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Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5. Build high-quality training simulations using Oracle UPK 3.5 using this book and

Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5. Build high-quality training simulations using Oracle UPK 3.5 using this book and

Dirk Manuel

As the complexity of software applications increases and the length of the implementation life cycles decreases, companies are looking for effective ways of training users in new applications, and the new releases of existing applications. Oracle's User Productivity Kit solves these problems by enabling the rapid creation of software application simulations, which are used for training purposes or to generate business documents. Although UPK provides such advanced features, nothing has been written about this application yet.
This book provides a guided approach to building high-quality, re-functional simulations of tasks performed in software applications. With this book in hand, it is easy for organizations that are implementing or upgrading software to meet their full training and documentation requirements. This book explains how to harness all of the functionality provided by Oracle's User Productivity Kit, formerly known as OnDemand, to develop better quality training. It also covers the advanced topics of customizing UPK's built-in delivery formats, and defining new ones to extend the capabilities of UPK.
This book explains how to make the most of Oracle User Productivity Kit's available functionality to create high-quality simulations. These simulations can be used during instructor-led training, self-directed learning, or refresher training. By following the approach described in this book, you will create world-class training material that your trainees will find useful, engaging, and informative. As a result, they will remember more of what they are taught, and will be better equipped to use the application on which you are training them. In turn, they will become more productive sooner, make fewer mistakes, and require less support. To ensure effective knowledge transfer through training simulations, it is necessary to add a business context to recordings, and to provide additional explanations. This book will teach you more than simple mouse-clicks and keystrokes.
  • Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5
    • Table of Contents
    • Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5
    • Credits
    • About the author
    • Acknowledgment
    • About the reviewer
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code for the book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Oracle User Productivity Kit
      • What is UPK?
        • A brief history of UPK
      • Why use UPK?
        • Instructor-led training
        • Self-paced learning
      • How does UPK work?
        • Output formats
          • Online delivery
            • See It! mode: Demonstrations
            • Try It! mode: Exercises
            • Know It? mode: Tests
            • Do It! mode: Performance support
            • Print It!: Documentation
          • Documentation
            • Training Guide
            • Instructor Manual
            • Job Aid
            • System Process Document
            • Test Document
            • HP Quality Center Test Script
      • Deciding how you will use UPK
        • Choosing delivery formats
        • Styles and standards
        • When to record
        • What to record
      • Summary
    • 2. Organizing your Library
      • Accessing the Library
      • Working in the Developer screen
        • Changing the screen layout
          • The Properties pane
          • The Broken Links pane
          • The Related Documents pane
          • Arranging panes on the screen
        • Changing the information displayed for objects
          • Working with Views
            • Creating a Custom View
      • Choosing a structure for your Library
      • Creating folders
      • Changing the Library structure
      • Summary
    • 3. Recording a Simulation
      • How UPK captures a recording
        • Automatic recording
      • Capturing actions
        • Problematic actions
      • Planning your recording
      • Setting your content defaults
        • General options
        • Options for Bubble Text
        • Options for the Introduction/End Frames
        • Options for String Input
      • Our first recording
        • Creating an empty Topic
        • Recording an empty Topic
        • Recording a Topic immediately
        • The Recorder window
          • The Recorder window for automatic recording
        • Our sample exercise
      • Setting your Recorder options
      • Recording drag-and-drop activities
      • Summary
    • 4. Editing a Topic
      • Understanding the Topic Editor screen
        • The Screenshot pane
        • The Frame Structure pane
        • The Property Editor panes
      • Adjusting actions
        • The Action Properties pane
        • Working with mouse Actions
          • Adjusting Action Areas
          • Adjusting Bubble Text
        • Working with keyboard Actions
        • Working with string input Actions
          • Adjusting the string input action area
          • Adjusting the background color
          • Adjusting the font
          • Controlling what the user can enter
          • Case sensitivity and password fields
      • Changing the Bubble
        • The Bubble Properties pane
        • Changing the Bubble format
          • Changing the Bubble pointer
          • Repositioning the Bubble
          • Changing the size of the Bubble
          • Adding an icon to a Bubble
        • Changing the Bubble Text
          • Template Text versus Custom Text
          • Using Custom Text
          • Choosing which texts are displayed
          • Formatting Bubble Text
          • Tagging Custom Text for different modes
            • A standardized approach to string input Bubble Text
        • Undo
      • Adjusting your recording
        • Adding missing Frames
        • Inserting a No-context Frame
        • Replacing screenshots
        • Re-recording a Topic
        • Editing screenshots
          • Choosing an image editing application
          • Editing a screenshot
        • Deleting Frames
      • Summary
    • 5. Building an Outline
      • Outlines versus the Library
      • Organizing your Topics
      • Building an Outline
        • Step 1: Creating an Outline
        • Step 2: Inserting Outline Elements into an Outline
        • Step 3: Inserting a Topic
        • Step 4: Inserting Topic placeholders
        • Adjusting the Outline
      • Summary
    • 6. Publishing Your Content
      • Pre-publication checks
        • Checking your spelling
          • Changing your spelling options
        • Updating the Glossary links
      • Testing your content
      • Previewing a Topic
      • Publishing your content
        • Publishing contenta generic approach
        • Published folder structure
      • Publishing for online use
        • Creating a Player
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Creating an HTML Web Site
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Creating an LMS Package
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Creating Standalone Topic Files
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
      • Publishing Documents
        • Publishing a System Process document
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Publishing an Instructor Manual
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Publishing a Job Aid
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Publishing a Test Document
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Publishing an HP Quality Center test script
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Publishing a Training Guide
          • Document Properties
          • Publishing options
          • Generated files
          • Example output
        • Automatic publishing
          • Settings files
          • The command line command
          • Publishing via a batch job
      • Integrating published content into other environments
        • Integrating a Topic into a presentation
        • Integrating UPK into your application
          • What is context capturing, and what does it do?
          • SmartMatch and SmartHelp
      • Summary
    • 7. Version Management
      • Checking in a content object
        • UPK Workflow
        • Step 1: Selecting the content objects
        • Step 2: Confirming the scope of the check-in
        • Step 3: Specifying a reason for the change
      • Checking out a content object
        • Cancelling the check-out of a content object
      • Working with document versions
        • Displaying an earlier version
        • Reverting to an earlier version
      • Restoring a deleted document
      • Exporting and importing content
        • Exporting content objects
        • Importing content objects
      • Converting content from a previous version of UPK or OnDemand
      • Summary
    • 8. Allowing Alternatives
      • Adding Alternative Actions
        • Automatically capturing Alternative Actions
      • Alternative Paths and Branches
        • Adding an Alternative Path
          • Changing the end point of an Alternative Path
          • Deleting an Alternative Path
        • Inserting a Decision Frame
        • Inserting a Branch
          • Changing the order of paths
          • Deleting a decision path
          • Decision Frames in See It! mode
          • Decision Frames in Know It? mode
      • Stretching the envelope with Alternative Paths
        • Looping back
        • Automatically responding to user input
      • Summary
    • 9. Adding Value to Your Topics
      • Providing context through the use of Custom Text
        • The Start Frame
          • Introduction Text: Version differences
        • Action Frames
        • The End Frame
        • Explanation Frames
        • Copying and Pasting Frames
      • Putting Web Pages to good use
        • Using Web Pages in the Concept pane
        • Using images in Web Pages
        • Creating independent Web Pages
        • Using Web Pages in Topics
          • Linking via a hyperlink
          • Linking via an icon
        • Linking files through the use of Packages
        • Creating a Package
        • Adding files to a Package
        • Linking a Package into a content object
        • Linking to a URL
      • Using a Glossary
        • Creating a glossary
        • Assigning a Glossary to content objects
        • Regenerating the Glossary links
          • Updating Glossary links after updating the Glossary itself
          • Manually regenerating the Glossary links
        • Generating a stand-alone Glossary
      • Summary
    • 10. Adding Value in the Player
      • Working with roles
        • Defining your roles
        • Assigning roles to Topics
        • Selecting roles in the Player
        • Remembering a trainees selection
        • Publishing for a role
        • Thinking beyond roles
      • Jump-in Points
        • Defining jump-in points
        • Selecting jump-in points in the Player
      • Facilitating effective searches
        • Using Keywords
          • Assigning Keywords to a Topic
      • Allowing trainees to change their Player options
        • Providing training on the Player
          • What to explain
          • How to train on the Player
            • Explain the UPK Player during classroom training
            • Conduct a UPK "show-and-tell"
            • Create a UPK simulation on using the UPK Player
            • Do nothing
      • Summary
    • 11. Incorporating Sound into Your Topics
      • Displaying sound properties for a Frame
      • Setting up your sound options
      • Recording sound files for Template Text
        • Locating the sound files in the Library
      • Recording custom text sound files
      • Importing and exporting sound files
        • Exporting sound files
        • Importing sound files
      • Deleting sound files
      • Publishing sound
        • Sound in the Player
      • Summary
    • 12. Configuring UPK
      • Configuring Template Text
        • Understanding the template file
          • The file header
          • The <Styles> section
          • The <Events> section
          • The <Classes> section
          • The <Defaults> section
          • The <Template> sections
          • The <Keynames> section
          • The <ShiftKeyPrefix> section
          • The <Instructions> section
      • Creating a custom template
        • Taking a copy of an existing template
        • Editing a custom template
        • Customizing the Template Text
          • Customizing the Template Text the "easy" way
        • Using your custom template
          • Using a custom template as the default template
          • Assigning a custom template to existing Topics
      • Defining a new object type
      • Customizing deployment packages
        • Understanding where the deployment formats are defined
        • Creating your own deployment category
        • Customizing the logo
        • Customizing an output style
      • Removing the ability to skip in Try It! mode
      • Customizing document formats
        • Copying an existing document format
        • Customizing the UPK settings
        • Changing a document's contents
      • Summary
    • 13. Localizing Your Content
      • Foreign-language templates
        • Supported languages
        • Foreign-language template format
      • Providing existing content in a foreign language
        • Taking a copy of the existing content
        • Using a foreign-language template
        • Using a foreign-language Deployment Package
        • Translating Custom Text
          • Exporting content for translation
          • Translating via XLIFF
          • Importing a translated file
      • Replacing screenshots with localized versions
      • Re-recording the sound files
      • Summary
    • Afterword
    • A. Installing UPK 3.5
      • Installing the UPK developer environment
      • Accessing UPK for the first time
        • Accessing a stand-alone installation
        • Logging onto a UPK client
      • Installing the Topic Player
      • Summary
    • B. Object Types
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5. Build high-quality training simulations using Oracle UPK 3.5 using this book and
  • Autor: Dirk Manuel
  • Tytuł oryginału: Oracle User Productivity Kit 3.5. Build high-quality training simulations using Oracle UPK 3.5 using this book and eBook
  • ISBN: 9781849680172, 9781849680172
  • Data wydania: 2009-09-30
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3c8h
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing