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Oracle Modernization Solutions. A practical book and eBook guide to planning and implementing SOA Integration and Re-architecting to an Oracle platform

Oracle Modernization Solutions. A practical book and eBook guide to planning and implementing SOA Integration and Re-architecting to an Oracle platform

Jason Williamson, Tom Laszewski

Eлектронна книга
  • Oracle Modernization Solutions
    • Table of Contents
    • Oracle Modernization Solutions
    • Credit
    • About the Authors
    • About the Co-Authors
    • Preface
      • What This Book Covers
      • What You Need for This Book
      • Who is This Book For
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
      • Customer Support
        • Downloading the Example Code for the Book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to Legacy Modernization
      • What We Wont Cover
        • Methodology and Estimation
        • The Modernization Marketplace and Why Modernize
        • Deep Dive on Approaches
      • Overview of the Modernization Options
        • Legacy Understanding
          • Application Portfolio Analysis (APA)
            • APA Macroanalysis
            • APA Microanalysis
            • Application Portfolio Management (APM)
        • Re-Architecturing
        • SOA Integration
        • Platform Migration
          • Automated Migration
          • Re-Hosting
            • Re-Hosting Based Modernization
        • Data Modernization
          • Legacy Adapters
        • Replacement
      • Business Value What Really Matters?
      • Summary
    • 2. Overview of SOA Integration
      • Integrating SOA into a Legacy Framework
      • Drivers for SOA Integration
        • Considerations for SOA Enablement
      • Where to Begin a Word on Application Discovery
        • Assessment Process: Bringing it together
        • Summary
    • 3. SOA Integration Functional View, Implementation, and Architecture
      • SOA Integration: Functional View
      • SOA Integration: Technical View
        • User Interface
        • Legacy Service Bus (LSB) and Application Server
        • Legacy Services Engine (LSE)
          • LSE Components
            • Connectivity and Processing Engine
              • SQL Engine
          • Optional LSE Components
            • Orchestration
            • Security
            • Caching
          • LSE Development
          • LSE Implementation/Deployment
            • LSE Server Location
            • Legacy Artifacts
            • Metadata Repositories
        • Other Technical and Business Aspects
          • Scalability
          • Performance
          • Failover
          • Transaction Processing
          • Governance
          • Human Factors
          • Agility and Adaptability of Architecture
          • Host Support
      • SOA Integration
        • Implementation Options
          • Roll My Own
          • Buy a Bunch of Products and become an Integrator
          • One Pre-Integrated Stack
          • Implementation Approach
        • Phases in the Implementation Cycle
          • Understanding the Business Drivers
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Determine Business Processes to Expose
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Install/Configure the Software
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Expose Legacy Artifacts
          • Integrate Services into the application server
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Security and Governance
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Performance and Scalability
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Production Rollout
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
          • Monitor Usage and Refine
            • Products and Technologies Used in this Phase
        • SOA Integration Top Four Scenarios and Oracle Solutions
          • Oracle Products Included in the Solution
          • Oracle Products Not Included in the Solution
        • Scenario One Enterprise Information Integration
            • Problem
            • Context
            • Forces
            • Solution
          • Scenario One Summary
          • Scenario Two Web Enablement
            • Problem
            • Context
            • Forces
            • Solution
          • Scenario: Two Summary
        • Scenario Three Report Off-Load Using Data Migration
            • Problem
            • Context
            • Forces
            • Solution
            • Scenario Three: Summary
            • Oracle BAM
            • Oracle BPEL
            • Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
            • Oracle BI
        • Scenario Four: End-to-End SOA
            • Problem
            • Context
            • Forces
            • Solution
          • Scenario Four: Summary
            • Oracle WebCenter
            • Oracle BAM
            • Oracle ESB
            • Oracle OID and SSO
      • SOA Integration Final Product Summary
      • IBM and Legacy SOA Integration
      • Summary
    • 4. SOA Integraton Scenario in Detail
      • Oracle Software Required
      • UML and Database Diagrams
        • Deployment Diagram
        • Use Case Diagram
        • Activity Diagram
        • Sequence Diagram
        • Data Model Diagram
      • Which Legacy Artifacts Should I Expose? Using the Relativity Product Set
        • Application Layers Understanding Relativity Terminology
        • Understanding an Artifact's Place in the Architecture
          • Vertical Slices
          • Horizontal Slices
        • Understanding Anomalies
          • Client Programs with Data Access
          • Calling Client Programs
          • Calling Transitional Programs
          • Impure Service Programs
        • Other Anomalies that Need Remedial Action
          • Data Validation Problem
          • The Problem of Transient or Temporary Data Queues
        • Finding the Service Functionality Relativity SOA Analyzer Product
          • Starting from Screens
          • Looking for Special Program Constructs
        • The Case of Mixed Programs Program 'Slicing'
        • Determining the Data Interface
        • Summary Legacy Artifact Discovery Using Relativity
      • Exposing the Legacy VSAM File Data Access
        • Connecting to Oracle Connect on Mainframe and Setting Connection Properties
        • Oracle Connect Data Source
        • Oracle Connect Adapter
      • Development Using Oracle JDeveloper
        • Prework
        • Application Modules
          • Presentation-Tier/User Interface HTML Page
        • Legacy Web Service VSAM Adapter Service
        • Two-Phase Commit
        • Oracle Database Persistence
      • Deploying to the Oracle Application Server
        • Configuring Oracle Application Server for the Legacy Adapter
        • Configuring Oracle Application Server Oracle Database Connection
        • Deploying to Oracle Application Server Using JDeveloper
      • Running the Example
        • Running the application
      • Summary
    • 5. Overview of Re-architecturing
          • What is Re-Architecture?
        • Drivers and Considerations for Re-Architecture
              • Platform Agility
              • Human Factors to Consider in a Re-Architecture Project
        • How IBM Views Re-Architecture
              • IT/Technical Drivers and Considerations
              • Getting Off the Mainframe
              • Creating a Flexible, Adaptable, and Agile Architecture
        • Advanced Development Tools
              • Technical Considerations for a Re-Architecture Effort
            • Subject Matter Experts (SME)
            • Risk of Modernization
            • System Performance
            • Usability/Training
        • Re-Architecture versus Re-Host
        • Re-Architect Deep Dive
          • No Ripping and Replacing
        • Pros and Cons
          • Pros
          • Cons
      • Summary
    • 6. Re-Architecture Functional View, Implementation, and Architecture
      • Technical Advantages of Re-Architecture
        • Application Maintenance
        • Enterprise Information Integration (EII) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
        • Architected for the Internet
        • Scalability
        • Availability
        • Greater Software Options
        • On Demand Reporting
        • Security
      • Overcoming Barriers to Change
        • Custom Integration Applications and Utilities
        • Custom Workflow
        • Custom ETL
        • Undisciplined Development
      • Decoupling the Application-Tiers
        • Presentation-Tier
            • Business Rules
        • Data Access
            • Workflow/Business Process Flow
      • Re-Architecture is Happening
      • Re-architecture Functional View
        • A Technical Perspective of the Functional View
        • Other Components of the Functional Infrastructure
        • Re-architecture Optional Software Components
      • Implementation Process: Common Attributes, Approach for Batch, and Online Processes
        • Top Three Re-Architecture Approaches
          • Three "Iterative-Phased" Approaches (IPA)
            • Data Migration
            • Business Processes and Application Logic
            • Move Standalone Application
        • Re-archtecture Modernization Life Cycle
          • Life-Cycle Caveats
            • Application Portfolio Analysis Completed
            • Life Cycle compared to Legacy SOA Integration Life Cycle
            • "Big Bang" and Parallel Production
            • The Human Element
            • Training
        • Re-Architecture Phases
          • Discovery/Recovery
          • Design Target Architecture
          • Install and Configure Oracle Software and Hardware
          • Model Target Application
          • Development Iterations
          • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
          • Performance Scalability
          • Production Roll out
          • Running in Parallel
          • Unplug the Legacy Application
        • Using a Modernization Factory for Re-Architecture Implementation
      • Final Architecture Common Oracle Products for Batch and Online
      • Hardware, Operating System, and IBM
      • Summary
    • 7. Batch Systems Re-architecture Technical Deep Dive
      • Historical Reasons for Batch
      • Requirements of a Batch System
        • Top Five Batch Patterns
          • Multi Record Type Files Pure Batch File Processing
          • Transaction Processing Pure Autonomous Transactions
          • Administrative Batch Backup, Archiving
          • Reporting 'Green Bar', Exception Handling, Error Handling
          • Third-Party Interfaces Internal and External Information Integration
      • Technical View
        • Optional Products
        • Job Scheduler and BPEL Compared
      • Implementation Process
      • Recovery/Discovery Approaches
        • Methodology
          • Best practices
          • Tooling
        • Re-Design/Re-Factoring Approaches
          • The Top-Down Approach
          • The Bottom-up Approach
          • The Hybrid Approach
        • Repositories
          • Relativity Repository
          • Scheduler Repository
          • OWB Repository
          • ADF/OFM Repositories
            • ADF
            • OFM SOA Suite for BPEL
            • OFM SOA Suite Business Rules
        • Re-Design/Re-Factoring for each Legacy Artifact Group
          • Green Bar Reports
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
          • Job Scheduler UML Process Flow
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
          • Business Flows
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
          • COBOL Business Rules
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
          • COBOL Data Access Logic
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/Re-Factor
          • Database and database schema
            • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/Re-Factor
          • Target Generation
        • Oracle Implementation Tools and Source to Target Mapping
          • Summary of Tools and Frameworks
          • Source to Target Artifact Mapping
      • Final Oracle Batch Architecture
        • Scenario Description
          • New Batch Design Pattern(s) in Oracle
      • Summary
    • 8. Online Systems Re-architecture Technical Deep Dive
      • History and Evolution of Online Systems
      • History of SOA and SaaS
      • Top Five Online Patterns
        • COBOL/CICS Applications Accessing VSAM and DB2 Databases
          • COBOL and CICS
          • DB2
          • VSAM
            • COBOL, IMS/DC, or IMS/TM Applications Accessing IMS/DB Database
          • IMS/DC and IMS/TM
            • IMS/DB (IMS Database)
        • COBOL, CICS, Assembler Applications Talking to Datacom or IDMS Database
            • Datacom
            • IDMS (Integrated Data Management System)
            • Assembler
        • PL/I and CICS Applications Making Use of VSAM and DB2 as Data Store
        • NATURAL and COBOL Applications Accessing an ADABAS Database
            • ADABAS (Adaptable DAta BAse System)
            • Natural
      • Technical View
        • Infrastructure Unique to Re-architecture
          • Single Management Tool
          • Single Security Model
        • Development Tools
        • Metadata Repositories
          • Enterprise Information Integration (EII)
          • Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
        • Transactions
        • Infrastructure Not Required for Legacy SOA Integration
          • UI Navigation
          • Java EE Applications (EJB, Java, POJO, JSP, Servlets, JSF)
          • Relational Database
          • Grid Infrastructure (Grid Computing)
          • Backup and Recovery
        • Technologies Not Necessary for Legacy SOA Integration
          • Business Rules
          • Data and Business Services
        • Technical View Infrastructure Components
          • Capacity Planning Tools
            • Chargeback and Accounting Solutions such as CA (JARS)
          • Application Development Tools
          • Testing Tools
            • Reporting
            • High Speed Printing and Viewing
            • Data Archiving
            • Disaster Recovery
          • Tape Management
          • Human Error Recovery
            • Internationalization
          • Network Architecture/Protocol
            • Reliability, Availability, and Scalability
      • Implementation Process Online Systems
        • Presentation/User Interface
          • Recovery/Discovery
            • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
        • UI Navigation
          • Recovery/Discovery
          • Re-Design/ Re-Factor
      • Oracle Implementation Tools and Source to Target Mapping
        • Summary of Tools and Frameworks
        • Development Life Cycle Support Tools
        • Source to Target Artifact Mapping
      • Final Oracle On-line Architecture
        • Scenario Details
        • New Online Design Pattern in Oracle
          • Presentation
          • UI Navigation
          • Application Server
          • Information and Business Services
          • Relational Database
      • Summary
    • 9. Re-Architecture Scenario in Detail
      • Oracle Software Required
      • UML and Screen Flow Diagrams
      • Source Application
      • Oracle Target Architecture
      • Application Mining Using Relativity
        • Mining the User Interface and Navigation-Tiers
          • Capturing the Legacy User Interface
          • Legacy User Interface Discovery
          • Screen Navigation Discovery
          • Forward Engineering
        • Mining Business Rules
          • Prerequisites
          • Identifying the Business Rules
          • Using Pattern Search
          • Searching Validation Rules
          • Using Backward Auto-Detection
          • Putting it Together
      • Forward Engineering into Oracle and Java EE
      • Producing the Target User Interface and Navigation
      • Running the Presentation-Tier Mock-up in Oracle Application Server
          • Deploying to the Oracle Application Server
          • Running the Application
      • Producing the Target Business Rules
        • Creating the Rules Repository and Dictionary
        • Creating Ruleset
        • Java Fact Adding the Java Fact Class to the Rules Author
        • Adding the Rule
          • Calling the Business Rules from Java EE and BPEL
          • Automatic Business Rules Generation Using Java Code
      • Data Migration A Quick, Easy, and a Cost-Effective Approach
      • Summary
    • 10. Introduction to Re-Host based Modernization Using Tuxedo
      • Re-Hosting Based Modernization
      • Critical Success Factors in Mainframe Re-hosting
        • Preserving Application Logic and Data
        • Online Transaction Processing Environment
        • User Interface Migration
        • Workload Monitoring and Management
        • Batch Jobs
      • Files and Databases
        • Mainframe DB2
        • IMS
        • VSAM
      • Meeting Performance and Other QoS Requirements
      • Phased Migration and Mainframe Integration
      • SOA Enabling Re-hosted Applications
      • Further Re-architecture of Re-hosted Applications
      • Summary
    • 11. Legacy Modernization The Future
        • Green Computing
        • Standards Organizations
          • Object Modeling Group (OMG)
              • Record Type (COBOL)
          • WC3
        • Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
          • Challenges with the Traditional Approach
          • The MDA/MDM Approach
        • Cloud Computing
            • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
        • Grid Computing
          • Virtualization
          • Application Fabrics
      • Extreme Processing
      • Summary
    • A. Technology Glossary
      • Common Legacy Acronyms
        • Acronyms and Initials
      • PCI Security Standards
    • Index
  • Назва: Oracle Modernization Solutions. A practical book and eBook guide to planning and implementing SOA Integration and Re-architecting to an Oracle platform
  • Автор: Jason Williamson, Tom Laszewski
  • Оригінальна назва: Oracle Modernization Solutions. A practical book and eBook guide to planning and implementing SOA Integration and Re-architecting to an Oracle platform
  • ISBN: 9781847194657, 9781847194657
  • Дата видання: 2008-09-19
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_3cl5
  • Видавець: Packt Publishing