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Lucene 4 Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes to quickly and effectively integrate Lucene into your search application

Lucene 4 Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes to quickly and effectively integrate Lucene into your search application

Edwood Ng, Vineeth Mohan

  • 1. Introducing Lucene
  • 2. Analyzing your text
  • 3. Indexing your Data
  • 4. Searching your indexes
  • 5. Near Real-time Searching
  • 6. Querying and Filtering Data
  • 7. Flexible Scoring
  • 8. Scaling your Searches
  • 9. Extending Lucene with Modules
  • Titel: Lucene 4 Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes to quickly and effectively integrate Lucene into your search application
  • Autor: Edwood Ng, Vineeth Mohan
  • Originaler Titel: Lucene 4 Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes to quickly and effectively integrate Lucene into your search application
  • ISBN: 9781782162292, 9781782162292
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2015-06-26
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3cjj
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing