E-book details

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example. Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications

Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example. Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications

Stefan Bjornander

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example
    • Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewer
    • Preface
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader Feedback
        • Customer Support
        • Downloading the Example Code for the Book
        • Errata
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction to C++
      • The Compiler and the Linker
      • The First Program
      • Comments
      • Types and Variables
        • Simple Types
        • Variables
        • Constants
        • Input and Output
        • Enumerations
        • Arrays
        • Pointers and References
        • Pointers and Dynamic Memory
        • Defining Our Own Types
        • The Size and Limits of Types
        • Hungarian Notation
      • Expressions and Operators
        • Arithmetic Operators
        • Pointer Arithmetic
        • Increment and Decrement
        • Relational Operators
        • Logical Operators
        • Bitwise Operators
        • Assignment
        • The Condition Operator
        • Precedence and Associativity
      • Statements
        • Selection Statements
        • Iteration Statements
        • Jump Statements
        • Expression Statements
      • Functions
        • Void Functions
        • Local and Global Variables
        • Call-by-Value and Call-by-Reference
        • Default Parameters
        • Overloading
        • Static Variables
        • Recursion
        • Definition and Declaration
        • Higher Order Functions
        • The main() Function
      • The Preprocessor
      • The ASCII Table
      • Summary
    • 2. Object-Oriented Programming in C++
      • The Object-Oriented Model
      • Classes
        • The First Example
          • Car.h
          • Car.cpp
          • Main.cpp
        • The Second Example
          • BankAccount.h
          • BankAccount.cpp
          • Main.cpp
      • Inheritance
        • Person.h
        • Person.cpp
        • Student.h
        • Student.cpp
        • Employee.h
        • Employee.cpp
      • Dynamic Binding
        • Main.cpp
        • Person.h
        • Person.cpp
        • Student.h
        • Student.cpp
        • Employee.h
        • Employee.cpp
        • Main.cpp
      • Arrays of Objects
      • Pointers and Linked Lists
        • Stacks and Linked Lists
          • Cell.h
          • Cell.cpp
          • Main.cpp
          • Stack.h
          • Stack.cpp
          • Main.cpp
      • Operator Overloading
        • Rational.h
        • Rational.cpp
        • Main.cpp
      • Exceptions
        • Exception.cpp
      • Templates
        • TemplateCell.h
        • TemplateStack.h
        • Main.cpp
      • Namespaces
      • Streams and File Processing
        • TextStream.cpp
        • Input.txt
        • Output.txt
        • BinaryStreams.cpp
      • Summary
    • 3. Windows Development
      • Visual Studio
      • The Document/View Model
      • The Message System
      • The Coordinate System
      • The Device Context
      • The Registry
      • The Cursor
      • Serialization
      • Summary
    • 4. Ring: A Demonstration Example
      • The Application Wizard
      • Colors and Arrays
        • RingDoc.h
      • Catching the Mouse
        • RingView.cpp
        • RingView.cpp
        • RingDoc.h
        • RingDoc.cpp
      • Drawing the Rings
        • RingView.cpp
      • Setting the Coordinate System and the Scroll Bars
        • RingView.cpp
        • RingView.cpp
        • RingView.cpp
        • RingDoc.h
        • RingView.cpp
      • Catching the Keyboard Input
        • RingView.cpp
      • Menus, Accelerators, and Toolbars
        • RingDoc.h
        • RingDoc.cpp
        • RingDoc.cpp
        • RingDoc.cpp
      • The Color Dialog
        • RingDoc.cpp
      • The Registry
        • RingDoc.cpp
      • Serialization
        • RingDoc.cpp
        • RingDoc.cpp
      • Summary
    • 5. Utility Classes
      • The Point, Size, and Rectangle Classes
      • The Color Class
        • Color.h
        • Color.cpp
      • The Font Class
        • Font.h
        • Font.cpp
      • The Caret Class
        • Caret.h
        • Caret.cpp
      • The List Class
        • List.h
      • The Set Class
        • Set.h
        • Set.cpp
        • Set.h
      • The Array Class
      • Error Handling
        • Check.h
        • Check.h
      • Summary
    • 6. The Tetris Application
      • The Tetris Files
        • The Square Class
          • Square.h
        • The Color Grid Class
          • ColorGrid.h
          • ColorGrid.cpp
        • The Document Class
          • TetrisDoc.h
          • TetrisDoc.cpp
        • Th e View Class
          • TetrisView.h
          • TetrisView.cpp
      • The Figure Class
        • Figure.h
        • Figure.cpp
      • The Figure Information
        • FigureInfo.cpp
        • The Red Figure
        • The Brown Figure
        • The Turquoise Figure
        • The Green Figure
        • The Yellow Figure
        • The Blue Figure
        • The Purple Figure
      • Summary
    • 7. The Draw Application
      • Draw.cpp
      • The Resource
      • The Class Hierarchy
      • The Figure Class
        • Figure.h
        • Figure.cpp
      • The TwoDimensionalFigure Class
        • TwoDimensionalFigure.h
        • TwoDimensionalFigure.cpp
      • The LineFigure Class
        • LineFigure.h
        • L ineFigure.cpp
        • Line Figure.cpp
        • LineFigure.cpp
      • The ArrowFigure Class
        • ArrowFigure.h
        • ArrowFigure.cpp
      • The RectangleFigure Class
        • RectangleFigure.h
        • RectangleFigure.cpp
        • RectangleFigure.cpp
      • The Ell ipseFigure Class
        • EllipseFigure.h
        • EllipseFigure.cpp
      • The TextFigure Class
        • TextFigure.h
        • TextFigure.cpp
      • The FigureFileManager Class
        • FigureFileManager.h
        • FigureFileManager.cpp
      • The Document Class
        • DrawDoc.h
        • DrawDoc.cpp
      • The View Class
        • DrawView.h
        • CDrawView.cpp
      • Summary
    • 8. The Calc Application
      • Calc.cpp
      • The Resource
      • Formula Interpretation
        • The Tokens
          • Token.h
        • The Reference Class
          • Reference.h
          • Reference.cpp
        • The ScannerGenerating the List of Tokens
          • Scanner.h
          • Scanner.cpp
        • The ParserGenerating the Syntax Tree
          • Parser.h
          • Parser.cpp
        • The Syntax TreeRepresenting the Formula
          • SyntaxTree.h
          • SyntaxTree.cpp
      • The Spreadsheet
        • The CellHolding Text, Value, or Formula
          • Cell.h
          • Cell.cpp
        • The Cell MatrixManaging Rows and Columns
          • CellMatrix.h
          • CellMatrix.cpp
        • The Target Set Matrix Class
          • TSetMatrix.h
          • TSetMatrix.cpp
      • The Document/View Model
        • The Document Class
          • CalcDoc.h
          • CalcDoc.cpp
        • The View Class
          • CalcView.h
          • CalcView.cpp
      • Summary
    • 9. The Word Application
      • Word.cpp
      • The Resource
        • The Line
          • Line.h
          • Line.cpp
        • The Position
          • Position.h
          • Position.cpp
        • The Paragraph
          • Paragraph.h
          • Paragraph.cpp
      • The Page
        • Page.h
        • Page.cpp
      • The Document Class
        • WordDoc.h
        • CWordDoc.cpp
      • The View Class
        • WordView.h
        • CWordView.cpp
      • Summary
  • Title: Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example. Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications
  • Author: Stefan Bjornander
  • Original title: Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example. Code and explanation for real-world MFC C++ Applications
  • ISBN: 9781847195579, 9781847195579
  • Date of issue: 2008-06-26
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3cmy
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing