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The Android Game Developer's Handbook. Click here to enter text

The Android Game Developer's Handbook. Click here to enter text

Avisekhar Roy

Gaming in android is an already established market and growing each day. Previously games were made for specific platforms, but this is the time of cross platform gaming with social connectivity. It requires vision of polishing, design and must follow user behavior. This book would help developers to predict and create scopes of improvement according to user behavior.
You will begin with the guidelines and rules of game development on the Android platform followed by a brief description about the current variants of Android devices available. Next you will walk through the various tools available to develop any Android games and learn how to choose the most appropriate tools for a specific purpose.
You will then learn JAVA game coding standard and style upon the Android SDK. Later, you would focus on creation, maintenance of Game Loop using Android SDK, common mistakes in game development and the solutions to avoid them to improve performance. We will deep dive into Shaders and learn how to optimize memory and performance for an Android Game before moving on to another important topic, testing and debugging Android Games followed by an overview about Virtual Reality and how to integrate them into Android games.
Want to program a different way? Inside you’ll also learn Android game Development using C++ and OpenGL. Finally you would walk through the required tools to polish and finalize the game and possible integration of any third party tools or SDKs in order to monetize your game when it’s one the market!

  • 1. Overview of Android Game Development
  • 2. Exploring different Android Platforms
  • 3. Understanding Different Android Development Tools
  • 4. Android Development - Styles and Standards
  • 5. Understanding Game Loop and Frame Rate
  • 6. Gaining performance of 2D/3D Games
  • 7. Working with Shader
  • 8. Optimization of Memory and Performance
  • 9. Test Code and Debugging
  • 10. Scopes for Android in VR Games
  • 11. Android game Development using C++ and OpenGL
  • 12. Polishing Android Games
  • 13. Third Party Integration, Monetisation and Services
  • Title: The Android Game Developer's Handbook. Click here to enter text
  • Author: Avisekhar Roy
  • Original title: The Android Game Developer's Handbook. Click here to enter text.
  • ISBN: 9781785886669, 9781785886669
  • Date of issue: 2016-08-19
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3ccn
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing