E-book details

iAd Production Beginner's Guide. Create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness

iAd Production Beginner's Guide. Create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness

Ben Collier

Think of an iAd as a micro-app contained within an app on a user's iPhone or iPad that they've downloaded from the App Store. When the user taps your advert's banner it bursts into life filling the entire screen of their device.
iAd Beginner's Guide takes you through the start to finish process of building rich, compelling, interactive iAds. You will learn to create beautiful multi-page ads with store finders, social sharing, 3D images and video galleries.
You will create ads that utilize the powerful technologies in the iPhone to make your brand shine. Once you have engaged the user you can carry out targeted advertising campaigns with location-based coupons, store finders and social engagement. Using the iTunes Store you will see how it's even possible to add one-click digital content purchasing right within your ad. Learn how iAd producer manages all the HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 behind your iAd. You will be creating emotive, gripping and effective mobile advertising campaigns in no time.
  • iAd Production
    • Table of Contents
    • iAd Production
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewer
    • www.PacktPub.com
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Time for action heading
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz heading
        • Have a go hero heading
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started with iAd
      • Learning what an iAd is
        • Understanding problems with existing mobile advertising
      • Discovering what makes an iAd awesome
      • Describing the anatomy of an iAd
        • Understanding the banners role
          • Using different banner types
            • Static image banner
            • Dynamic HTML5 banner
        • Transitioning into the ad
          • Slide transition
          • Reveal transition
        • Making loading interesting with the splash page
        • Exploring the core ad unit
      • Understanding your iAd
        • Structuring with HTML
        • Styling with CSS3
        • Interacting with JavaScript
        • Arranging the files
      • Using tools to create and test iAds
        • Introducing iAd Producer
        • Testing with the iOS Simulator and the iAd Tester app
        • Speeding development with iAd for Developers
      • Joining the developer program
        • Using the right hardware
          • You've got a Mac
      • Time for action checking your Mac
        • What just happened?
      • Time to get a Mac
        • Becoming a registered developer
      • Time for action signing up for the developer program
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 2. Preparing Your Content for Mobile
      • Including media in iAds
      • Overcoming mobile constraints
        • Designing for the small screen
        • Delivering content when download speeds are limited
          • Complying with file size restrictions
      • Working with images
        • Understanding the different image formats
        • Resizing an image
      • Time for action cropping images using Preview
        • What just happened?
        • Cropping a section from an image
      • Time for action cropping a selection
        • What just happened?
        • Removing solid background colors
      • Time for action removing solid colors
        • What just happened?
        • Speeding up our image downloads
      • Time for action optimizing an image
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz understanding images
        • Have a go hero editing your own images
      • Including audio
        • Converting your audio
      • Time for action converting an mp3 to work on iOS
        • What just happened?
      • Incorporating video
        • Converting your video
      • Time for action encoding a video
        • What just happened?
        • Fine tuning your video
          • Video content
          • Your video's audio
          • Video dimensions
          • Video durations
        • Have a go hero keeping in the guidelines
        • Pop Quiz audio and video
      • Summary
    • 3. Making Your iAd
      • Getting iAd Producer
      • Time for action installing iAd Producer
        • What just happened?
      • Working with iAd Producer
        • Launch screen
        • Default ad
        • Template selector
        • Asset Library
        • Ad canvas
      • Setting up your ad
      • Time for action creating a new project
        • What just happened?
      • Getting the resources
      • Building your banner
      • Time for action making the banner
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero writing good banner text
      • Time for action changing the background
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero learning about CSS3 gradients
      • Time for action adding an image
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action supporting all orientations
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz making banners
      • Making a splash
      • Time for action making the splash screen
        • What just happened?
      • Previewing the ad
      • Time for action testing your iAd
        • What just happened?
      • Adding a menu
      • Time for action making a menu
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero menu pages
      • Building the core ad pages
        • Inserting an image gallery
      • Time for action making the image gallery
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero cover flow gallery
        • Shaking a view
      • Time for action shake shake shake
        • What just happened?
        • Letting users find our stores
      • Time for action store finder
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz iAd Producer
      • Summary
    • 4. Making Sure It Works
      • Testing in Safari
      • Time for action going on Safari
        • What just happened?
      • Testing in the simulator
        • Installing Xcode and the iOS Simulator
      • Time for action installing Xcode with the Mac App Store (easy)
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action installing Xcode manually (harder)
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action opening an ad
        • What just happened?
        • Interacting with the simulator
      • Time for action simulating hardware in the simulator
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz the iOS Simulator
      • Time for action simulating different devices
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Testing on the device
        • Installing iAd Tester
      • Time for action putting iAd Tester on your devices
        • What just happened?
        • Accessing your development iAd
          • Copying to a device
      • Time for action exporting our iAd
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action copying our ad to the device
        • What just happened?
          • Testing on the device
      • Time for action testing the ad
        • What just happened?
          • Wireless testing
      • Time for action wireless deployment
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero securing iAd Producer
      • Submitting your ad
      • Time for action publishing on the network
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz when to test on what
      • Tackling common problems
        • Validating your ads
      • Time for action validating your iAd
        • What just happened?
        • Troubleshooting common issues
          • Warnings about the file size of images
          • Slow performance
          • Imported images appear small
          • iAd tester doesn't show any ads
      • Time for action checking the network you're connected to
        • What just happened?
      • Sharing a demo
        • Taking screenshots
      • Time for action taking a screenshot
        • What just happened?
        • Recording a screen cast
      • Time for action lights, camera, action
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero creating a demo
        • Sharing an ad
      • Summary
    • 5. Templates and Objects
      • The templates
        • Creating a banner from a template
      • Time for action creating a banner
        • What just happened?
          • Exploring other banner templates
      • Using splash screens and preroll videos
      • Time for action prerollin'
        • What just happened?
        • Alternative splash screen templates
          • Bouncing, dropping, and rotating
          • The Wave template
        • Have a go hero
      • Using the menu templates
      • Time for action making the menu
        • What just happened?
        • Trying the available menu templates
        • Pop Quiz menu
      • Creating more pages
      • Time for action pages
        • What just happened?
        • Highlighting the notable page templates
          • Interacting with images: Cover Flow
          • Using a 3D gallery: Grid View
          • Revealing info with: Flip View
        • Have a go hero
      • Creating more advanced styles
        • Using style presets
      • Time for action where's your style?
        • What just happened?
        • Changing states
      • Time for action what a state!
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz styles and states
      • Going beyond templates with objects
      • Time for action adding objects
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Time for action more objects
        • What just happened?
      • Tweaking the transitions
      • Time for action transitions
        • What just happened?
      • Adding some animation
      • Time for action animations
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz animations and transitions
      • Finishing touches
        • Have a go hero touched up
      • Summary
    • 6. Ad Destinations and Actions
      • Opening external websites
      • Selling digital products
      • Time for action downloading an app from our ad
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action getting iTunes Store IDs
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action fixing our ad
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz digital downloads
      • Advanced store finders
      • Time for action adding a store finder
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action hidden pages
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Sending a message
      • Time for action sending the message
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 7. Building for the Big Screen
      • Creating an iPad iAd
      • Time for action setting up an iPad project
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action adding a banner to your iPad ad
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Filling the screen with HTML5 full screen banners
      • Time for action providing multiple banner creatives
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action creating an immersive video experience
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action testing full screen banner situations
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz banners
        • Have a go hero improving your banners
      • Making massive menus
      • Time for action combining objects to create a unique menu
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Creating a grand gallery
      • Time for action making memories in a gallery
        • What just happened?
      • Scrolling content with a scroll view
      • Time for action scrolling content in our ad
        • What just happened?
      • Increasing footfall with a store finder
      • Time for action adding the store finder
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Summary
    • 8. Enhancing Our App with Code
      • JavaScript
        • The code editor
      • Accessing page objects
      • Time for action accessing an object
        • What just happened?
      • Handling user events
        • Sending SMS and e-mails
      • Time for action detecting a tap and sending an e-mail
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Time for action adding something extra to our e-mail
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
        • Pop Quiz variables
      • Adding a calendar entry
      • Time for action using the calendar
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Playing audio
      • Time for action controlling an audio player
        • What just happened?
      • Tweeting with Twitter
      • Time for action tweeting the tweet
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • The debugger
        • Error checking syntax
        • Using the debugger
        • Coding conventions
        • Have a go hero
      • Summary
    • 9. Managing a Successful iAd Campaign
      • Finding your audience
        • Targeting
          • Contextual advertising
          • Behavioral targeting
          • iAd targeting
      • Pricing models
        • Cost per Millie (CPM)
        • Pay per Click (PPC)
          • Flat rate PPC
          • Bid PPC
        • Cost per Action (CPA)
        • iAd's pricing model
      • Measuring success
      • Time for action viewing the logs
        • What just happened?
      • Customizing the logs
      • Time for action customizing the logs
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action using sections
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz naming your ad's sections
        • Have a go hero analytics
      • Going live
        • Have a go hero test submission
      • Tracking the campaign
      • Summary
    • 10. Adding iAds into Your App
      • Setting up the base project
      • Time for action a placeholder app
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action running on the device
        • What just happened?
      • Adding the banner to your view
      • Time for action adding the banner
        • What just happened?
      • Handling orientation changes
      • Time for action you spin me right round
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz
      • Handling no available ads
      • Time for action ban the banner
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Time for action clean the code
        • What just happened?
      • Summary
    • 11. Tracking Revenue and Fallbacks
      • Enabling live ads
        • Accepting the contract
      • Time for action signing the dotted line
        • What just happened?
        • Enabling your ads
      • Time for action enabling ads
        • What just happened?
      • Monitoring your income
        • Revenue
        • Impressions
        • Requests
        • Fill-rate
        • eCPM
        • Click-through rate
      • Time for action analysing earnings
        • What just happened?
        • Pop Quiz earning learnings
      • Fallbacks
      • Time for action adding another ad
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero
      • Summary
    • A. Pop Quiz Answers
      • Chapter 2, Preparing Your Content
      • Chapter 3, Making Your iAd
      • Chapter 4, Making Sure it Works
      • Chapter 5, Templates and Objects
      • Chapter 6, iAd Destinations
      • Chapter 7, Building for the Big Screen
      • Chapter 8, Creating Interactive Ads
      • Chapter 9, Managing a Successful iAd Campaign
      • Chapter 10, Adding iAds into Your App
      • Chapter 11: Tracking Revenue and Fallbacks
    • Index
  • Title: iAd Production Beginner's Guide. Create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness
  • Author: Ben Collier
  • Original title: iAd Production Beginner's Guide. Create motion-rich, beautiful iAd adverts for iOS devices and incorporate techniques to help boost revenue and brand awareness.
  • ISBN: 9781849691338, 9781849691338
  • Date of issue: 2012-02-23
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3cdp
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing