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IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide. Learn to administer a reliable, secure, and scalable environment for running applications with WebSphere Application Server 8.0

IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide. Learn to administer a reliable, secure, and scalable environment for running applications with WebSphere Application Server 8.0

Steve Robinson

Administrators require a secure, scalable, and resilient application infrastructure to support the development of JEE applications and SOA services. IBM’s WebSphere Application Server is optimized for this task, and this book will ensure that you can utilize all that this tool has to offer with the exciting new features of IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0.IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide is fully revised with details of the new functionality of WebSphere Application Server 8.0, including the new installation GUI, managed deployment, and HPEL. With this book in hand, you will be equipped to provide an innovative, performance-based foundation to build, run, and manage JEE applications and SOA services.IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 has been tuned for higher performance out of the box, and numerous enhancements have been made to give you as an administrator more options for increasing runtime performance. This book will allow you to utilize all of these features, including HPEL logging and disabling WebSphere MQ Messaging. You will be taken through how to configure and prepare WebSphere resources for your application deployments, and by the end of IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide, you will be able to successfully manage and tune your WebSphere 8.0 implementation.
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • Copyright
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • Acknowledgement
    • About the Reviewers
          • Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
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    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the example code
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. WebSphere Application Server 8.0: Product Overview
      • What is WebSphere Application Server?
      • Why choose IBM WebSphere Application Server?
      • Enhancements and capabilities
        • Support for industry standards
        • New features
        • Reference table for supported standards
      • Architecture and internals
        • JEE 6 Server architecture model
          • Java EE containers
            • Applet container
            • Web container
            • EJB container
            • Application client container
      • Inside WebSphere Application Server
        • JVM
        • Web container
        • EJB container
        • Virtual hosts
        • Environment settings
        • Resources
        • JNDI
        • Application file types
      • WebSphere Application Server terminology
        • Runtime binaries
        • Profiles
        • Cells
        • Nodes
        • Servers
      • WebSphere Application Server products
        • Product editions
        • Related Product editions
      • Supported OS
      • Summary
    • 2. Installing WebSphere Application Server
      • Installation planning
        • Installation scenarios
        • Profile types
      • Preparation and prerequisites
        • Windows installation prerequisites
        • Linux installation prerequisites
          • Installing as root on Linux
          • Filesystem preparation for Linux
      • Graphical installation
        • Part 1Installing the base binaries
          • Downloading WAS 8
          • Downloading IBM Installation Manager
          • Installing IIM
          • Installing WAS using IBM Installation Manager
          • Verifying the installed binaries
          • Installation logs
          • Agent data location
        • Part 2Creating a WAS profile
          • First steps console
        • Profile Manager Tools (PMT) logs and files
          • Logs
          • Files
      • Administrative console
      • Uninstalling WAS
        • Manually deleting profiles
        • Uninstalling WAS using IIM
        • Uninstalling WAS using command line
      • Silent installation
        • Installing packages silently using Installation Manager
          • Recording a response file
            • Command-line options for recording
            • Running a recording
        • Installing in silent mode using a response file
          • Command-line options for installing
          • Running the silent install
      • Silent profile creation
      • Summary
    • 3. Deploying your Applications
      • Deploying an application
      • Starting and stopping your applications
      • Data access applications
        • Data sources
        • Preparing for Oracle
          • Installing Oracle XE
        • JDBC providers
          • Creating a JDBC provider
          • Creating a J2C alias
          • Creating a data source
      • Deploying a data access application
        • Mapping modules to servers
        • Providing JSP reloading options for web modules
        • Mapping shared libraries
        • Mapping resource references to resources
        • Mapping virtual hosts for web modules
        • Mapping context roots for web modules
        • Reviewing the deployment steps
      • Using the application
        • Overview of Derby
        • Derby JDBC
        • Managing Derby
          • Starting Derby
          • Stopping Derby
        • Creating tables in Derby
        • Adding a Derby JDBC data source
          • Creating a Derby JDBC provider
          • Creating a Derby JDBC data source
          • Creating a new JAAS for Derby data source
          • Changing an applications data source
      • Business-level applications
        • Importing assets
        • Creating a BLA
      • Monitored deployments
        • Uninstalling the DefaultApplication.ear file
        • Global deployment settings
        • The MonitoredDeployableApps folder structure
        • Drag and drop deploy
        • Controlling monitored deployments
          • Creating a template properties file
      • Summary
    • 4. Security
      • JEE security
      • Global security
        • Global security registry types
        • Turning on global security
        • Local operating system
          • Creating a Linux user and group
          • Creating a Windows user
          • Completing the security wizard
        • Standalone LDAP
          • Sample directory tree
          • LDAP object classes
          • Configuring an LDAP registry in WebSphere
            • LDAP security settings
        • Security.xml
        • Administrative roles
        • Mapping users and groups to administrative roles
      • Federated repositories
        • Adding new users to a realm
      • Security domains
        • Security domain attributes
        • Creating a security domain
          • Preparing a local operating system registry
          • Creating a security domain
      • LTPA overview
        • LTPA configuration
          • Steps for importing and exporting LTPA keys
        • Managing SSL
        • Certificates and Certificate Authorities
        • Key stores and trust stores
        • Managing Key stores and certificates
          • Chained certificates
        • Monitoring certificate expiration
        • Creating certificate requests
        • Receiving a certificate request
        • Setting Cell or Node SSL aliases
      • Summary
    • 5. Administrative Scripting
      • Automation
      • The ws_ant tool
        • Uninstalling the HR application
        • Deploying an application using ws_ant
        • Managing an application using ws_ant
      • The wsadmin tool
        • Interactive commands
        • Individual commands
          • Linux command-line example
          • Windows command-line example
        • Profile scripts
        • Command script files
        • Listing installed applications with Jython
          • Installing an application using Jython
          • Querying application status
        • Configuring the wsadmin tool
      • Configuring applications using properties files
        • Extracting properties from an existing application
          • Extracting properties using wsadmin
        • Deleting an application using a properties file
        • Installation using a properties file
        • Updating applications using a properties file
      • Configuring monitored deployment with properties
        • Creating a properties file for monitored deployment
      • Managing system configuration using properties files
      • Command assistance
      • Summary
    • 6. Server Configuration
      • WAS file structure
        • The WAS filesystem
          • Product binaries file structure
          • The profile file structure
      • XML configuration files
        • Cell level XML files
        • Node level XML files
        • Server level XML files
      • Important properties files
        • The soap.client.props file
        • The sas.client.props file
        • Encoding property files
      • Logs and trace
        • JVM log files
        • Configuring logs and trace
          • Diagnostics trace
          • JVM logs
            • Changing log styles
          • Process logs
          • IBM service logs
          • NCSA access and HTTP error logging
          • NCSA access logging
          • Error logging
          • NCSA and HTTP error log considerations
        • FFDC logs
        • Viewing JVM logs
          • Viewing logs in the Administrative console
          • Viewing logs on the filesystem
      • High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL)
        • Configure HPEL logging
        • Configure HPEL trace
        • Configure HPEL text log
        • Common HPEL settings
        • HPEL summary
        • HPEL log location
        • Viewing HPEL logs
          • View the JVM logs from the Administrative console
          • View the JVM logs in the machine that they are stored in
      • JVM settings
        • Changing JVM settings using the Administrative console
      • Class loaders
        • Class loading basics
        • WAS class loaders
          • Application server class loader
          • Configuring server class loaders
            • Classloader policy
            • Class loading mode
          • Application class loader
          • Configuring application class loaders
            • Class loader order
            • WAR class loader policy
          • Web module class loader
          • Configuring module class loading
            • Class loader order
          • Class loading isolation
      • Summary
    • 7. WebSphere Messaging
      • Java messaging
        • Java Message Service
          • JMS features
          • JMS concepts
            • Point-to-point or queuing model
            • Publish and subscribe model
      • JMS API
      • WebSphere messaging
        • Default JMS provider
        • WebSphere Service Integration Bus
        • Creating a SiBus
        • Bus members
          • Adding bus members
        • Configuring JMS
          • Creating queue connection factories
          • Creating queue destinations
            • Reviewing the queue destination
          • Creating topic connection factories and destinations
        • Installing the JMS demo application
        • JMS Test Tool application
      • SiBus message reliability
        • Preparing a data store
          • Generating the SQL to create data store tables
            • Steps for generating DDL
          • Creating a JDBC datasource
        • Configuring the SiBus to use a data store
      • WebSphere MQ Messaging
        • WMQ case study in action
          • Installing WebSphere MQ
          • Running the WMQ installer
          • Creating a queue manager
        • Creating a WMQ connection factory
        • Creating a WMQ queue destination
        • Reconfiguring the JMS application
      • Disabling WebSphere MQ
        • Disabling MQ through the Administrative console
        • Disabling WMQ using wsadmin
        • Enabling MQ
      • WebSphere MQ link
      • Configuring MQ link
        • Configuring a SiBus for MQ link
        • Creating a queue destination for testing
        • Creating a foreign bus and MQ link connection
          • Viewing MQ link details
          • Viewing channel definitions
        • Preparing WMQ for MQ link
        • Sending a message to WebSphere from WMQ
      • Summary
    • 8. Monitoring and Tuning
      • Using Tivoli Performance Viewer
        • Enabling Tivoli Performance Viewer
          • Enabling PMI
          • Key TPV categories
          • Summary reports
          • Key performance modules
        • Starting Tivoli Performance Viewer
          • TPV console panel
          • Monitoring example
          • TPV Logging
      • PMI for external monitoring
      • Request metrics
        • Enabling request metrics
          • Components to be instrumented
          • Trace level
          • Request metrics destination
          • Request metrics in SystemOut.log
        • Retrieving performance data with PerfServlet
      • Dynamic caching
      • JVM tuning
        • JVM core and heap dumps
          • Requesting a Java core dump using Jython
          • Requesting a heap dump using Jython
          • Analyzing a Java core (thread) dump
          • IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java
          • Installing the JCA tool
          • Generate a Java core dump to view the thread lock
        • Other analysis tools
        • Setting the initial and maximum heap sizes
          • Tuning your heap size
      • Summary
    • 9. Administrative Features
      • The administrative agent
        • Creating an administration profile
          • Profile Management Tool
          • Starting the administrative agent
          • Administrative agent console
          • Registering an application server node
        • Creating a second application server node
      • Removing the administrative agent
      • IBM HTTP Server
        • Starting IBM HTTP Server
      • The WebSphere plugin
        • Installing the WebSphere plugin
          • Accessing an application via IHS
            • Updating plugin-cfg.xml
          • Manually configuring the plugin
            • Manually creating a web server definition
        • Configuring SSL for IHS and the WebSphere plugin
          • Creating a self-signed SSL certificate
          • Adding SSL to the IHS virtual host configuration
      • Configuring virtual hosts
        • Updating an existing virtual host definition
      • Summary
    • 10. Administration Tools
      • Dumping namespaces
        • Example name space dump
      • EAR expander
      • IBM Support Assistant
        • Downloading the ISA workbench
        • Installing the ISA workbench
        • Launching ISA
        • Adding add-on tools
        • Analyzing log files
        • Loading symptom catalogs
      • Summary
    • 11. Product Maintenance
      • Understanding updates
      • Product update types
      • Update process overview
      • Preparing for updates
      • Creating a backup
      • Locating updates
        • Fix Central
      • Update Installers
        • Downloading the Update Installer
        • Installing the Update Installer
        • Downloading updates
        • Applying an update using the Update Installer
      • Silent updates
      • Logs
      • Troubleshooting tips
        • Problem: Silent Install
          • Resolution: Silent Install
        • Problem: GUI Install
          • Resolution: GUI Install
        • Problem: Installation wizard fails
          • Resolution: Installation wizard fails
        • Problem: Installation wizard hangs
          • Resolution: Installation wizard hangs
      • Summary
    • Index
  • Titel: IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide. Learn to administer a reliable, secure, and scalable environment for running applications with WebSphere Application Server 8.0
  • Autor: Steve Robinson
  • Originaler Titel: IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide. Learn to administer a reliable, secure, and scalable environment for running applications with WebSphere Application Server 8.0
  • ISBN: 9781849683999, 9781849683999
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2011-10-03
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3cpa
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing