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Oracle Business Intelligence : The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting. An introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Solutions for business analysis and reporting

Oracle Business Intelligence : The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting. An introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Solutions for business analysis and reporting

Yuli Vasiliev

Eлектронна книга
Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of obtaining business information from available data and today, most businesses use BI to control their affairs. With Business Analysis and Reporting in Oracle Business Intelligence, you can quickly learn how to put the power of the Oracle Business Intelligence solutions to work. To jump start with analysis and reporting of data on an Oracle Business Intelligence SE platform and to keep the process of learning simple and interesting requires numerous annotated examples.The examples in this introductory guide will make you immediately familiar with tools included in the Oracle Business Intelligence package. This book will teach you how to find answers to common business questions and make informed business decisions as well as helping you to use Oracle Business Intelligence SE platform and prepare database for analysis. This practical, example-rich guide starts by explaining concepts behind getting business information from data. We then move smoothly onto the tools included in the Oracle Business Intelligence SE and Oracle Business Intelligence Tools packages. Along the way, we will look at how to take advantage of Discoverer Administrator, Discoverer Plus, and Discoverer Viewer for analysis and reporting. You will also learn how to build, deploy and execute reports using Oracle Reports, and integrate data from different data sources with warehousing, employing Oracle Warehouse Builder software. Covering advanced Oracle Business Intelligence features, this book will teach you how to pivot data, drill it up and down, as well as display it visually in graphs.
  • Oracle Business Intelligence: The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting
    • Table of Contents
    • Oracle Business Intelligence: The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Business Information from Data
      • Data, information, and Business Intelligence
      • The kind of business questions you may need to answer
        • Answering basic business questions
        • Answering probing analytical questions
        • Asking business questions using data-access tools
      • Deriving information from existing data
        • Answering business questions from your data
        • Comparing and analyzing data
      • Accessing transactional and dimensional data
        • Reporting against a transactional database
        • Using historical data
        • Aggregating dimensional data
      • Summary
    • 2. Introducing Oracle Business Intelligence
      • What Oracle Business Intelligence is comprised of
        • Oracle Business Intelligence components
        • Composing a Business Intelligence system
        • Sitting on top of Oracle Database
      • Installing Oracle Business Intelligence software
        • The software you will need
        • Where to get the software
        • Installation process
        • Installing the Oracle Business Intelligence Tools package
        • Post-installation tasks
      • Summary
    • 3. Working with Database Data
      • Using analytic SQL functions
        • Answering simple questions
        • Multidimensional data analysis with SQL
        • Cubing
        • Generating reports with only summary rows
        • Ranking
        • Windowing
        • Accessing external sources
        • Discovering SQL in Discoverer
      • Relational implementation of the dimensional model
        • Database structures behind an EUL
      • Summary
    • 4. Analyzing Data and Creating Reports
      • Analyzing and reporting with Discoverer
        • Preparing your working environment with Discoverer Administrator
        • Exploring the Discoverer Plus IDE
        • Maintaining a business-oriented view of relational data
        • Analyzing data
        • Using Discoverer Viewer
      • Using Oracle Reports
        • Starting up the Reports Server
        • Building reports with Reports Builder
      • Summary
    • 5. Warehousing for Analysis and Reporting
      • Data organization in multidimensional data sources
      • Getting started with Oracle Warehouse Builder
        • Installing Oracle Warehouse Builder
        • Creating a Warehouse Builder repository schema
        • Creating a Warehouse Builder workspace
      • Building dimensional data stores with Oracle Warehouse Builder
        • Launching Design Center
        • Defining source metadata
          • Creating a source module
          • Importing database objects
        • Designing target structures
          • Creating a target module
          • Creating dimensions
            • Creating a Time dimension
            • Creating a Product dimension
            • Creating a Region dimension
          • Creating a cube
        • Building a staging table
        • Creating a staging mapping
        • Loading the staging table with data
        • Creating mappings for loading data into dimensions
          • Creating a product mapping
          • Creating the REGION mapping
        • Creating a cube mapping
        • Deploying
        • Executing
      • Summary
    • 6. Pivoting Through Data
      • Making database data available for use in Discoverer
      • Creating a crosstab worksheet in Discoverer Plus
      • Pivoting worksheet items
        • Creating a calculation
        • Changing the worksheet layout
        • Pivoting using the drag-and-drop feature
      • Summary
    • 7. Drilling Data Up and Down
      • What is drilling?
      • Drilling to a related item
      • Drilling up and down
        • Working with drill hierarchies
        • Drilling down to see data in more detail
        • Drilling up to summarize data at a higher level
      • Drilling from a graph
      • Using the page items area
      • Summary
    • 8. Advanced Analysis and Reporting
      • Using parameters in Discoverer
        • Analyzing worksheets by entering dynamic input values
        • Changing the condition behind a parameter
        • Filtering a worksheet with parameters
      • Conditional formatting
      • Making data easier to analyze with sorting
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Назва: Oracle Business Intelligence : The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting. An introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Solutions for business analysis and reporting
  • Автор: Yuli Vasiliev
  • Оригінальна назва: Oracle Business Intelligence : The Condensed Guide to Analysis and Reporting. An introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Solutions for business analysis and reporting
  • ISBN: 9781849681193, 9781849681193
  • Дата видання: 2010-10-12
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3c5u
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing