E-book details

Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK

Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK

Brett Joseph Bernier, Brett Bernier

  • Source SDK Game Development Essentials
    • Table of Contents
    • Source SDK Game Development Essentials
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
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        • Downloading the example code
        • Downloading the color images of this book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started with the Source SDK
      • Installing Steam
      • Getting your tools
        • Instructions for installing Half-Life 2: Episode Two
      • The Source SDK tools overview
      • The Source SDK
        • Installing the Source SDK
        • The Source SDK overview
          • Applications
          • Documentation
          • Utilities
          • Links
      • Creating your own modification (mod)
      • Summary
    • 2. Grasping Hammer
      • Terminology
        • Brush
        • Entity
        • World
        • Void
        • Settings
      • Loading Hammer for the first time
      • The Hammer overview
        • Viewports
        • The Map toolbar
          • The Selection Tool
          • The Magnify Tool
          • The Camera Tool
          • The Entity Tool
          • The Block Tool
          • The Texture Tool
          • The Apply Current Texture Tool
          • The Decal Tool
          • The Overlay Tool
          • The Clipping Tool
          • The Vertex manipulation Tool
        • The selection mode bar
        • The texture bar
        • The filter control bar
        • The object bar
      • Navigating in 3D
        • Looking around
        • Multiple cameras
        • Selecting objects in the 3D viewport
      • Navigating in 2D
        • Moving around
        • Selecting objects in 2D
        • The grid
      • VisGroups
      • Summary
    • 3. Shaping Your World
      • Creating your first room
      • A crash course on compiling
      • Basic brushwork techniques
        • Cloning brushes
        • Scaling brushes and objects
        • Rotating brushes and objects
        • Skewing brushes and objects
        • Flipping objects
      • The Vertex Tool
        • Splitting faces
      • The Clipping Tool
      • The Carve function
      • Another window method
      • The Object Toolbar
        • Creating cylinders
        • Creating spikes
        • Truncated cones
        • Creating a sphere
        • Creating arches
          • Standard arch
          • Hollow cylinders
          • Spiral staircase
        • Creating a torus
          • Cross Section Preview
          • Top View Preview
          • Springs
      • Creating SkyBoxes
        • 2D SkyBox
          • Adding light_environment
        • Changing the SkyBox texture
        • 3D Skybox
      • Summary
    • 4. Textures, Terrain, and Props
      • Using the Texture Application Tool
        • Applying textures
        • Aligning textures
        • Shifting and rotating textures
          • Saving time while aligning textures
        • Using different selection modes
        • Shifting textures
        • Locking textures
        • Locking the texture scale
      • Applying decals
      • Applying overlays
      • Creating terrain with displacements
        • Creating a displacement
        • Using the Paint Geometry tool
        • Using the Smooth tool
        • Modifying the displacement options
        • Using the Raise To option
        • Using the Paint Alpha tool
        • Sewing
        • Subdividing
        • Creating caves quickly
        • Sculpting
        • Carving
      • Creating props
        • Creating static props
        • Creating physics props
        • Creating dynamic props
      • Summary
    • 5. Importing Custom Content
      • Creating materials
        • Setup
        • Creating a VTF file
        • Creating a VMT file
      • Using VTFEdit
      • Importing other materials
      • Importing models
      • Importing sounds
      • Summary
    • 6. Lighting and Compiling
      • Using lights
        • Using point lights
        • Using spot lights
        • Using light environments
        • Using dynamic lights
        • Using texture lights
        • Using projected textures
      • Emphasizing lights
        • Placing point light sources
        • Placing spot light sources
      • Modifying Lightmap Grid
      • Assigning Smoothing groups
      • Compiling concepts
        • Checking for problems
        • Running BSP
        • Running VIS
        • RAD
        • Compiling with HDR
        • The Expert mode
        • Checking for and fixing leaks
      • Cubemaps
      • Adding color correction
      • Summary
    • 7. Triggers and the Input/Output System
      • Creating your first trigger
        • Creating a trigger once entity
        • Adding outputs to a trigger once
        • Creating a trigger multiple
      • Input/Output links
      • Cascading triggers
      • Automatic triggers
      • Modifying entity effects
      • Using different flags
        • Using filters
        • The filter activator name
        • The filter multi entity
      • Creating subroutines
      • Summary
    • 8. Trains and Camera Systems
      • Track trains
        • Player-controlled track trains
          • Creating the func_tracktrain entity
          • Creating the path
          • Tying the track train to the path
          • The controls
        • Adding detail
        • Branch paths
        • Controlling entities with GameUI
      • Point camera
        • Multiple cameras
        • Panning the camera
      • Point_viewcontrol
        • The camera
        • The camera path
        • Tying it all together
      • Summary
    • 9. NPC Movement Basics
      • Using the Model Viewer
        • Unpacking models
        • Loading a model
        • Model manipulation
        • Viewing animations
      • Making NPCs walk
        • Simple NPC movement
        • Controlled NPC movement
          • The aiscripted_schedule properties
          • Triggering the schedule
      • Scripted sequences
        • Choosing your animation
        • Combining sequences
      • Actbusy
        • Creating the actbusy.txt file
          • Your first actbusy script
        • Making it work
      • Summary
    • 10. Advanced NPC Scripting
      • Using nodes
        • Using info nodes
        • Using hint nodes
      • Scripting assaults
        • Setting up an assault
          • Placing the assault point
          • Placing rally points
          • Placing assault goals
            • Actors to affect
            • Setting rally points
            • Search type
            • Start active
            • Rally Point Selection Method
      • Creating squads
        • Your first squad
        • Scripting a flank
          • Creating a schedule and a path
            • Aiscripted schedules
            • Aiscripted schedule flags
          • Math counter
          • Setting up our soldiers
      • Summary
    • 11. Source Particle Editor
      • Accessing the tools menu
      • Using Particle Editor
        • Creating a fire particle
        • Creating particles
          • Using Emitter
          • Using Renderer
          • Using Initializer
          • Operator
      • Particles manifest
        • Master manifest
        • The map-specific manifest
        • The info particle system
      • Particle children
        • Modifying existing particle systems
      • Making fireworks
        • Creating the explosion
        • Simulating gravity
        • Fading and other properties
        • A parenting example
          • Setting up the shell
          • Launching the shell
          • Stabilizing the shell
          • Setting up the particle
          • Adding sound effects
          • Tying everything together
        • Results
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Title: Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK
  • Author: Brett Joseph Bernier, Brett Bernier
  • Original title: Source SDK Game Development Essentials. Develop engaging and immersive mods with Source SDK.
  • ISBN: 9781849695930, 9781849695930
  • Date of issue: 2014-02-21
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3bha
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing