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MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide. A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book and

MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide. A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book and

Johnny Tordgeman

Eлектронна книга
Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive applications for many screens across the Web, desktop, and mobile devices. Silverlight is also a great (and growing) Line-Of-Business platform and is increasingly being used to build data-driven business applications. Silverlight is based on familiar .NET languages such as C# which enables existing .NET developers to get started developing rich internet applications almost immediately. MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide will show you how to prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam.Packed with practical examples and Q&As, MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide starts by showing you how to lay out a user interface, enhance the user interface, implement application logic, work with data and interact with a host platform amongst others.
  • MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Overview of Silverlight
      • What is Microsoft Silverlight
        • Setting up your development environment
      • Introducing XAML
        • Content controls
        • Namespaces
        • Naming your objects
        • Setting properties
      • The Silverlight application model
      • Integrating Silverlight with HTML
        • Using the object tag
        • Using the JavaScript helper files
      • In and out-of-browser support
      • Summary
    • 2. Laying out Our User Interface
      • Arranging content with panels
        • Creating your first Silverlight application
          • Grid
            • Star sizing
            • Absolute sizing
            • Auto sizing
            • Placing content into a grid
            • Changing the grid layout dynamically
          • StackPanel
          • Canvas
            • Setting the Canvas properties from code behind
          • Border
          • ScrollViewer
          • ViewBox
          • Controlling the visibility
      • Using core and content controls
        • Using core controls
          • TextBox
          • TextBlock
          • Buttons
            • Button
            • HyperlinkButton
            • ToggleButton
            • CheckBox
            • RadioButton
        • Using content controls
      • Creating user controls
        • Creating your first user control
      • The navigation framework
        • Adding new pages
        • Navigation events
        • NavigationService
        • The UriMapper class
        • The journal
        • Implementing caching
      • Displaying a collection of items
        • ItemsControl
        • ListBox
        • ComboBox
        • TreeView
        • DataGrid
          • Displaying data in DataGrid
          • DataGrid templating
          • Sorting
      • Playing media files
        • The MediaElement control
        • Digital Rights Management
        • Working with audio files
          • AudioStreamCount and AudioStreamIndex
          • Balance
          • Volume
          • IsMuted
        • Displaying closed captioning
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 3. Enhancing the User Interface
      • Creating or modifying the control styles
        • Styling at the element level
        • Styling at the page level
          • Explicit styling
          • Implicit styling
          • BasedOn styling
        • Styling at the global level
        • Styles hierarchy
      • Creating control templates
        • TemplateBinding
        • Showing the content
          • The ContentPresenter element
          • The ItemPresenter element
        • Attaching the style
      • Creating or modifying data templates
        • Creating your first data template
        • DataForm templates
        • Using UserControl as a data template
      • Manipulating visuals
        • Getting ready
        • Skew transform
        • Rotate transform
        • Scale transform
        • Translate transform
        • Perspective transforms
        • Grouping transformations together
        • Pixel shaders
      • Animating visuals
        • Creating storyboards
        • Controlling the storyboard
        • Repeating and reversing storyboards
        • Implementing easing functions
        • Configuring bitmap caching
      • Implementing behaviors
        • Triggering storyboards by using behaviors
          • Creating your own behavior
      • Managing the visual state
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 4. Implementing Application Logic
      • Handling events
        • Adding events
        • Handling routed events
          • The AddHandler method
      • Consuming services asynchronously
        • Adding your first service reference
        • Configuring service endpoint
        • Handling timeouts
        • Cross-domain networking
      • Working with background threads
        • Spawning a background thread to execute code
        • Creating your first BackgroundWorker
        • Using the Dispatcher object
        • Working with the DispatcherTimer object
      • Working with dependency properties
        • The structure of dependency properties
        • Creating your first dependency property
      • Interacting with attached properties
      • Implementing ICommand
        • Building your first ICommand
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 5. Working with Data
      • Implementing data binding
        • Setting DataContext
        • Binding data sets to controls
        • Binding elements to other elements
        • The INotifyPropertyChanged interface
        • Setting a fallback value
      • Formatting data
      • Creating and consuming value converters
        • Creating your first converter
        • Passing parameters to the value converter
      • Implementing data validation
        • Using exception-based validation
        • Implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface
        • Implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 6. Interacting with the Host Platform
      • Implementing the printing API
        • Creating your first print job
        • Printing multiple pages with page numbers
      • Creating out-of-browser applications
        • Creating your first out-of-browser application
        • Checking network connectivity
        • Displaying toast notifications
        • Checking and updating application versions
        • Displaying HTML content in an OOB application
      • Accessing the isolated storage
        • Increasing the isolated storage size
      • Interacting with the DOM
        • Accessing cookies and query strings
        • Communication between JavaScript and Silverlight
        • Manipulating the HTML DOM
        • Silverlight to Silverlight communication
        • Creating a local communication demo application
      • Accessing the clipboard
      • Reading from and writing to the host filesystem
      • Handling alternative input methods
        • Handling the mouse wheel
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 7. Structuring Applications
      • Creating and consuming resource dictionaries
        • Utilizing sample data for a item template
        • Changing a propertys type
        • Selecting and merging resource dictionaries
        • Merged resource dictionaries
      • Implementing localization and globalization
        • Working with resource files
        • Forcing local
          • Setting the culture using the Silverlight plugin HTML
          • Setting the culture using a converter
      • Handling application-level events
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • 8. Deploying Applications
      • Configuring the Silverlight plugin
        • Passing initialization parameters
        • Setting the plugin size
        • windowless mode
        • Setting a custom splash page
          • Creating your own splash screen
      • Dynamically loading application resources
        • Using assembly caching
        • Downloading and extracting content from ZIP files
      • Creating a client access policy
      • Test your knowledge
      • Summary
    • A. Test Your Knowledge Answers
      • Chapter 2: Laying out Our User Interface
      • Chapter 3: Enhancing the User Interface
      • Chapter 4: Implementing Application Logic
      • Chapter 5: Working with Data
      • Chapter 6: Interacting with the Host Platform
      • Chapter 7: Structuring Applications
      • Chapter 8: Deploying Applications
    • Index
  • Назва: MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide. A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book and
  • Автор: Johnny Tordgeman
  • Оригінальна назва: MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide. A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book and ebook.
  • ISBN: 9781849684675, 9781849684675
  • Дата видання: 2012-06-25
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3caj
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing