E-book details

Flask Blueprints. Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications

Flask Blueprints. Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications

Joel Perras

  • 1. Starting on the Right Food: Using Virtualenv
  • 2. Small to Big: Growing the Flask Application Structure
  • 3. Snap: The Code Snippet Sharing Application
  • 4. “Socializer” social feed/timeline application
  • 5. Shutterbug” photo stream application with simple photo filters
  • 6. Hublot” github repository statistics viewer
  • 7. Dinnerly – Recipe Sharing
  • Title: Flask Blueprints. Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications
  • Author: Joel Perras
  • Original title: Flask Blueprints. Dive into the world of the Flask microframework to develop an array of web applications
  • ISBN: 9781784397340, 9781784397340
  • Date of issue: 2015-11-27
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3cpo
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing