Details zum E-Book

Learning Website Development with Django

Learning Website Development with Django

Ayman Hourieh, Ayman Hourieh (EUR), Jacob Kaplan-Moss

  • Learning Website Development with Django
    • Table of Contents
    • Learning Website Development with Django
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Downloading the Example Code for the Book
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to Django
      • The MVC Pattern in Web Development
      • Why Python?
      • Why Django?
        • Tight Integration between Components
        • Object-Relational Mapper
        • Clean URL Design
        • Automatic Administration Interface
        • Advanced Development Environment
        • Multi-Lingual Support
      • History of Django
      • Summary
    • 2. Getting Started
      • Installing the Required Software
        • Installing Python
          • Installing Python on Windows
          • Installing Python on UNIX/Linux
          • Installing Python on Mac OS X
        • Installing Django
          • Installing Django on Windows
          • Installing Django on UNIX/Linux and Mac OS X
        • Installing a Database System
      • Creating Your First Project
        • Creating an Empty Project
        • Setting up the Database
        • Launching the Development Server
      • Summary
    • 3. Building a Social Bookmarking Application
      • A Word about Django Terminology
      • URLs and Views: Creating the Main Page
        • Creating the Main Page View
        • Creating the Main Page URL
      • Models: Designing an Initial Database Schema
        • The Link Data Model
        • The User Data Model
        • The Bookmark Data Model
      • Templates: Creating a Template for the Main Page
      • Putting It All Together: Generating User Pages
        • Creating the URL
        • Writing the View
        • Designing the Template
        • Populating the Model with Data
      • Summary
    • 4. User Registration and Management
      • Session Authentication
        • Creating the Login Page
        • Enabling Logout Functionality
      • Improving Template Structure
      • User Registration
        • Django Forms
        • Designing the User Registration Form
      • Account Management
      • Summary
    • 5. Introducing Tags
      • The Tag Data Model
      • Creating the Bookmark Submission Form
        • Restricting Access to Logged-in Users
        • Methods for Browsing Bookmarks
        • Improving the User Page
        • Creating a Tag Page
        • Building a Tag Cloud
      • A Word on Security
        • SQL Injection
        • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
      • Summary
    • 6. Enhancing the User Interface with Ajax
      • Ajax and Its Advantages
      • Using an Ajax Framework in Django
        • Downloading and Installing jQuery
      • The jQuery JavaScript Framework
        • Element Selectors
        • jQuery Methods
          • Hiding and Showing Elements
          • Accessing CSS Properties and HTML Attributes
          • Manipulating HTML Documents
          • Traversing the Document Tree
          • Handling Events
          • Sending Ajax Requests
          • What Next?
      • Implementing Live Searching of Bookmarks
        • Implementing Searching
        • Implementing Live Searching
      • Editing Bookmarks in Place
        • Implementing Bookmark Editing
        • Implementing In-Place Editing of Bookmarks
      • Auto-Completion of Tags
      • Summary
    • 7. Voting and Commenting
      • Sharing Bookmarks on the Main Page
        • The SharedBookmark Data Model
        • Modifying the Bookmark Submission Form
        • Browsing and Voting for Shared Bookmarks
        • The Popular Bookmarks Page
      • Commenting on Bookmarks
        • Enabling the Comments Application
        • Creating a View for Comments
        • Displaying Comments and a Comment Form
        • Creating Comment Templates
      • Summary
    • 8. Creating an Administration Interface
      • Activating the Administration Interface
      • Customizing the Administration Interface
        • Customizing Listing Pages
        • Overriding Administration Templates
      • Users, Groups and Permissions
        • User Permissions
        • Group Permissions
        • Using Permissions in Views
      • Summary
    • 9. Advanced Browsing and Searching
      • Adding RSS Feeds
        • Creating the Recent Bookmarks Feed
          • Customizing Item Fields
        • Creating the User Bookmarks Feed
        • Linking Feeds to HTML Pages
      • Advanced Searching
        • Retrieving Objects with the Database API
        • Advanced Queries with Q Objects
        • Improving the Search Feature
      • Organizing Content into Pages (Pagination)
      • Summary
    • 10. Building User Networks
      • Building Friend Networks
        • Creating the Friendship Data Model
        • Writing Views to Manage Friends
          • The Friends List View
          • Creating the "Add Friend" View
      • Inviting Friends Via Email
        • The Invitation Data Model
        • The "Invite a Friend" Form and View
        • Handling Activation Links
      • Improving the Interface with Messages
      • Summary
    • 11. Extending and Deploying
      • Internationalization (i18n)
        • Marking Strings as Translatable
        • Creating Translation Files
        • Enabling and Configuring the i18n System
      • Improving Performance with Caching
        • Enabling Caching
          • Simple Caching
          • Database Caching
          • File System Caching
          • Memcached
        • Configuring Caching
          • Caching the Whole Site
          • Caching Specific Views
      • Unit Testing
        • The Test Client
        • Testing the Registration View
        • Testing the "Save Bookmark" View
      • Deploying Django
        • The Production Web Server
        • The Production Database
        • Turning Off Debug Mode
        • Changing Configuration Variables
        • Setting Error Pages
      • Summary
    • 12. What Next?
      • Custom Template Tags and Filters
      • Model Managers and Custom SQL
      • Generic Views
      • Contributed Sub-Frameworks
        • Flatpages
        • Sites
        • Markup Filters
        • Humanize
        • Sitemaps
        • Cross-site Request Forgery Protection
      • Message System
      • Subscription System
      • User Scores
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Titel: Learning Website Development with Django
  • Autor: Ayman Hourieh, Ayman Hourieh (EUR), Jacob Kaplan-Moss
  • Originaler Titel: Learning Website Development with Django.
  • ISBN: 9781847193360, 9781847193360
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2008-04-11
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3bhc
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing