA professionals this is the classic guide to implementing integration architectures with the help of the Trivadis Blueprint. Takes you deep into the blueprint’s structure and components with perfect lucidity
Guido Schmutz, Peter Welkenbach, Guido Schmutz (Euro)
Eлектронна книга
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) refers to building systems that offer applications as a set of independent services that communicate and inter-operate with each other effectively. Such applications may originate from different vendor, platform, and programming language backgrounds, making successful integration a challenging task. This book enables you to integrate application systems effectively, using the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint, which is supported by real-world scenarios in which this Integration Blueprint has proved a success.This book will enable you to grasp all of the intricacies of the Trivadis Architecture Blueprint, including detailed descriptions of each layer and component. It is a detailed theoretical guide that shows you how to implement your own integration architectures in practice, using the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint. The main focus is on explaining and visualizing the blueprint, including comprehensive descriptions of all of its layers and components. It also covers the more basic features of integration concepts for less experienced specialists, as well as shedding light on the future of integration technologies, such as XTP and Grid Computing. You will learn about EII and EAI, OGSi, as well as base technologies related to the implementation of solutions based on the Blueprint, such as JCA, JBI, SCA and SDO.The book begins by covering fundamental integration for those less familiar with the concepts and terminology, and then dives deep into explaining the different architecture variants and the future of integration technologies. Base technologies like JCA and SCA will be explored along the way, and the structure of the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint will be described in detail, as will the intricacies of each component and layer. Other content includes discovering and comparing traditional and modern SOA driven integration solutions, implementing transaction strategies and process modeling, and getting to grips with EDA developments in SOA. Finally, the book considers how to map software from vendors like Oracle and IBM to the blueprint in order to compare the solutions, and ultimately integrate your own projects successfully.
- Service-Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint
- Table of Contents
- Service-Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint
- Credits
- Foreword
- About the Authors
- Preface
- The background: Integration instead of isolation
- What this book covers
- What you need for this book
- Who this book is for
- Conventions
- Reader feedback
- Customer support
- Errata
- Piracy
- Questions
- 1. Basic Principles
- Integration
- Concepts
- A2A, B2B, and B2C
- Integration types
- Information portals
- Shared data
- Shared business functions
- Differences between EAI and SOA
- Semantic integration and the role of data
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- Levels of integration
- Messaging
- Publish/subscribe
- Message brokers
- Messaging infrastructure
- Enterprise Service Bus
- The core functions of an ESB
- The structure of an ESB
- Middleware
- Middleware communication methods
- Middleware base technologies
- Routing schemes
- Unicast
- Broadcast
- Multicast
- Anycast
- Concepts
- Integration architecture variants
- Point-to-point architecture
- Hub-and-spoke architecture
- Pipeline architecture
- Service-oriented architecture
- Patterns for EAI/EII
- Direct connection
- Uses
- Broker
- Uses
- Router
- Uses
- Direct connection
- Patterns for data integration
- Federation
- Uses
- Population
- Uses
- Synchronization
- Uses
- Multi-step synchronization
- Federation
- Patterns for service-oriented integration
- Process integration
- Uses
- Variants
- Workflow integration
- Variants
- Process integration
- Event-driven architecture
- Introducing EDA
- Event processing
- Simple Event Processing (SEP)
- Event Stream Processing (ESP)
- Complex Event Processing (CEP)
- Grid computing/Extreme Transaction Processing (XTP)
- Grid computing
- Data grids
- In-memory data grids
- Domain entity grids
- Domain object grids
- Distribution topologies
- Replicated caches
- Partitioned caches
- Agents
- Execution patterns
- Data grids
- Uses
- XTP (Extreme Transaction Processing)
- XTP and CEP
- Solid State Disks and grids
- Grid computing
- Summary
- Integration
- 2. Base Technologies
- Transactions
- Transactional systems
- Isolation levels
- Serializable
- Repeatable read
- Read committed
- Read uncommitted
- Phantom reads
- Two-Phase Commit protocol (2PC)
- XA transactions
- OSGi
- OSGi architecture
- OSGi bundles
- Collaborative model
- Java Connector Architecture (JCA)
- Uses
- JCA components
- Contracts
- Java Business Integration (JBI)
- JBI components
- Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- SCA specification
- SCA elements
- Composites
- Service Data Objects (SDO)
- SDO architecture
- Implemented patterns
- Process modeling
- Event-driven Process Chain (EPC)
- Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
- Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
- The application of process modeling
- Summary
- Transactions
- 3. Integration Architecture Blueprint
- Dissecting the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint
- Standards, components, and patterns used
- Structuring the integration blueprint
- The road to the integration blueprint
- Applications and integration
- Layers in the integration solution
- Information flow and roles
- Information flow and building blocks
- Combining the collection and distribution layer
- Change of direction in the information flow
- Adding the process layer
- The role of the process layer
- The building blocks of the process layer
- Information flow in more complex integrations
- The target becomes the source in a more complex integration
- Routing to different target systems in the mediation layer
- Routing to different target systems in the communication layer
- Task sharing in the mediation layer
- Management using a workflow building block
- Allocating layers to levels
- Transport level: Communication layer
- Responsibility
- Concepts and methods
- Building blocks
- Transport protocols
- Transport formats
- Integration domain level: Collection/distribution layer
- Responsibility
- Concepts and methods
- Building blocks
- Integration domain level: Mediation layer
- Responsibility
- Concepts and methods
- Building blocks
- Canonical data model
- Message construction
- Messaging channel
- Message routing
- Message transformation
- Application level: Process layer
- Responsibility
- Concepts and methods
- Building blocks
- Job scheduler
- Portal
- Workflow
- Event processing pattern
- Notation and visualization
- Representing the scenarios and the notation used
- Visualizing different levels of granularity
- Representing transaction boundaries
- Configuration parameters as additional artifacts
- Extension for capacity planning
- Summary
- Dissecting the Trivadis Integration Architecture Blueprint
- 4. Implementation scenarios
- EAI/EII scenarios
- Implementing the direct connection business pattern
- Variant with synchronous call over asynchronous protocol
- Implementing the broker business pattern
- Implementing the router business pattern
- Implementing the direct connection business pattern
- Service-oriented integration scenarios
- Implementing the process integration business pattern
- Variant with externalized business rules in a rule engine
- Variant with batch-driven integration process
- Implementing the workflow business pattern
- Implementing the process integration business pattern
- Data integration scenarios
- Implementing the federation business pattern
- Variant of the federation pattern using mashup technology
- Implementing the population business pattern
- Variant involving encapsulation of the population pattern as a web service
- Variant of the population pattern started by a change event from Change Data Capture (CDC)
- Variant with SOA-based population pattern triggered by a Change Data Capture event
- Implementing the synchronization business pattern
- Implementing the federation business pattern
- EDA scenario
- Implementing the event processing business pattern
- Variant with two levels of complex event processing
- Implementing the event processing business pattern
- Grid computing/XTP scenario
- Implementing the grid computing business pattern
- Variant with ESB wrapping a data grid to cache service results
- Implementing the grid computing business pattern
- Connecting to an SAP system
- Modernizing an integration solution
- Initial situation
- Sending new orders
- Receiving the confirmation
- Evaluation of the existing solution
- Modernizing integration with SOA
- Evaluation of the new solution
- Initial situation
- Trivadis Architecture Blueprints and integration
- Summary
- EAI/EII scenarios
- 5. Vendor Products for Implementing the Trivadis Blueprint
- Oracle Fusion Middleware product line
- Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA)
- Oracle Data Integrator
- IBM WebSphere product line
- IBM Information Management software
- Microsoft BizTalk and .NET 3.0
- Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services
- Spring framework combined with other open source software
- Summary
- Oracle Fusion Middleware product line
- A. References
- Index
- Назва: Service Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint. For SOA professionals this is the classic guide to implementing integration architectures with the help of the Trivadis Blueprint. Takes you deep into the blueprint‚Äôs structure and components with perfect lucidity
- Автор: Guido Schmutz, Peter Welkenbach, Guido Schmutz (Euro)
- Оригінальна назва: Service Oriented Architecture: An Integration Blueprint. For SOA professionals this is the classic guide to implementing integration architectures with the help of the Trivadis Blueprint. Takes you deep into the blueprint‚Äôs structure and components with perfect lucidity.
- ISBN: 9781849681056, 9781849681056
- Дата видання: 2010-06-22
- Формат: Eлектронна книга
- Ідентифікатор видання: e_3bg8
- Видавець: Packt Publishing