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WildFly Performance Tuning. Develop high-performing server applications using the widely successful WildFly platform

WildFly Performance Tuning. Develop high-performing server applications using the widely successful WildFly platform

Anders L Welen, Arnold Johansson

  • 1. The science of performance tuning / concepts
  • 2. Tools of the tuning trade
  • 3. Tuning the Java Virtual Machine
  • 4. The tuning of a WildFly
  • 5. EJB tuning in WildFly
  • 6. Tuning the Persistence layer in WildFly
  • 7. Tuning the Web Container in WildFly
  • 8. Tuning web applications and services
  • 9. HornetQ & JMS
  • 10. Tuning a swarm (cluster) of WildFlies
  • Titel: WildFly Performance Tuning. Develop high-performing server applications using the widely successful WildFly platform
  • Autor: Anders L Welen, Arnold Johansson
  • Originaler Titel: WildFly Performance Tuning. Develop high-performing server applications using the widely successful WildFly platform
  • ISBN: 9781783980574, 9781783980574
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-06-25
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3cc2
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing