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Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text

Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text

Sani Yusuf

Eлектронна книга
Change doesn’t have to be challenging. Sometimes it can be simple – sometimes it just makes sense. With Ionic, mobile development has never been so simple, so elegant and obvious. By helping developers to harness AngularJS and HTML5 for mobile development, it’s the perfect framework for anyone obsessed with performance, and anyone that understands just how important a great user experience really is.

This book shows you how to get started with Ionic framework immediately. But it doesn’t just give you instructions and then expect you to follow them. Instead it demonstrates what Ionic is capable of through three practical projects you can follow and build yourself.

From a basic to-do list app, a London tourist app, to a complete social media app, all three projects have been designed to help you learn Ionic at its very best. From setting up your project to developing on both the server side and front end, and best practices for testing and debugging your projects, you’ll quickly become a better mobile developer, delivering high performance mobile apps that look awesome.

Ionic Framework by Example is for people who don’t want to learn now, build later – it’s for people who want to learn and build at the same time – so they can meet today’s mobile development challenges head on and deliver better products than anyone else.
  • 1. First Look At Ionic
  • 2. To-do List App
  • 3. Running Ionic Apps
  • 4. Ionic Components
  • 5. The London Tourist App
  • 6. Advanced Ionic Components / NG-Cordova
  • 7. Customizing App
  • 8. Building A Simple Social App
  • 9. Connecting to Firebase
  • 10. Roundup
  • Назва: Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text
  • Автор: Sani Yusuf
  • Оригінальна назва: Ionic Framework By Example. Click here to enter text.
  • ISBN: 9781782175414, 9781782175414
  • Дата видання: 2016-01-27
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3ccj
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing