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Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization. Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites

Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization. Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites

Ben Finklea

The earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. Despite several advantages, many Drupal sites suffer with poor search engine standings. Perhaps you are aware of the importance of SEO for increasing traffic to your site, but do you know how to apply it to your Drupal site? Here comes the first book about search engine optimization for Drupal sites.
This practical, step-by-step guide takes the mystery out of Drupal search engine optimization (SEO) by showing you the tricks of today's top marketing pros to achieve top ranking in the search engines. This isn't a book of Drupal SEO theory ñ it's a practical guide showing you which modules to install, which settings to use, and dozens of the most closely guarded tricks of the trade to get your web site optimized, higher in the search engines, and more profitable.
With this book and basic Drupal 6 knowledge ñ how to log in, create content, and install modules ñ you can build a perfectly search engine optimized web site. Each chapter uses easy, step-by-step instructions to walk you through the Drupal SEO modules, configurations, and content you will need to increase traffic on your web site. You start by reviewing the modules and tools that you should use to optimize your site, how to set up your analytics, and so on. Each subsequent chapter gives detailed instructions on implementing these features in Drupal. Later chapters cover topics like site organization, A/B testing, and automatic content tagging to maximize SEO and increase the conversion rate of your web site. When you have completed the book, you will have implemented the changes to your site required to rank well in the search engines. If you want to maximize the return on investment of your Drupal 6 web site and gain a significant advantage over competitors who are not using Drupal, then this book is for you. Imagine how great you'll feel when your site is optimized to increase the number of visitors and convert them into paying customers.
  • Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization
    • Table of Contents
    • Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. The Tools Youll Need
      • Drupal 6
      • Modules
        • Installing 99% of Drupal modules:
        • Installing the remaining 1% Drupal modules
        • Essential SEO modules
        • Optional SEO modules
        • Non-SEO modules
      • Drupal SEO Checklist module
      • Google Account
        • Setting up a Google Account
      • Analytics
        • Google Analytics
          • Creating a Google Analytics account and installing it on your Drupal site
        • Yahoo! Analytics
      • Google Webmaster Tools
        • Verify your site with Google
        • Google Webmaster Tools settings
          • Preferred domain
            • Set a preferred domain in Google Webmaster Tools
          • Crawl rate
            • Setting the crawl rate in Google Webmaster Tools
      • Understanding search engine crawlers
      • Paid tools
        • CrazyEgg
        • Mint
      • Other Great Tools
        • Installing two browsers
        • Google Toolbar
          • PageRank
            • What is it?
            • How do I get more?
        • SEO for Firefox plugin
        • Yahoo! site explorer
      • Summary
    • 2. Keyword Research
      • What a keyword is
        • Keywords aggregate searchers into organized groups
        • A keyword defines a market
      • Why keyword research is important
      • What your keyword goal is
        • Goal 1: Brand awareness
          • Company brand awareness
          • Product brand awareness
          • Credibility
        • Goal 2: Conversions
          • Transactional
          • Lead Generation
          • Page impression (or ad impression)
      • Keyword research tools
        • Your own web site
          • How to set up the Top Searches module
        • Your competition
          • How to scrape your competitors' web site for keywords
            • The quick way
            • The easy way:
        • Google Adwords Keyword Tool
        • Google Zeitgeist
        • Google Trends
        • SEOmoz
        • Keyword Discovery
        • WordTracker
      • How to pick the best keywords
        • The scenario
        • How to gather a keywords list
        • Picking the right terms
        • Getting rid of the wrong terms
      • Summary
    • 3. On-Page Optimization
      • Page titles
        • The page title module
          • The token module
          • Installing and configuring the page title module
          • Rewriting page titles for individual nodes
        • Writing page titles that Google and your visitors will love
        • Setting up your web site's name
        • Link titles
          • How to edit the title element of your navigation links
      • Make Drupal URLs clean and search engine optimized
        • A brief history of static and dynamic URLs
        • How Drupal handles dynamic URLs
        • Turning on clean URLs in Drupal
        • Optimizing URLs with the Path module
          • How to turn on the Path module
          • How to change a content path
          • Writing optimized URLs
        • Automating paths with Pathauto and Path Redirect
          • Installing Pathauto and Path Redirect
          • Configuring Pathauto
      • Redirects
        • 301 Redirectsthe right way to move content around
          • Installing and configuring Path Redirect
          • How to set up a 301 redirect
        • Global Redirect modulefixing Drupal's duplicate content problems
          • How to install and configure the Global Redirect module
      • Summary
    • 4. More On-Page Optimization
      • Headings
        • HTML Header tags
        • How Drupal handles headings
      • Drupal menus and navigation
        • How to change your navigation
          • Other links in your site
      • Optimize images, video, and other media
        • File name
        • The alt and title attributes
          • Uses of alt and title
        • Text near the media file
      • Meta tags
        • Installing the Meta tags module
        • Configuring the Meta tags module
        • Specifying meta tags for your content
          • Taxonomy meta tags
          • Node meta tags
          • Views meta tags
      • Summary
    • 5. Sitemaps
      • XML sitemaps
        • Setting up the XML Sitemap module
      • Specifying the XML sitemap priority for nodes
      • Submitting your XML sitemap to Google
      • Google News XML Sitemap
        • Setting up the Google News sitemap generator module
        • Submitting your Google News sitemap to Google News
      • URL list
        • Setting up a URL list sitemap
      • Visitor-facing sitemaps
        • Setting up a visitor-facing sitemap
      • Summary
    • 6. robots.txt, .htaccess, and W3C Validation
      • Optimizing the robots.txt file
        • robots.txt directives
        • Pattern matching
        • Editing your robots.txt file
        • Problems with the default Drupal robots.txt file
          • Fixing the Drupal robots.txt file
        • Additional changes to the robots.txt file
        • Adding your XML Sitemap to the robots.txt file
        • Using Google's Webmaster Tools to evaluate your robots.txt file
      • Mastering the .htaccess file
      • W3C markup validation
        • Scanning your site with the W3C HTML Validator
      • Summary
    • 7. RSS Feeds, Site Speed, and SEO Testing
      • Setting up RSS feeds
        • Setting up the Syndication module
        • Adding RSS links to your blog
      • Feel the needthe need for speed
        • Turning on Drupal's built-in caching
        • More speed options
      • Bringing it all together with a free page grading service from SEOmoz
      • Summary
    • 8. Content is King
      • What good content is
      • Write right
        • Short, catchy headlines
          • Grab their attention
          • Get the keywords right
          • Be useful, create urgency, be unique
        • Good body content
          • The base site pages
          • Supplemental pages
      • Search engine optimizing content
        • Keywords
          • Don't stuff keywords
          • Keyword density
        • Freshness
        • Optimizing category pages
        • Bold, strong, and emphasized text
      • What to write about
        • Write for your audience, not the search engines
        • Be timely
          • Google News Alerts
          • Newsreaders are your friends
        • Be yourself
          • Write like you, y' know, talk
          • Write what you know
        • Build relationships
          • Talk about what other people are doing
          • Interact early and often
          • Link to others
        • Don't stop
          • Find inspiration
          • Do a week at a time
      • Using Drupal to organize your content
        • Structure your site hierarchically
          • It keeps things organized
          • Google likes it better
          • It's easier to build keywords into your categories
        • Using taxonomy to organize around the main topics
        • Creating structured URL paths
      • Removing content
      • Summary
    • 9. Taking Control of Your Content
      • Using OpenCalais to tag and organize your content
        • Installing OpenCalais on your Drupal site
        • Using OpenCalais' bulk processing to tag existing content
        • Using OpenCalais to offer 'More Like This' blocks
      • Keeping content compliant with the HTML Purifier module
      • Preventing spam
        • Installing Mollom
        • Monitoring comments
          • Using the Notify module
          • Giving Mollom feedback
      • Summary
    • 10. Increasing the Conversion Rate of Your Drupal Web site
      • What do you want them to do
      • Path to conversion
      • Strong calls to action
        • Phone number
        • Add to cart
        • Contact Us
        • Get a free white paper, watch a demonstration, or download a trial copy
      • Analytics to watch
        • Critical metrics common to all sites
        • Critical e-commerce metrics
        • Critical lead generation metrics
        • Critical ad-driven metrics
        • Secondary metrics worth tracking
        • Using analytics data to make SEO decisions
      • Finding conversion problems with usability testing
        • The design process with usability testing
        • The process for each user
          • On-site testing
        • Remote testing
      • Reporting the results
      • A/B testing with Google Website Optimizer
        • Setting up a Google Website Optimizer account
        • Integrating Google Website Optimizer with Drupal
      • Summary
    • A. 10 SEO Mistakes to Avoid
      • 1. Not tracking or not tracking the right statistics
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 2. Picking keywords that don't produce enough traffic
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 3. Duplicating content
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 4. Changing the node path without creating a redirect
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 5. Spending time on meta tags that don't matter
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 6. A slow Drupal site
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 7. Flash, frames, graphics, and other things are obscuring your site from Google
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 8. Optimizing for your company name
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 9. Not putting contact information on the site
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
      • 10. Not enough links
        • Occurs when
        • Fix by
    • B. A Drupal SEO Checklist
      • Setup
      • Step 1: Keyword Research
      • Step 2: On Page SEO
      • Step 3: Technical SEO
      • Step 4: Content
      • Step 5: Conversions
    • C. Drupal SEO Case Study for Acquia Product Launch
      • About Acquia
      • Problem
      • Solution
      • Results
        • Google ranking
        • Visitors to Acquia.com
    • Index
  • Title: Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization. Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites
  • Author: Ben Finklea
  • Original title: Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization. Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites
  • ISBN: 9781847198235, 9781847198235
  • Date of issue: 2009-09-15
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3c8t
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing